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61 – 80 sur 396 résultats

عملية جرد نتائج المساعدات النقدية والقسائم من أجل الصحة في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وجنوب أفريقيا: الانتقال من الأدلة إلى الممارسة العملية


يوضح هذا التقرير النتائج المستخلصة من “تقييم” أو دراسة بحثية تشغيلية سريعة للمساعدة النقدية والقسائم للنتائج الصحية في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا. تم اختيار...

6 septembre 2021

Cash Assistance for Female Sex Workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: Indonesia


The COVID-19 pandemic heavily impacted sex workers in Indonesia: their incomes decreased dramatically, they encountered greater difficulty accessing healthcare, and many of them could not access the government cash assistance that was set up to help Indonesians during the pandemic. This CVA pilot provided...

24 août 2021

Vouchers for Fresh Food and Uptake of Sexual and Reproductive Health Services for Pregnant Women: Cox’s Bazaar, Bangladesh


UNFPA found that facility-based deliveries by women in refugee camps in Cox’s Bazaar were low (35%), which is linked to increased maternal mortality. In addition, undernourishment among pregnant women in this community increased their risk of poor pregnancy outcomes such as obstructed labor and...

24 août 2021

Disability Inclusive Cash Assistance: Learnings from Practice in Humanitarian Response

Guidelines and Tools

This case study collection describes lessons learned from seven inclusive humanitarian cash transfer projects implemented from 2015 – 2020 in Niger, Zimbabwe, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Philippines, and Indonesia, and five ongoing projects from the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic responses. This good practice...

19 août 2021

SHARE SPACE Do child grants lead to increased pregnancies? An evidence view from Asia and the Pacific

Policy paper

Despite strong evidence showing that broad-based cash transfers targeting pregnant women and young children reduce poverty, improve health, nutrition and education and increase economic growth, concerns are often raised among policymakers that these payments may increase incentives to have children, in...

30 juin 2021

CVA for Health Outcomes: From evidence to practice in MENA

Webinar recording

Watch webinar recording here How can cash and voucher assistance be used to improve health outcomes for vulnerable people caught up in humanitarian crises? How is using CVA for health different to other forms of humanitarian cash programming? The CALP Network, with strong support from key stakeholders,...

10 juin 2021

Annex the CALP Network MENA study CVA for Health examples 2021

Guidelines and Tools

This protected spreadsheet is the accompanying Annex to the CALP Network study A ‘Stocktake’ of CVA for Health Outcomes in the MENA Region: Moving from Evidence to Practice’ and provides further details of the projects studied in the stocktaking exercise.

2 juin 2021

SPACE Social protection and climate change: scaling up ambition (Summary Brief)

Policy paper

Climate change, once perceived as a long-term environmental issue, is now an immediate threat to safety and prosperity, especially for the most vulnerable people that are hit hardest by increasing weather extremes. The impacts cannot be managed just by reducing greenhouse gas emissions or by small tweaks...

31 mai 2021

Transferts monetaires pour des resultats en matiere de sante et des droits sexuels et reproductifs


L’étude a examiné la programmation dans quatre contextes (Colombie, Équateur, Liban et Somalie). L’étude initiale a été réalisée par deux consultantes, l’une s’est concentrée sur le Liban et la Somalie et l’autre sur la Colombie et l’Équateur. La collecte de données a inclus 25...

12 mai 2021

Le Liban : Transferts d’espèces pour la Santé Sexuelle et Reproductive (SSR) dans le cadre des programmes de protection


Cette étude fait partie d’une étude multi-pays plus large
réalisée par CARE intitulé “Transferts Monétaires Pour
Des Résultats En Matière De Santé Et Des Droits Sexuels
Et Reproductifs : Enseignements Tirés De L’équateur, La Colombie, Le Liban”. Et la explosion dans le port de Beyrouth...

12 mai 2021

Colombie : Coupons pour des services de Santé et droits sexuels et reproductifs (SDSR)


Cette étude fait partie d’une étude multi-pays plus large réalisée par CARE intitulé “Transferts Monétaires Pour
Des Résultats En Matière De Santé Et Des Droits Sexuels Et Reproductifs : Enseignements Tirés De L’équateur, La
Colombie, Le Liban Et la Somalie.” En raison de la crise...

12 mai 2021