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Safety Net and Humanitarian Cash in the Emergency Response in Lebanon – What can we learn?
Lebanon is facing a severe humanitarian crisis exacerbated by economic turndown, widespread poverty, and displacement resulting from the escalation of the hostilities into war between Hezbollah and Israel on September 23, 2024. 1 A ceasefire was reached in the early hours of November 27, 2024, for a...
PTM: Habilidades fundamentales para el personal de programas – CaC
El objetivo de este curso es desarrollar los conocimientos, las habilidades y la confianza del personal de las organizaciones humanitarias para el diseño técnico y la calidad de las transferencias de efectivo. También es adecuado para el personal de programas responsable del diseño, la implementación...
وجهًا لوجه – برمجة التحويلات النقدية – الأساسيات (The Fundamentals)
ستقدم لك هذه الدورة التدريبية أساسيات برمجة التحويل النقدي وستساعدك على البدء في فهمها. لا يلزم معرفة برمجة التحويل النقدي للقيام بهذه الدورة ، لذلك إذا كنت مبتدئًا...
Fondamentaux des transferts monétaires – Présentiel
Ce cours s'adresse à toutes celles et ceux qui souhaitent en savoir plus sur les transferts monétaires humanitaires. Ne vous inquiétez pas si vous n'avez aucune expérience ou connaissance préalable sur les transferts monétaires, ce cours est fait pour vous !
(Core prog) المهارات الأساسية للمساعدة النقدية والقسائم لموظفي البرنامج – وجهاً لوجه
الهدف من هذه الدورة هو تطوير المعرفة والمهارات والثقة لدى ممارسي المنظمات الإنسانية للتصميم الفني والجودة للتحويلات النقدية. وهي مناسبة لموظفي البرنامج المسؤولين...
Compétences de base en transferts monétaires pour le personnel programme
La formation « - Compétences de base en transferts monétaires pour le personnel programme » est une formation de cinq jours destinée au personnel du programme chargé de la conception, de la mise en œuvre et du suivi des programmes intégrant des transferts monétaires. Ce cours est structuré...
CVA – The Fundamentals
This one-day course targets any staff who are new to CVA, and is designed as an introduction to key concepts, definitions and myths relating to cash and voucher assistance in humanitarian settings. This course is ideal for people who wish to understand the basics of CVA, or who need to be able to...
Core CVA Skills for Programme Staff
The Core CVA Skills for Programme Staff course is a 5-day training for programme staff responsible for designing, implementing and monitoring cash transfer programmes. This course is structured around the project cycle and covers all of the key skills required to design, implement and monitor cash...
Core CVA Skills for Supply Chain, Finance and ICT staff
Ensure understanding of the fundamentals of CVA, modalities and mechanisms for delivery, its implications to operations, interoperability of functions, and be able to speak the language of CVA programs. Develop fundamental competences for operations staff to execute and deliver CVA and share best...
Core CVA Skills for Supply Chain, Finance and ICT Staff – E-learning Modules
The original 5-day face to face Core CVA Skills for Supply Chain, Finance and ICT staff course was developed with thanks to the Fritz Institute as lead developer, in collaboration with CALP. Here you will find e-learning modules based on specific topics of the course. You may complete the modules in any...
Core CVA Skills for Supply Chain, Finance and ICT Staff – E-learning Modules
The original 5-day face to face Core CVA Skills for Supply Chain, Finance and ICT staff course was developed with thanks to the Fritz Institute as lead developer, in collaboration with CALP. Here you will find e-learning modules based on specific topics of the course. You may complete the modules in any...
The Use of Multisectoral Electronic Vouchers to Reduce Protection Risks for People in Transit in Colombia
This best practice document describes ZOA Colombia's journey towards better protection programming for people in transit in the migration setting in Colombia. By using multisectoral e-vouchers, people in transit are served as quickly as possible to cover their most urgent protection needs along the...
Documentary – Palabras para Luciana – Delivering people-centered CVA to people on the move in Colombia
This documentary shows the innovative CVA work of ZOA and RedRose with people on the move along the migration trails in Colombia. Innovative technology, human centered design and impact come together in this project that is implemented in a complex displacement setting.
The documentary tells the...
Improving Food Security and Nutrition through Cash+ in Armenia: Combining cash transfers, productive assets and inputs distribution with agricultural and nutrition trainings for vulnerable rural households in Lori and Shirak region
Armenia is an upper-middle-income country in the South Caucasus with a population of three million people. It is landlocked and a net importer of food. The country is vulnerable to natural hazards, including floods and drought, and external shocks, namely global food price fluctuations, which often have...
CashCap /NORCAP Support to Red Cross/Red Crescent National Societies Pilot Review. Ukraine and Syria. Final report.
Over the past two years NORCAP’s CashCap programme in collaboration with British Red Cross, invested efforts in an initiative to test whether NORCAP/CashCap’s expertise in coordination, facilitating multistakeholder collaboration processes, capacity-strengthening, policy influence and advocacy for...
Targeting in Protracted Crises: Nigeria case study
This country case study focuses on Nigeria and the specific challenge of conflict, violence, and insecurity. Using four waves of General Household Survey data covering the period 2010 to 2019, we analyse trends in poverty, food insecurity, shocks, and coping strategies among different population groups,...
Colombia and Lebanon Evaluation Report: Measuring the impact of cash on child protection outcomes
As humanitarian crises break down traditional protection mechanisms and the loss of income restricts access to basic resources, children become increasingly vulnerable to abuse, neglect, exploitation, and violence. Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) is a critical modality that is increasingly being adopted...
Cash & Voucher Assistance (CVA) & Child Protection (CP) Global Study – Research Report in the DRC, Egypt, Lithuania and the Philippines
Since 2022, Save the Children has been scaling up its use of CVA for Child Protection (CP) programming through various pilot projects.
Research was commissioned in four countries in 2022-23 to generate evidence and learning to inform the design of future programming but also to design a robust...
Cash and Vouchers Assistance (CVA) and Child Protection: Summary of practice and evidence from Save the Children programmes 2023 Edition
In an effort to increase global knowledge and learning, Save the Children conducted a global review of twenty Country Offices and their programs in order to assess and highlight the impact that different forms of Cash and Vouchers Assistance (CVA) have on Child Protection (CP) outcomes, to identify...
Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) for Children Associated with Armed Groups and Armed Forces (CAAFAG): Program Summary and Evidence-Building Infographic: A case study from Save the Children in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)
This infographic gathers key programmatic data from Save the Children CVA operations in the DRC (South Kivu) between October 2022 and October 2023, which aimed to assess and highlight the impact that CVA has on child protection outcomes, with a specific focus on children associated with armed...