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201 – 220 sur 316 résultats
Notas de orientación sobre transferencias monetarias y medios de vida- Africa Occidental
Guía y herramientas
A raíz de los debates sobre el papel de las transferencias monetarias en el fortalecimiento de la resiliencia, la creciente aceptación de las transferencias en efectivo como herramienta intersectorial se ha visto acompañada de una mejor comprensión de este enfoque y de su potencial para romper el...
Voucher and Fair Implementation Guide
Guidelines and Tools
Mercy Corps’ Voucher and Fair implementation Guide provides clear, step-by-step guidelines for teams implementing cash, restricted cash, or commodity voucher programmes. Written for an internal audience, the Guide may also be useful for peer agencies.
Guidelines on Cash Transfers and Livelihoods – Latin America
This document, like the learning workshop that took place in Guatemala City on 16th and 17th November 2015, focuses primarily on the context in Central America. Due to the profile of the participants and the complex problems of the region (the Dry Corridor, high exposure to hurricanes, high levels of...
Rapport de l’atelier d’apprentissage " Être prêt pour les transferts monétaires"
Guides et outils
Malgré une évolution rapide et dynamique de la mise en oeuvre des transferts monétaires en Afrique de l’Ouest, le manque de préparation des acteurs ne permet pas l’optimisation du potentiel de la modalité. Ainsi, l’échelle des interventions demeure limitée, la combinaison de modalités...
Cash in Emergencies Toolkit
Guidelines and Tools
Access Toolkit Here Cash transfer based programming (CTP) is an effective and flexible way to support people affected by emergencies, maintaining their dignity and choice, while fostering local economies. CTP includes all forms of cash and voucher-based assistance. The Cash in Emergencies Toolkit has been...
Philippines Haiyan Response – A multi-sectoral review of the use of market analysis and the design and implementation of CTPs
Following Typhoon Haiyan, which hit the Philippines on November 8 2014, at least 45 aid agencies chose to implement Cash Transfer Programming (CTP) to assist the more than 16 million people affected. Cash transfers were a logical approach in a country with developed market systems, strong financial...
Electronic Cash Grants in Emergencies: Approaches and lessons learned
Cash distributions in an emergency: A concept that seems so obvious today yet has only recently gained recognition within humanitarian response programming for its speed, efficiency and—above all—effectiveness. This document provides a snapshot for humanitarian response peers on best practices,...
Coordination des Transferts Monétaires aux Philippines: Examen des enseignements tirés lors des interventions d’urgence suite au Super Typhon Haiyan
Les cinq dernières années ont été marquées par la tendance au recours accru aux transferts monétaires comme modalité d’interventions en situations d’urgence dans l’ensemble du secteur humanitaire. La fongibilité des transferts monétaires, dès lors qu’ils sont effectués sans restriction,...
Cash Transfer Programming: Feasibility and appropriateness in the context of IOCC´s humanitarian response to refugee and migrants´ crisis in Greece [Kos and Chios Island]
This paper aims at assessing the feasibility and appropriateness of cash transfers programming (CTP) within the operational areas of International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) and their humanitarian response activities to the refugees and migrants´crisis on the Greek Islands Chios and...
Nepal Earthquake Response: Lessons for operational agencies
In the aftermath of the April 2015 earthquake in Nepal, this paper looks at lessons drawn from previous comparable disasters and seeks to provide invaluable information and assistance to the operational agencies responding to the crisis. Seventeen Lessons give an overview of important learnings based on...
Guide de mise en œuvre d’e-transfert
Guides et outils
Le Guide de mise en œuvre d’e-transfert a été créé pour les membres de l’équipe de Mercy Corps qui envisagent d’utiliser – ou qui utilisent déjà – les e-transferts pour apporter l’aide aux participants au programme. Les chapitres 1 et 2 donnent un aperçu des étapes nécessaires à...
The CALP Network CTP Competence Framework
Guidelines and Tools
The CALP Network Competence Framework identifies core competences relating to CTP throughout the project cycle. This framework builds on the Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement (RC/RCM) CTP Competency Framework, and uses a similar project-cycle approach to that of RC/RCM framework. This framework also...
Research to Identify the Optimal Operational Set-up for Multi-Actor Provision of Unconditional Cash Grants to Syrian Refugees in Lebanon: Final report and recommendation
This report contains the findings and recommendations from a 30 day research project commissioned by the cash working group (CWG) based in Lebanon, and more specifically the team tasked with the operational set-up. The Avenir research project team was engaged to identify the optimal operational set-up for...
Cash for Work Programmes Standard Operating Procedures – Lebanon
Guidelines and Tools
The document intends to define the roles of responsibilities of all the actors involved in the Cash for Work activities being developed by Action Contre la Faim (ACF) and its partners in Lebanon.
Household Response to Income Changes: Evidence from an unconditional cash transfer program in Kenya
This paper studies the response of poor rural households in rural Kenya to large temporary income changes. Using a randomized controlled trial, households were randomly assigned to receive unconditional cash transfers of at least USD 404 from the NGO GiveDirectly. We designed the experiment to address...
The CALP Network Level 2 Training – Module 3 – Selecting, designing and implementing CTPs
Guidelines and Tools
The objective of the Level 2 training is to strengthen the capacity of humanitarian actors in cash transfer programme design and implementation, to share recent research and learning, and encourage advocacy, institutionalisation and coordination in cash transfer programming (CTP). This training follows...
Les programmes de transfert monétaire sont-ils prêts pour l’avenir ? Résumé du rapport final
Le présent résumé expose les résultats d’un travail de recherche mené en 2013 intitulé « Les programmes de transfert monétaire sont-ils prêts pour l’avenir ? ». Cette recherche a été commandée par le Cash Learning Partnership (the CALP Network) et menée par le Humanitarian Futures...
Cruz Roja de Filipinas Proyecto piloto de preparación para la elaboración de programas de transferencias monetarias
La Federación Internacional trabajó con las Sociedades Nacionales de los cuatro países piloto entre mayo de 2012 y diciembre de 2013 para que estas pudieran ejecutar programas de transferencias monetarias a amplia escala con el fin de atender las necesidades de socorro con mayor celeridad y en...
Preventing Acute Malnutrition Among Young Children in Crises: A prospective intervention study in Niger
Governments and donor agencies need to know which preventative strategy is most effective, particularly among children under 2 years old who are most vulnerable to acute malnutrition. Here, the researchers compare the effectiveness of seven preventative strategies—including the distribution of...
Étude de cas : préparation de la mise en oeuvre à grande échelle des programmes de transferts monétaires dans les situations d’urgence
La Fédération internationale des Sociétés de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge (Fédération internationale) a collaboré, entre mai 2012 et décembre 2013, avec les Sociétés nationales de quatre pays pilotes – Croix-Rouge philippine, Croix-Rouge du Viet Nam, Croix-Rouge sénégalaise et...