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541 – 560 sur 713 résultats
Cash Coordination in the Philippines: A review of lessons learned during the response to Super Typhoon Haiyan
Case Study
In the last five years there has been a growing trend towards the use of cash transfer programming (CTP) as a response modality in emergencies across the humanitarian sector. The fungibility of cash, when provided without restrictions, offers increased choice for affected populations to...
Les programmes de transfert monétaire sont-ils prêts pour l’avenir? – Annexe 6 : Le financement des programmes de transfert monétaire
Les fonds disponibles pour les programmes intégrant des transferts monétaires ont augmenté ces dernières années, et de nouvelles sources et voies de financement deviennent disponibles. Dans ce contexte de financement croissant, ce document étudie à la fois le financement bilatéral au profit de ces...
Orientations opérationnelles et boîte à outils pour les transferts monétaires à usages multiples
Guides et outils
Les présentes orientations opérationnelles et la boîte à outils qui l’accompagne réunissent une expertise mondiale sur les interventions monétaires. Elles apportent aux acteurs humanitaires des orientations complètes et pratiques afin d’évaluer la faisabilité des transferts monétaires,...
Operationalizing Emergency MPCA: Learning from the Ramadi displacement, May to July 2015
Case Study
Iraq is an upper middle-income country with high literacy rates, sound infrastructure, functioning markets, and a comprehensive hawala network that covers all 18 governorates, making it a potentially appropriate context for cash transfer programs. Despite this apparent enabling environment, cash transfers...
Markets in Crises: South Sudan case study
Not long after achieving independence, South Sudan descended into conflict, which has fuelled displacement and food insecurity.Although markets continue to function in the country, humanitarians have paid relatively little attention to market-based responses to the crisis. Looking primarily at Juba, this...
Coordination des Transferts Monétaires aux Philippines: Examen des enseignements tirés lors des interventions d’urgence suite au Super Typhon Haiyan
Case Study
Les cinq dernières années ont été marquées par la tendance au recours accru aux transferts monétaires comme modalité d’interventions en situations d’urgence dans l’ensemble du secteur humanitaire. La fongibilité des transferts monétaires, dès lors qu’ils sont effectués sans restriction,...
Review of Cash Coordination in Ukraine
Ukraine is a lower middle-income country in Eastern Europe, with a strong soviet era legacy in the field of social protection. Since early 2014, Ukraine has been affected by conflict in its eastern part, which led to the internal displacement of more than 1.4 million people. At the time this paper was
Are Public Works Programmes Effective in Reinforcing Social Protection Systems? Evidence from Northern Namibia
This paper analyses the effectiveness of public works programmes (PWPs) in creating employment, reducing poverty and reinforcing the existing social protection system in Namibia. Using data and information from a survey conducted in northern Namibia, it is established that while public works programmes...
Operational Guidance and Toolkit for Multipurpose Cash Grants
Guidelines and Tools
This operational guidance and toolkit brings together worldwide expertise on cash-based interventions (CBIs). It provides comprehensive and practical guidance for humanitarian actors to assess the feasibility, conceptualise the design and structure the implementation of MPGs. The guidance focuses on...
Evaluation of the OneCard Pilot in Lebanon
The OneCard pilot is part of the WFP-UNHCR Joint Plan of Action for Cash and Vouchers (2014), which aims to implement cash and vouchers using common e-delivery mechanisms. The objectives of the OneCard pilot were: To test the programmatic, technical, and financial efficiency and feasibility of the...
A Case for Cash: crisis and disaster-affected populations’ perspective
Cash transfers are now widely accepted as an appropriate response modality in emergencies. While cash transfers were initially confined to small-scale programmes, largely within food security and livelihoods programming, implementing agencies have progressively pushed these boundaries and have been...
Coordination des TM en Afrique de l’Ouest
The global le CALP Network team consists of a global secretariat composed of technical and management staff mainly based out of the UK, with an Advocacy Position in process to be established in Geneva, and Regional Teams, led buy Regional Focal Points in East Africa, West Africa, Asia and recently North...
Liberia Ebola Response
ICRCs EVD Cash response program had to be designed under a rare circumstance of insufficient baseline data on EVD impact on household level and limited opportunity to contact intended beneficiaries for a detailed assessment/ proper situational analysis.
Guide de mise en œuvre d’e-transfert
Guides et outils
Le Guide de mise en œuvre d’e-transfert a été créé pour les membres de l’équipe de Mercy Corps qui envisagent d’utiliser – ou qui utilisent déjà – les e-transferts pour apporter l’aide aux participants au programme. Les chapitres 1 et 2 donnent un aperçu des étapes nécessaires à...
Nepal Earthquake Response: Lessons for operational agencies
Policy paper
In the aftermath of the April 2015 earthquake in Nepal, this paper looks at lessons drawn from previous comparable disasters and seeks to provide invaluable information and assistance to the operational agencies responding to the crisis. Seventeen Lessons give an overview of important learnings based on...
Les programmes de transfert monétaire sont-ils prêts pour l’avenir ? – Annexe 4: L’utilisation des transferts monétaires par les gouvernements
Le présent rapport se fonde sur deux hypothèses principales. La première : d’ici 2025, les gouvernements des pays à revenu intermédiaire et faible se préoccuperont de plus en plus de maintenir leur contrôle sur les crises humanitaires et seront par conséquent, plus enclins à affirmer leur...
Cash Transfer and Community Resilience Programming in South Central Somalia
Blog Post
The Building Resilience in Central Somalia (BRCiS) attempts to provide immediate humanitarian assistance as well as developing longer term local capacity through a combination of locally adapted cash-for-work and unconditional cash transfers.
Les programmes de transfert monétaire sont-ils prêts pour l’avenir ? – Annexe 3: Intensification des filets de protection sociale existants dans une optique d’intervention humanitaire
Le présent rapport thématique a été entrepris dans le cadre d’une étude de recherche de 2013 intitulée « Les programmes de transfert monétaire sont-ils prêts pour l’avenir ? ». Cette recherche a été commandée par le CALP Network et menée par le Humanitarian Futures Programme (HFP),...
Cash Transfers: Progress made but challenges remain
Blog Post
In five years cash programming has come from almost nowhere to being – for some donors at least – the preferred option, especially in the field of food and nutrition. “We no long measure food aid contributions in wheat/tons equivalent,” says Julia Stewart-David of the EU aid body, ECHO. “That...
Cash Transfer Programming for Urban Displacement: Lessons learned from electronic-transfers in response to the Syria-crisis
Policy paper
In urban displacement contexts with functioning markets and developed banking systems, humanitarian agencies are increasingly using electronic-transfers (e-transfers) as the preferred cash delivery mechanism. Based on the Danish Refugee Council’s response to the Syria crisis, this Evaluation and...