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41 – 60 sur 166 résultats
مساعدات النقد والقسائم للتعليم في حالات الطوارئ. التوليف والقواعد الارشادية
طورت مجموعة التعليم العالمية (GEC) في ۲۰۱۸-۲۰۱۹ التوليف والقواعد الارشادية بشأن مساعدات النقد والقسائم للتعليم في حالات الطوارئ (EiE). تم تطوير الوثيقة بدعم مالي من دائرة...
Transferts monétaires en faveur de l’éducation en situation d’urgence – Rapport de synthèse et directives
Le Cluster Education Global a publié en 2019 Le Rapport de synthèse et les directives sur les transferts monétaires en faveur de l’éducation en urgences. Le document a été développé avec l’appui financier de ECHO et l’appui technique de CashCap. Ces recherches se concentrent sur les...
Transferencias monetarias para la educación en situaciones de emergencia Informe de síntesis y directrices
El Clúster de Educación Global (GEC) desarrolló en 2018-19 el Informe de Síntesis y Directrices sobre Programas de Transferencias Monetarias para la Educación en Emergencias (EiE). El documento fue desarrollado con el apoyo financiero de ECHO y el apoyo técnico de CashCap. El estudio se centró en...
Enhancing Child Protection Services by Incorporating Cash-based Interventions as Part of Comprehensive Programming
Children account for 2.5 million (almost half) of the Syrian refugee population, and child protection remains a core element of UNHCR’s protection response. UNHCR has been promoting research projects aimed at assessing the contribution of different cash assistance modalities for enhancing child...
المفوضية السامية للأمم المتحدة لشؤون اللاجئين – دائرة الحماية بمنطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا
الأطفال يشكلون 2.5 مليون (ما يقرب من نصف) من اللاجئين السوريين، وتظل حماية الأطفال عنصراً أساسياً في استجابة الحماية من المفوضية السامية للأمم المتحدة لشؤون...
CVA in the Caribbean: Evidence Matrix
Guidelines and Tools
This spreadsheet, a supplementary resource to the Winds of Change: Lessons and Recommendations on the Use of Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) for the Caribbean Atlantic Hurricane Season, provides an overview of studies on the use of CVA in the Caribbean between 2008 – 2019. The list is not...
PTM en el Caribe: Matriz de evidencias
Guía y herramientas
Esta hoja de cálculo, un recurso complementario a Vientos de Cambio: Lecciones y recomendaciones sobre el uso de los Programas de Transferencias Monetarias (PTM) para la Temporada de Huracanes del Atlántico en el Caribe, ofrece una visión general de los estudios sobre el uso de PTM en el Caribe entre...
Readiness Checklist for Cash Working Groups in light of COVID-19 Response – Version 2
Guidelines and Tools
This checklist is designed to assist CWGs adjust their plans and prepare to play an enhanced role in coordination of CVA in the context of increasing (and in some cases unprecedented) needs and limitations of COVID-19. Responses should, as ever, be context specific. We suggest that CWGs consider the...
3 Choses à savoir sur…L’intégration des Transferts Monétaires (TM) et de Protection de l’Enfance (PE) pendant la pandémie de COVID-19
Guides et outils
Ce tipsheet interactif de 4 pages vise à résumer pourquoi, quels types et comment intégrer les transferts monétaires (TM) et la protection de l’enfance (PE) pendant le COVID-19. Il se concentre sur les aspects clefs liés à la conception et la mise en œuvre de programmes intégrés et propose des...
3 Cosas que Saber Sobre… Programas Integrados de Transferencias Monetarias y de Protección de la Infancia Durante la Crisis Covid-19
Guía y herramientas
Esta hoja de consejo interactiva de 4 páginas tiene como objetivo resumir porqué, qué tipo y cómo integrar las transferencias de efectivo y la protección infantil durante COVID-19. Se centra en aspectos claves relacionados con el diseño y la implementación de programas integrados y proporciona...
Webinar | Multi-purpose Cash Transfer and Child Protection: a case study (English and Spanish editions)
Webinar recording
Watch the webinar recording here. More information here. In 2018, with the support of OFDA and FFP, Save the Children implemented a multi-purpose cash transfer ‘Plus’ program in response to the influx of Venezuelan into Colombia. The program aimed at covering vulnerable household’s basic needs and...
Cash Working Group Leads Meeting Report – March 2020
The Cash Working Group leads/co-leads meeting is a forum intended to provide a space for reflection, peer learning and developing solutions to shared challenges. This year’s meeting agenda and content were guided by requests from and contributions by participants. This report summarizes the discussions...
Memorandum Of Understanding Template for use by government and partners, for provision of financial assistance for social support
Guidelines and Tools
Harmonized Post-Distribution Monitoring Tool for cash based support
Guidelines and Tools
Cash Transfer Programming and Child Protection in Humanitarian Action: Review and opportunities to strengthen the evidence
As prevalence of cash transfer programming in humanitarian response has grown, so too has the recognition that the child protection sector must learn how to use case transfer programs to achieve better results for children. This report summarizes the evidence for cash transfer programming and child...
The humanitarian currency enabling children’s future – Inter-agency cash roundtable
This summary report highlights key presentation insights, and recommendations from the CALP Network & World Vision co-hosted inter-agency Cash Roundtable, focusing on how CVA can be an enabler to promote child protection and child wellbeing, based on most recent research, case studies from across the...
Guía para la salvaguarda de la niñez en los Programas de Transferencias Monetarias
Guía y herramientas
El propósito de esta guía es determinar los posibles riesgos en materia de salvaguarda de la niñez asociados con los programas de transferencias monetarias y ofrecer ciertas sugerencias durante la gestión dichos programas, (haciendo hincapié en los métodos de seguimiento y mitigación) con el fin de...
The Potential of Cash-Based Interventions to Promote Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment
The study on The Potential of Cash-Based Interventions to Promote Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment sought to explore how CBIs can contribute to achieving gender equality and women’s empowerment (GEWE), as ends in themselves and for food security and nutrition outcomes. Where changes in GEWE...
The Potential of Cash-Based Interventions to Promote Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment – Summary Report of the Multi-Country Study
The study on The Potential of Cash-Based Interventions to Promote Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment sought to explore how CBIs can contribute to achieving gender equality and women’s empowerment (GEWE), as ends in themselves and for food security and nutrition outcomes. Where changes in GEWE...
Indicateurs de résultats des transferts monétaires à usages multiples : Projet final à tester
Guides et outils
Les indicateurs présentés dans ce document se concentrent sur les principaux objectifs des TMUM humanitaires et sur les résultats auxquels les transferts monétaires à usages multiples peuvent le plus fortement contribuer. (Par exemple, certaines interventions en TMUM visent à relier les personnes...