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Le b.a.-ba des transferts monétaires : tout ce que vous devez savoir

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201 – 220 sur 407 résultats

Mainstreaming Gender-Based Violence Considerations in Cash-Based Interventions: A Case Study from Lower Juba, Somalia


This case study provides an overview of assessment and monitoring activities
conducted by the Women’s Refugee Commission and Adeso to mainstream GBV considerations within Adeso’s CBI in Lower Juba.


برمجة التحويلات النقدية في السياقات الصعبة: دراسة حالة حول برمجة التحويلات النقدية والمخاطر في اليمن 2015-2018


اليمن من أكثر البلدان ضعفاً في العالم، وقد عانى طويلاً من الفقر وعدم الاستقرار والضعف. النزاع الذي اندلع منذ أواخر عام 2014، وبشكل أكثر تحديداً منذ مارس 2015، ترك 22 مليون...


Mainstreaming Gender-Based Violence Considerations in Cash-Based Interventions: A Case Study from Zinder, Niger


This case study provides an overview of assessment and monitoring activities undertaken by the Women’s Refugee Commission and Save the Children to mainstream gender-based violence (GBV) considerations in Save the Children’s cash-based intervention (CBIs) in Zinder. Key findings, learning and...


برنامج التحويلات النقدية في السياقات الصعبة: دراسة حالة عن برنامج التحويلات النقدية والمخاطر في اليمن 2015-2018 – ملخص


اليمن من أكثر البلدان ضعفاً في العالم، وقد عانى طويلاً من الفقر وعدم الاستقرار والضعف. النزاع الذي اندلع منذ أواخر عام 2014، وبشكل أكثر تحديداً منذ مارس 2015، ترك 22 مليون...


Marco Global Para la Acción

Guía y herramientas

Este marco proporciona un resumen consolidado de los principales compromisos y recomendaciones hechas para mejorar los programas de transferencias monetarias† en la respuesta humanitaria durante 2015 y 2016. Agrega el contenido central de: la Gran Negociación (Grand Bargain), los 10 Principios de ECHO,...

1 octobre 2017

Cadre stratégique pour l’action

Guides et outils

Un resumé consolidé des engagements pris pour les Transferts Monétaires

1 octobre 2017

How We Built a Global Action Agenda to Enable Digital Payments in Humanitarian Response

Blog Post

In recent years, digital payments have emerged as an essential, high-impact tool for humanitarian response. They can enable humanitarian responders to quickly reach people with assistance, and in ways that provide both short- and long-term benefits to those in need, such as access to safe and portable...

8 août 2017

Libya Cash and Markets Working Group (CMWG) Advocacy and Communications Plan


The Libya Cash & Markets Working Group (CMWG) Strategic Framework & 2017 Workplan outlines ‘communication and advocacy’ as a ‘deliverable’ for supporting ‘HC/HCT decision making’.
Throughout March & April 2017, the CMWG Steering Committee used a series of tools as part of a seven-step process...

August 2017

Conflict-sensitive Cash Transfers: Unintended negative consequences


Risks associated with cash transfer programmes in fragile contexts include theft, diversion, corruption, security, targeting, misuse by beneficiaries and inflationary effects. However, the literature indicates that – while different – these risks are no greater than those associated with other forms...

August 2017

Cash Transfers for Food Security in Epidemics


The report is divided into five chapters. The introduction provides a brief overview of the study’s objectives, data collection methods and a snapshot of the context in Liberia and Sierra Leone. The second chapter describes USAID/FFP’s response to the Ebola crisis with a particular focus on CTP....

June 2017

Cash alone is not enough: a smarter use of cash

Guidelines and Tools

Cash based interventions (CBIs) enable crisis affected  people to make choices and prioritise their own needs. They also support markets critical to survival and recovery of communities.  NRC is committed to increasing the use of cash across its programmes. Yet, cash based interventions are not a...


The Impact of Cash Transfers on Women and Girls


This briefing summarises the findings on the impacts of cash transfers on women and girls. These are drawn from a rigorous review of the evidence looking at the impacts of cash transfers across six outcome areas (Bastagli et al., 2016). The review covered literature spanning 15 years (2000–2015). It...


Cash Transfers During Urban Crises: Lessons for Women’s Economic Empowerment

Guidelines and Tools

Cash transfers are increasingly used in urban humanitarian crises. They can stimulate markets and let people choose the help they actually need. But they can also influence gender equality and women’s economic empowerment — for good or, potentially, for bad. This briefing reports research in Nepal...


CTP in the Ethiopia Drought Response: Using Learning to Shape Action


This workshop, convened by the CALP Network and the Ethiopia Cash Working Group, reflected on the use of cash transfers in the 2017 drought response. Key findings were: Cash helped address immediate needs and contributed to meeting some of the drought response objectives. There were significant...


Enacting urban cash for work programmes in Lebanon in response to the Syrian refugee crisis

Guidelines and Tools

Humanitarian crises in cities require responses that reflect the urban context,address urban challenges, and provide urbanised solutions. This paper focuses on providing guidance on good practice in cash for work (CfW) programmes. Focusing on Lebanon and the Syrian refugee crisis, the paper provides nine...


Checking Back – Using Cash and Vouchers in Somalia: Recommendations from the 2011-12 Somalia Drought Response


This paper brings together recommendations from some of the key reports and evaluations from the 2011 Somalia drought response. The process of preparing this paper involved reviewing 17 reports and identifying five that had recommendations which could be useful for all agencies involved the current...


Real time evaluation report for Kenya Red Cross Society


After launching of its first Drought Emergency Appeal, Kenya Red Cross Society undertook a real time evaluation of its cash transfer response in May 2017 to find out what was working or not working in the KRCS emergency cash transfer response to enable decision making in the remaining period of the...


Using Cash and Vouchers in Somalia in 2017: The Need to Build on Learning from the 2011-12 Somalia Drought Response


During the 2011-12 drought response in Somalia, cash and vouchers were distributed at scale – a response that was unusual in such a context at that time. In 2017 cash is accepted as highly appropriate and is a major part of response plans. While it may not always be possible to apply all best...


Le b.a.-ba des transferts monétaires : tout ce que vous devez savoir

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