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61 – 80 sur 270 résultats
Pour une meilleure mise en œuvre commune : Procédures opérationnelles normalisées pour l’approche d’Oxfam en matière de transferts monétaires
Guides et outils
Pour une meilleure mise en œuvre commune: Procédures opérationnelles normalisées pour l’approche d’oxfam en matière de transferts monétaires est un guide numérique sur tout ce qui concerne les transferts monétaires à Oxfam. Il peut être téléchargé et consulté sur un téléphone, une...
Cash Transfers in Pandemic Times
This paper by Ugo Gentilini, brings together trends, evidence and practices generated over the course of the pandemic. The focus revolves primarily around social assistance in general and cash transfers in particular, with both anchored to the broader remit of social protection. The objective is to give a...
Global Cash Working Group Meeting – June 2022
Slides from the Global Cash Working Group meeting on 29 June 2022. The agenda topics include: 1) Adapting CVA to the ‘Ukraine effect’, including experiences from Afghanistan; and 2) An update from the Cash Advisory Group, including next steps in terms of transition planning.
Digital Feast and Famine: Digital Technologies and Humanitarian Law in Food Security, Starvation and Famine Risk
This working paper presents the findings of a brief exploratory study into the role of digital technologies in International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and its implications for starvation and famine risk. It is a work in progress, intended to raise issues rather than reach definitive conclusions (given the...
Geotargeting Analysis for Seasonal Assistance: Case study Chad
This paper describes the methodology that was developed to address targeting gaps using remote sensing data, presents the results obtained using the methodology, and discusses the challenges in its utilisation.
Rapid Market Assessment in Warsaw
Civilians in Ukraine continue to suffer the devastating consequences of the violence by the Russian invasion. Data indicated that at humanitarian corridors for civilians, artillery and missile strikes have continued and are increasingly targeting civilian infrastructure, leading to over 3.7 million...
The Use of Cash Assistance in DEC’s Coronavirus Appeal: Key Learning, Best Practices and Recommendations
The purpose of this report is to provide insight into the learnings, future improvements and best practices in cash programming. The 2020 DEC Coronavirus Appeal was analysed to determine the opportunities for collective learning about cash programming. The countries investigated include, Afghanistan,...
Rapid Market Assessment at Romanian border crossings
As the Russian invasion in Ukraine enters its fourth week, civilians continue to suffer the devastating consequences of the violence. According to the latest figures, about half a million (500,747 up to March 21st) fled through just Romania, with registered between 800 and 2,000 arrivals per day, on each...
DG ECHO Thematic Policy Document on Cash Transfers
DG ECHO released its Thematic Policy document on Cash Transfers in March 2022. The document provides guidance primarily to DG ECHO’s partners and staff, but also to the wider cash community with the objective of collectively enhancing the quality and efficiency of cash programmes and of humanitarian...
Economic Resilience « On-the-Move » – New Tools to leverage local markets for basic needs through conflict-sensitive approaches
Guidelines and Tools
See the publication here A special look at Cash and Local Markets for Social Cohesion Local market actors affected by (natural) disasters, pandemic lockdowns with movement restrictions and income loss – generally in Fragile Contexts – play a critical role in contributing towards communities’ basic...
Financial Services In The Uganda Refugee Response – An Assessment Of Users’ Perspectives
This assessment of user experiences and perspectives on digital financial services and assistance mechanisms aims to inform actors in Uganda’s humanitarian response and other stakeholders. The data collected is representative at the settlement level for refugees and at district level for refugee hosting...
Uganda Refugee Response Cash And Voucher Assistance (CVA) User Perspectives – Research Brief
This brief presents the summarised findings of the study on Financial Services and Humanitarian Mechanisms in the Uganda Refugee Response: An Assessment of User Perspectives in Uganda.
The assessment intends to inform actors and key stakeholders in Uganda’s refugee response about peoples’ existing...
2021 Cash And Voucher Programming (CVP) Roadmap Milestones Achieved
Summary Report of World Vision’s global progress report and milestones (against WV’s global Cash Roadmap Strategy) in Cash Voucher Assistance (Cash Voucher Programming-CVP) facilitated by World Vision in over 44 countries, reaching more than 6.7 Mio vulnerable people (78 % in Fragile Contexts) in...
The Receipt
Save the Children Australia: Pacific Cash Preparedness and Response Program Newsletter
Curso en línea de la CALP: PTM-Habilidades fundamentales para el personal de programas
¿Tiene como objetivo desarrollar continuamente sus habilidades profesionales sobre los programas de transferencias monetarias (PTM)? Este curso en línea de la CALP le permitirá fortalecer sus conocimientos y habilidades para diseñar e implementar programas de alta calidad.
Next Level Integration with Financial Service Providers in Kenya and The Netherlands
When collaborating with Financial Service Providers (FSP) it might be challenging to oversee the process, especially when having to scale up. By using software-based integrations, often with the use of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), NGOs can now provide Cash-Based Aid more efficiently and at...
Improving Cash-Based Interventions (CBIs) and the RFP Process
Over the last two decades, governments as well as humanitarian and relief organizations have dramatically expanded the use of cash and cash equivalent transfers to combat poverty, improve health outcomes and expand access to basic goods and services. Both academic research and on-the-ground experience...
Making humanitarian cash programming easier, safer and faster through the 121 Platform
Better Cash Information Management and improved systems and tools can address the gap for humanitarian organisations and increase cash program quality and scale. The 121 Platform offers this solution with a Humanitarian Organisation Portal, Aid Worker App and Person Affected App. With the 121 Platform, we...
Financial Literacy Training In Uganda’s Refugee Response – A Learning Brief
The Financial Literacy Training (FLT) Learning Brief draws together experiences and lessons learned from the U-Learn Financial Literacy Training analysis, the FLT discussion paper and a learning event. It provides an overview of FLT practices and experiences in Uganda, and includes recommendations that...
Pathways from CVA to long term financial inclusion: A framework for success
Blog Post
CVA programs can provide a springboard to financial inclusion. But spotting the right opportunity, and good programme design, are key. GSMA and Mercy Corps share a simple tool to understand which contexts offer the best pathways from CVA to financial inclusion.