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21 – 40 sur 115 résultats
Швидкий аналіз координації грошової допомги для реагування на ситуацію в Україні в Польщі, Україні, Румунії та М олдові Регіональний підсумок
Використовуючи проєкт ключових показників ефективності координації грошових потоків Глобальної консультативної групи з питань грошової допомоги (ГКГ) як орієнтир,...
Швидкий аналіз координації грошової допомоги для реагування на надзвичайну ситуацію в Україні Інформаційний документ для України
З лютого 2022 року Україна та сусідні країни стикаються з гуманітарною кризою безпрецедентного масштабу, яка є однією з найбільш швидкозростаючих криз, що...
Rapid Reflection on Cash Coordination for the Ukraine Response in Poland, Ukraine, Romania & Moldova
These rapid reflection pieces look at how cash coordination structures supported the Ukraine crisis in Poland, Ukraine, Romania & Moldova. Each country report look at implications and good practices implemented by each national cash working groups and key lessons learned. The summary report draw lessons...
Leveraging Cash Assistance in GBV Case Management as a Tool in Moldova’s Ukrainian Refugee Response
In 2023, as part of the Ukrainian refugee response in Moldova, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) conducted a pilot to integrate cash assistance into gender-based violence (GBV) case management. Targeting GBV survivors and those at risk, including Ukrainian refugees and vulnerable Moldovans, the...
Main Outcomes of Cash Assistance: Findings from post-distribution monitoring, Bulgaria
In 2023, UNHCR’s cash-based interventions in Bulgaria evolved to address the persistent challenges faced by vulnerable households, particularly those with disabilities, serious medical conditions, single parents with dependents and older people without family support. Transitioning from one-off...
Cash and Voucher Assistance: Breaking down barriers to SRH care in humanitarian settings
Global commitments to universal health coverage mean that all people should have access to a full range of quality health services without financial hardship. Despite these commitments, populations affected by emergencies often face heightened barriers to accessing health services due to disruptions to...
Lithuania Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) for Child Protection (CP): Program Summary and Evidence-Building Infographic
This infographic gathers key programmatic data from Save the Children CVA operations in Lithuania, within the larger context of the Ukrainian crisis, between December 2022 and April 2023, which aimed to assess and highlight the impact that CVA has on child protection outcomes, with a specific focus on...
Payment Solutions for CVA Implementers
This report explores how CVA implementers can leverage developments in payment technology to empower recipients, offering them a choice of CVA delivery mechanisms.
Soluciones de pagos para las agencias implementadoras de los PTM
Este informe explora cómo los responsables de la aplicación de los PTM pueden aprovechar los avances en la tecnología de pago para empoderar a los receptores, ofreciéndoles la posibilidad de elegir entre distintos mecanismos de entrega de PTM.
Lessons Learned Workshop Report: Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) and Community Engagement and Accountability (CEA) in Response to Ukraine and Impacted Countries Crisis Emergency Appeal
Since the escalation of the conflict in Ukraine at the end of February 2022, approximately one-third of people from Ukraine have been displaced, leading to one of the largest displacement crises in the world. From the period of 24 February 2022 until 20 November 2023, 182,047 displaced people from Ukraine...
“No-one has ever helped me like this.” User journeys of cash recipients in Ukraine
Russia‘s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 has caused a severe
humanitarian crisis – with widespread displacement, destruction of infrastructure, and
an urgent need for humanitarian assistance. In response, the humanitarian community
has supported the Ukrainian government to initiate...
Cash and Protection in the Ukraine Response
This learning report stems from bilateral discussions with the Collaborative Cash Delivery (CCD) Network’s members in Ukraine and Poland, many of whom were on the cusp of designing or implementing C4P programmes as part of the Ukraine response and were seeking learning and experience from each other.
Cash & Voucher Assistance for Child Protection: A case study from Save the Children in Lithuania
This infographic gathers key programmatic data from Save the Children CVA operations in Lithuania, within the larger context of the Ukrainian crisis, between December 2022 and April 2023, which aimed to assess and highlight the impact that CVA has on child protection outcomes, with a specific focus on...
How do Labels and Vouchers Shape Unconditional Cash Transfers? Experimental Evidence from Georgia
We implemented a randomized control trial in Georgia to study how labels and food vouchers affect household expenditure among low-income recipients of unconditional cash transfers. Households were randomly assigned to receive only an unconditional cash transfer, a label indicating an amount intended for...
Cash Coordination in Poland: Early lessons learnt from the humanitarian response for Ukrainian war refugees
This thesis was submitted for obtaining the Master’s Degree in International Humanitarian Action. By submitting the thesis, the author certifies that the text is from his hand, does not include the work of someone else unless clearly indicated, and that the thesis has been produced in accordance with...
Rapid Reflection on the Optimal Use of CVA for the Ukraine Response by DEC Member Charities and their Partners
Since February 2022, Ukraine and the neighbouring countries are facing a humanitarian crisis of unparalleled scale, ranking among the fastest-growing crises observed in the past decade and the largest in Europe since the end of World War II. In the first two months of conflict, more than 30 percent of...
Joint Market Assessment Round 2
This report assesses the feasibility of implementing Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA), specifically Multipurpose Cash Assistance (MPCA), to support individuals impacted by the February 6 earthquakes. The evaluation focuses on the acceptance of various forms of cash modalities, availability of key items,...
Cash and Voucher Assistance at Scale: Addressing food insecurity by supporting families in the Netherlands
With an increasing number of families experiencing financial trouble in the Netherlands, in September 2022, the Dutch parliament voted to allocate €100 million for free school meals in vulnerable neighbourhoods across the country. After the proposal was approved, the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture...
WVI Cash Roadmap 2.0 – New Avenues – Leveraging, multiplying “Nexus” cash to take children and their families further than imagined
WVI's strategic global Cash Roadmap 2.0 (2024-2027) speaks to the organisations' commitment that amidst polycrises and resourcing constraints, there is urgency to maximise and multiply World Vision's capabilities, assets and cash voucher programming (CVP=CVA) is a powerful tool to do so.
Recommendations on Cash for Protection for General Protection Actors
The aim of this document is to offer recommendations on the use of Cash for Protection interventions in Ukraine, including to create a common understanding among humanitarian partners, and to harmonize practices. This includes: ● Defining Cash for Protection & its objectives ● Scenarios for possible...