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661 – 680 sur 710 résultats

Les Filets de Sécurité Sociale au Niger


L’étude a été commandite par la Cellule de Crises Alimentaires (CCA) du Cabinet du Premier Ministre, qui a délégué le Secrétariat Exécutif de la Stratégie du Développement Rural à la supervision. Il fait partie d’une série d’études coordonnées par un comité national de pilotage et...

December 2009

From Food Crisis to Fair Trade: Livelihoods analysis, protection and support in emergencies


This document aims to collate and analyse experiences of livelihoods programming in emergencies. It provides an overview of what livelihoods programming is and gives examples of the range of interventions that are possible in emergencies. Different types of livelihoods programmes are then described...


Innovations in International Humanitarian Action


This document forms the third chapter of ALNAP’s 8th Review of Humanitarian Action, for more information and access to other chapters, please click here. Critics of humanitarian aid, many from within the sector, complain that humanitarian evaluations and other learning exercises repeatedly highlight...


Comment les Transferts d’argent Liquide Peuvent Améliorer la Nutrition des Enfants les Plus Pauvres: Évaluation d’un projet pilote de filet de sécurité dans le sud du Niger


Ce rapport présente les principaux résultats d’une évaluation d’un projet pilote de transferts d’argent liquide de Save the Children en faveur de 1 500 foyers parmi les plus pauvres dans le district de Tessaoua, dans la région de Maradi, au Niger. Les résultats de cette évaluation...


Case Study: Indonesia – Sumatra 2009


On 30th September 2009 a series of earthquakes struck West Sumatra, not far from the provincial capital of Padang. 13 out of the 19 districts in West Sumatra province were affected. Between earthquakes and landslides nearly 250,000 houses were destroyed or heavily damaged. This case study examines the...


A Synthesis of Practical Lessons from Value Chain Projects in Conflict Affected Environments


Over the last year, at the behest of USAID, 10 organizations captured results and lessons learned from projects that used value chain programming in conflict-affected environments. The goal of this paper is to extract larger lessons that emerge from these implementing organizations and the programs they...


Case Study of the Poultry and Grape/Raisin subsectors in Afghanistan: Guided case study in value chain development for conflict-affected environments


Is the value chain approach effective for restoring market-based economic activity in a severely affected post-conflict environment?. The goal of this study is to gather empirical evidence to  answer this question, looking at the role of the value chain approach in the work of USAID’s Rebuilding...