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81 – 100 sur 166 résultats
Le genre et les transferts monétaires : Répercussions de la prise de décisions au sein des ménages sur la nutrition des femmes et des enfants en Éthiopie
Case Study
La relation entre le genre et l’assistance monétaire dans les contextes humanitaires
est mal comprise. Les interventions sont bien trop souvent définies à partir de suppositions plutôt que de faits réels.
Afin de comprendre comment l’assistance monétaire est bénéfique à tous, les acteurs de...
Child Outcomes of Cash Transfer Programming: Research Brief
Humanitarian emergencies are increasing in both frequency and duration. It is evident that children bear the brunt of these situations and that these experiences have long-lasting effects on their development and future. The figures for the number of children affected by humanitarian emergencies are...
Humanitarian Cash Transfer Programming and Gender-based Violence Outcomes: Evidence and Future Research Priorities
From ‘Collected Papers on Gender and Cash Transfer Programmes in Humanitarian Contexts’. Existing gender inequalities mean that disasters and conflicts impact women, men, girls and boys differently. Cash based assistance is one of the most significant developments in humanitarian assistance in recent...
Programmes humanitaires intégrant des transferts monétaires et résultats en termes de violences basées sur le genre : données factuelles et priorités des futures recherches
La relation entre le genre et l’assistance monétaire dans les contextes humanitaires
est mal comprise. Les interventions sont bien trop souvent définies à partir de suppositions plutôt que de faits réels.
Afin de comprendre comment l’assistance monétaire est bénéfique à tous, les acteurs de...
Child Outcomes of Cash Transfer Programming: Appendix 1
This is an appendix to the document “Research brief: Child outcomes of cash transfer programming. A synthesis of the evidence around survival, education and protection in humanitarian and non-humanitarian contexts”. This appendix contains the list of studies that were reviewed, with information on...
Child Outcomes of Cash Transfer Programming: Appendix 2
This is an appendix to the document “Research brief: Child outcomes of cash transfer programming. A synthesis of the evidence around survival, education and protection in humanitarian and non-humanitarian contexts”. This appendix contains a summary of the available evidence per each outcome of...
Children in Indonesia: An analysis of poverty, mobility and multidimensional deprivation
This report by Indonesia’s Central Bureau of Statistics and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) with technical support from Development Pathways investigates the incidence, causes and effects of child poverty and poverty dynamics in Indonesia, and explores alternative policy options for...
Mainstreaming Gender-Based Violence Considerations in Cash-Based Interventions: A Case Study from Lower Juba, Somalia
This case study provides an overview of assessment and monitoring activities
conducted by the Women’s Refugee Commission and Adeso to mainstream GBV considerations within Adeso’s CBI in Lower Juba.
Mainstreaming Gender-Based Violence Considerations in Cash-Based Interventions: A Case Study from Zinder, Niger
This case study provides an overview of assessment and monitoring activities undertaken by the Women’s Refugee Commission and Save the Children to mainstream gender-based violence (GBV) considerations in Save the Children’s cash-based intervention (CBIs) in Zinder. Key findings, learning and...
Cash Transfer Programming in the Education and Child Protection Sectors: Literature review and Evidence maps
The use of cash transfer programming (CTP) in humanitarian response continues to increase in scale and quality, as evidenced by the State of the World’s Cash Report.
This report examines the body of research that provides evidence of the impact of CTP on education and child protection outcomes and...
Optimizing Benefits and Mitigating Risks of Integrating Cash-Based Initiatives and GBV Programming: Case Studies from Irbid and Mafraq, Jordan
This case study provides an overview of assessment and monitoring activities
conducted by Mercy Corps and the International Rescue Committee in partnership with the Women’s Commission to:
a. mainstream gender-based violence (GBV) considerations in cash-based interventions
b. utilize cash within a GBV...
More Phones, More Transfers? A case study from Save the Children’s Emergency Food Security Program using Mobile Money in Bari, Nugaal, & Hiran Regions of Somalia
In 2016-2017, with funding from USAID/FFP, Save the Children implemented a project targeting over 10,000HH the Bari, Nugaal, and Hiran regions of Somalia with monthly cash transfers using Mobile Money a partnership with Golis and Hormuud. The project sought to improve the food security situation in the...
Enacting urban cash for work programmes in Lebanon in response to the Syrian refugee crisis
Guidelines and Tools
Humanitarian crises in cities require responses that reflect the urban context,address urban challenges, and provide urbanised solutions. This paper focuses on providing guidance on good practice in cash for work (CfW) programmes. Focusing on Lebanon and the Syrian refugee crisis, the paper provides nine...
The State of Evidence on Social Cash Transfers in Africa. Transfer Project Workshop Brief 2017
The annual workshop of the Transfer Project, “The State of Evidence on Social Cash Transfers in Africa” focused on new challenges arising from moving from fragmented programmes to integrated social protection systems, combining cash transfers with complementary (also referred to as ‘plus’)...
Promoting positive parenting practices in Niger through a cash transfer programme
In 2011, the Government of Niger set up a national social safety net
programme – the ‘Projet Filets Sociaux’. It includes unconditional cash transfers as well as behavioural change measures to promote investments in children. Lessons from programme implementation and evaluations so far highlight...
Social protection in Madagascar – The Case of Cash Transfers: Capacity to respond to shocks and options for harmonization
The report has been prepared as commissioned by the Government of Madagascar (Ministry of Population, Social protection and Women’s Promotion and the National Office of Risk and Disaster Management) in coordination with the members of the emergency cash group and with UNICEF’s funding and technical...
How to Make ‘Cash Plus’ Work: Linking Cash Transfers to Services and Sectors
The broad-ranging benefits of cash transfers are now widely recognized. However, the evidence base highlights that they often fall short in achieving longer-term and second-order impacts related to nutrition, learning outcomes and morbidity.In recognition of these limitations, several ‘cash...
A promise of tomorrow.The effects of UNHCR and UNICEF cash assistance on Syrian refugees in Jordan
Despite the generous hosting by the Government and people of Jordan of Syrian refugees, more than 650,000 registered Syrian refugees in the country, continue to face a highly uncertain future. They cannot go home, given the ongoing conflict and insecurity in Syria; many of the most vulnerable struggle to...
La Protection Sociale à Madagascar – Le Cas des Programmes de Transferts Monétaires: Capacité de réponse aux chocs et options pour l’harmonisation
This study was undertaken as commissioned by the Government of Madagascar (Ministry of Population, Social protection and Women’s Promotion and the National Office of Risk and Disaster Management) in coordination with the members of the emergency cash group and with UNICEF’s funding and technical...
Cash transfers for refugees. The economic and social effects of a programme in Jordan
The world is now experiencing the biggest refugee crisis since the second world war, with around 21.35 million refugees reported in 2015 (UNHCR, 2016a). Those countries with the highest outflow of refugees – Syria, Afghanistan and Somalia in 2015 – are facing ongoing conflicts that are unlikely...