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41 – 60 sur 710 résultats
Doing Cash in a context of economic volatility: What to do and what to keep in mind
Guidelines and Tools
This interim WFP guidance was issued in 2022 to provide support to cash operations in contexts of economic volatility, be it when there is inflation, depreciation or currency volatility, parallel exchange rates, liquidity issues and changes in financial regulation, among others.
Écouter ne suffit pas: Les communautés demandent une refonte de l’assistance humanitaire
« Notre performance se mesure avant tout à la manière dont les communautés vivent et perçoivent notre travail ». C’est à la suite de cette déclaration des membres du Comité permanent interorganisations (Inter-Agency Standing Committee, IASC) sur la redevabilité des humanitaires envers les...
Listening is not enough: People demand transformational change in humanitarian assistance
“Our accountability to [affected people] is paramount and must be acted upon. It is non-negotiable, at all times.” This pledge reiterates prior commitments to accountability to affected people (AAP), such as those made in the Grand Bargain and the Secretary-General’s Agenda for Humanity. In light of...
Independent evaluation of CAMEALEON
CAMEALEON is an independent initiative to provide monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning support to the World Food Programme (WFP)’s multi-purpose cash (MPC) programme for Syrian refugees in Lebanon. Established in 2017, CAMEALEON’s main purpose is to bridge evidence gaps, strengthen...
Value for Money Analysis of VenEsperanza
The VenEsperanza consortium in Colombia participated in a Value for Money analysis that evaluated financial transactions during the first years of operation of the consortium. The analysis focuses on efficiency, effectiveness and equity of the work of the consortium.
Learnings from Cash Grant Support to Small and Medium Food Shops in Northwest Syria
The majority of vendors working within GOAL’s areas of operation survive on slim margins and are highly susceptible to market and currency instability, often resulting in an inability to restock on time due to a lack of financial capital. Vendors are often confronted with other issues such as the lack...
Delivering Better Together: Standard Operating Procedures for Oxfam’s Approach to Cash and Voucher Assistance
Guidelines and Tools
Delivering Better Together: SOPs for Oxfam’s Approach to Cash and Voucher Assistance is a digital guide to all things cash and vouchers in Oxfam that can be downloaded to and accessed from a phone, tablet, or any other device. The SOPs focus on the basics of cash and vouchers, the use of it for...
UNHCR Reflections on the Ukraine Effect for the MENA Regional Task Force
A presentation shared by UNHCR colleagues on their reflections on managing CVA in contexts of high inflation.
Pour une meilleure mise en œuvre commune : Procédures opérationnelles normalisées pour l’approche d’Oxfam en matière de transferts monétaires
Guides et outils
Pour une meilleure mise en œuvre commune: Procédures opérationnelles normalisées pour l’approche d’oxfam en matière de transferts monétaires est un guide numérique sur tout ce qui concerne les transferts monétaires à Oxfam. Il peut être téléchargé et consulté sur un téléphone, une...
Obtener mejores resultados colaborando: Procedimientos operativos estándar para el enfoque de Oxfam hacia las transferencias monetarias
Guía y herramientas
« Obtener mejores resultados colaborando: Procedimientos operativos estándar para el enfoque de Oxfam hacia las transferencias monetarias » es una guía digital sobre todo lo relacionado con los programas de transferencias monetarias (PTM) en Oxfam, que se puede descargar y consultar en un teléfono,...
أثر دمج المساعدات النقدية في التصدي للعنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي في شمال غرب سوريا
إرشادات وأدوات
جرت العادة على منح معونة إلى اللاجئين والنازحين داخلياً على هيئة مساعدات عينية. غير أنّ المُساعدات نقداً وبقسائم أصبحت تستخدم على نحو متزايد في الاستجابة الإنسانية...
Global Cash Working Group Meeting – 29 March 2022
This slide deck includes presentation materials from the GCWG meeting on 29 March 2022. Presentations include an overview of the cash coordination caucus outcomes by NRC and an update on research by Ground Truth Solutions.
DG ECHO Thematic Policy Document on Cash Transfers
DG ECHO released its Thematic Policy document on Cash Transfers in March 2022. The document provides guidance primarily to DG ECHO’s partners and staff, but also to the wider cash community with the objective of collectively enhancing the quality and efficiency of cash programmes and of humanitarian...
Economic Resilience « On-the-Move » – New Tools to leverage local markets for basic needs through conflict-sensitive approaches
Guidelines and Tools
See the publication here A special look at Cash and Local Markets for Social Cohesion Local market actors affected by (natural) disasters, pandemic lockdowns with movement restrictions and income loss – generally in Fragile Contexts – play a critical role in contributing towards communities’ basic...
Humanitarian Assistance and Fertility Decisions: At what extent Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN) targeting criteria had influenced the fertility rates and fertility calendar of Syrian refugees in Turkey
Turkey, as the country with the highest number of refugees, is currently a home to 3.7 million Syrians who had to flee from their country due to the conflict started in 2011. Since December 2016, refugees from all nationalities in Turkey can apply for the Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN), the largest...
East and Southern Africa Regional Cash Working Group Leads and Co-Leads Workshop Report
Cash Working Group Leads and Co-Leads from different countries in East and Southern Africa came together to exchange learning, share experiences and discuss global and regional trends in cash and voucher assistance. The topics covered which are available in this report were; Minimum Expenditure Baskets...
Curso en línea de la CALP: PTM-Habilidades fundamentales para el personal de programas
¿Tiene como objetivo desarrollar continuamente sus habilidades profesionales sobre los programas de transferencias monetarias (PTM)? Este curso en línea de la CALP le permitirá fortalecer sus conocimientos y habilidades para diseñar e implementar programas de alta calidad.
Iraq MPCA Vulnerability Model Review 2021: Technical Report
Guidelines and Tools
A new socio-economic vulnerability assessment tool (SEVAT) used to target vulnerable IDP, returnee, and host community households eligible for multi-purpose cash assistance (MPCA) in Iraq was developed in 2021. Actors delivering MPCA in Iraq have used a harmonised tool to identify households since 2016...
Meeting Needs Index – guidance note
Guidelines and Tools
The Meeting Needs Index, or MNI, is a proxy measure of household welfare, providing a single-figure composite indication of how able a household is to meet multiple basic needs. It was first developed and utilized by Mercy Corps in the Gaza Strip, then at larger scale by the Gaza Protection Consortium, as...
Toolkit for Engaging Adolescents in Child Protection and CVA Monitoring and Evaluation – Tool 2 Activity for Mapping CVA Risks and Protective Factors with Adolescents
Guidelines and Tools
This tool describes an activity for mapping cash and voucher
assistance associated risks and protective factors with adolescents.
It must be used along with the other tools in the “Toolkit for Engaging
Adolescents in Child Protection and Cash and Voucher Assistance
Monitoring and Evaluation”. In...