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121 – 140 sur 318 résultats
Review of Food for Peace Market-Based Emergency Food Assistance Programs: Sierra Leone Case Study Report
Sierra Leone represents a remarkable experiment in market-based emergency programming using unconditional cash transfers and some conditional cash transfers Sierra Leone reflects the challenges of providing food assistance in the wake of a major infectious disease epidemic. Food insecurity increased due...
Vale Electrónico – Programación basada en efectivo de vales electrónicos
Guía y herramientas
El vale electrónico ofrece la posibilidad de:
– Entregar programas en efectivo a los beneficiarios mediante transferencia de cupones electrónicos.
– Permite el seguimiento digitalizado completo de las transacciones.
– Aumenta la seguridad de las transferencias.
– Delversión de valor y dignidad...
Reviewing the Linkages between Gender, Market Assessments and Market-based Interventions
From ‘Collected Papers on Gender and Cash Transfer Programmes in Humanitarian Contexts’. Existing gender inequalities mean that disasters and conflicts impact women, men, girls and boys differently. Cash based assistance is one of the most significant developments in humanitarian assistance in recent...
Review of Food for Peace Market-Based Emergency Food Assistance Programs: Zimbabwe Case Study Report
Zimbabwe reflects the recent Southern African drought crisis during a period of a regional El Niño-related drought and a national cash crisis. The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Office of Food for Peace (FFP) funded a mix of programming between fiscal years 2011 and 2015,...
Gender and Cash Transfers: Implications of Intrahousehold Decision Making on Nutrition of Women and Children in Ethiopia
From ‘Collected Papers on Gender and Cash Transfer Programmes in Humanitarian Contexts’. Existing gender inequalities mean that disasters and conflicts impact women, men, girls and boys differently. Cash-based assistance is one of the most significant developments in humanitarian assistance in recent...
Tackling the Integration of Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Response and Cash-Based Interventions
From ‘Collected Papers on Gender and Cash Transfer Programmes in Humanitarian Contexts’. Existing gender inequalities mean that disasters and conflicts impact women, men, girls and boys differently. Cash based assistance is one of the most significant developments in humanitarian assistance in recent...
Humanitarian Cash Transfer Programming and Gender-based Violence Outcomes: Evidence and Future Research Priorities
From ‘Collected Papers on Gender and Cash Transfer Programmes in Humanitarian Contexts’. Existing gender inequalities mean that disasters and conflicts impact women, men, girls and boys differently. Cash based assistance is one of the most significant developments in humanitarian assistance in recent...
Cash-Based Programming in South Sudan
This rapid review provides a synthesis of evaluations and learning reviews of cash-based programming in South Sudan. There is evidence that in South Sudan the cash-based programming help poor households address food needs and nutrition; and by injecting funds from vouchers, paid work, or grants into the...
Human(itarian) Capital? Lessons on Better Connecting Humanitarian Assistance and Social Protection
Governments in low- and middle-income countries are increasingly investing in social protection, and also address many of their own people’s “humanitarian” needs themselves. For their international partners, who may have an important role in filling gaps when household needs exceed national capacity...
E-Voucher – Electronic Voucher – Cash Based Programming
Guidelines and Tools
Last Mile Mobile Solutions, LMMS E-Voucher Electronic Solution
The Electronic Voucher provides the ability to:
– Deliver cash programmes to beneficiaries through transfer of electronic vouchers
– Enables full end-to-end digitalized tracking of transactions
– Increases security of the transfers
Comment les transferts monétaires et alimentaires et la création d’actifs peuvent contribuer à l’autonomisation des femmes : leçons apprises au Niger, au Kenya et au Zimbabwe
La relation entre le genre et l’assistance monétaire dans les contextes humanitaires
est mal comprise. Les interventions sont bien trop souvent définies à partir de suppositions plutôt que de faits réels.
Afin de comprendre comment l’assistance monétaire est bénéfique à tous, les acteurs de...
Examen des liens entre le sexe, les évaluations du marché et les interventions
La relation entre le genre et l’assistance monétaire dans les contextes humanitaires
est mal comprise. Les interventions sont bien trop souvent définies à partir de suppositions plutôt que de faits réels.
Afin de comprendre comment l’assistance monétaire est bénéfique à tous, les acteurs de...
Le genre et les transferts monétaires : Répercussions de la prise de décisions au sein des ménages sur la nutrition des femmes et des enfants en Éthiopie
La relation entre le genre et l’assistance monétaire dans les contextes humanitaires
est mal comprise. Les interventions sont bien trop souvent définies à partir de suppositions plutôt que de faits réels.
Afin de comprendre comment l’assistance monétaire est bénéfique à tous, les acteurs de...
More Phones, More Transfers? A case study from Save the Children’s Emergency Food Security Program using Mobile Money in Bari, Nugaal, & Hiran Regions of Somalia
In 2016-2017, with funding from USAID/FFP, Save the Children implemented a project targeting over 10,000HH the Bari, Nugaal, and Hiran regions of Somalia with monthly cash transfers using Mobile Money a partnership with Golis and Hormuud. The project sought to improve the food security situation in the...
Libya Cash and Markets Working Group (CMWG) Advocacy and Communications Plan
The Libya Cash & Markets Working Group (CMWG) Strategic Framework & 2017 Workplan outlines ‘communication and advocacy’ as a ‘deliverable’ for supporting ‘HC/HCT decision making’.
Throughout March & April 2017, the CMWG Steering Committee used a series of tools as part of a seven-step process...
Discussion Note: Building Evidence and Developing Guidance on Operational Models for CTP
This discussion note summarises the CALP Network’s proposed approach to developing guidance for donors and operational agencies to assess the suitability of different operational models for CTP, by context. The note lays out the current debate relating to different forms of collaboration for CTP, and...
Early Lessons Learnt from Cash Transfer Interventions in Post Matthew Haiti
This technical report has twofold purposes, firstly to describe the main international evidence on cash transfer programing pertinent for the Haitian post Matthew emergency context; and secondly, to document the main lessons that can be learnt from the UNDP post Matthew cash transfer intervention. The...
MEB and Transfer Value Guide
Guidelines and Tools
This document is the harmonized Minimum Expenditure Basket (MEB) and transfer value of the Libya Cash & Markets WG (CMWG) for April – June 2017 (Q2). Currently the data available is only enough to inform calculations for Libyans (IDPs and host).
Kenya Red Cross Society’s – Cash and Voucher Programming Process
Guidelines and Tools
The document has been developed to highlight the general process that Kenya Red Cross Society uses when implementing Cash and Voucher programs/operations. Its a summarized version of Kenya Red Cross Society’s Standard Operating Procedure.
Partnering with Mobile Network Operators in Zimbabwe to Deliver Cash Transfers
This case study seeks to investigate and document the following: The process of engagement between MNOs and CARE. Clarity of roles between CARE/WVI as implementing agencies and MNOs. Successes and challenges in the partnership between CARE/WVI and the MNOs Measures taken to manage the impact of the...