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Livelihood Outcomes of Multi-purpose Cash Assistance: Services and Assistance for Enabling Recovery (SAFER)
Since 2019, the severe economic crisis in Lebanon has plunged a large portion of the population into poverty. Over the last decade, poverty has more than tripled, reaching 44% in 2022. Many families were forced to adopt negative coping strategies such as reducing food consumption and withdrawing children...
Sudan Commercial Markets Analysis Summary, July 2024
In May and June 2024, the Cash Consortium of Sudan (CCS) commissioned a study funded by the European Union to better understand the capacity of commercial markets in select famine risk “hot spot” locations to scale up the supply of staple foods to meet an increase in provision of multi-purpose cash...
IOM Cash-Based Interventions: Annual Report and Case Studies 2023
Case Study
In recent years, IOM has placed special attention on increasing the use and coordination of cash-based interventions (CBI) across the organization in line with the Grand Bargain commitments and the IOM CBI Strategy 2022–2026.
In 2023, IOM continued to increase the use of CBI modalities to empower aid...
CashCap /NORCAP Support to Red Cross/Red Crescent National Societies Pilot Review. Ukraine and Syria. Final report.
Over the past two years NORCAP’s CashCap programme in collaboration with British Red Cross, invested efforts in an initiative to test whether NORCAP/CashCap’s expertise in coordination, facilitating multistakeholder collaboration processes, capacity-strengthening, policy influence and advocacy for...
Community Participation in the Design of Multi-purpose Cash Programs – Perspectives from the field
The design of cash and voucher assistance (CVA) programs, especially when implemented at scale, is often driven by technical considerations. The conversations often focus on the survival minimum expenditure basket, financial service provider’s fees and targeting algorithm. Important decisions regarding...
Reflecting on Humanitarian Cash Response in Gaza – Insights and Key Takeaways
Webinar recording
Our discussions with the Gaza Cash Working Group coordinators focused on achievements, challenges, and strategies for implementing rapid cash responses.
Report Launch and Panel Discussion: Achieving Resilience by Linking Humanitarian CVA to Social Protection in MENA
Join as for a rich panel discussion on linking humanitarian CVA to social protection in MENA!
Please join us on April 18th 2024 from 15:00-16:30 Amman time to launch CALP's new report on the Feasibility of Achieving Resilience by linking vulnerable populations receiving humanitarian CVA to development...
MENA Membership Engagement Event
Meeting minutes
This event brought together CALP members in the MENA region and focused on how we can collectively advance Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA). Throughout the event, attendees engaged in fruitful breakout room discussions on membership engagement, had a discussion on advancing CVA based on the...
فعالية أعضاء منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا
محضر اجتماع
استضافت هذه الفعالية أعضاء CALP في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا، وركزت على كيفية تقدمنا جماعيًا في مجال المساعدات النقدية والقسائم. خلال الفعالية، شارك الحاضرون في...
Empowering Communities: Post-earthquake small business recovery in Hatay, Turkey
Case Study
On February 6, 2023, a 7.7 magnitude earthquake devastated Turkey and Syria, following by numerous aftershocks. The Turkish areas of Hatay, Adıyaman, Kahramanmaraş and Malatya were the hardest hit. Immense infrastructure damage—including roads, medical centers, and houses—over 108,000 injured...
Colombia and Lebanon Evaluation Report: Measuring the impact of cash on child protection outcomes
As humanitarian crises break down traditional protection mechanisms and the loss of income restricts access to basic resources, children become increasingly vulnerable to abuse, neglect, exploitation, and violence. Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) is a critical modality that is increasingly being adopted...
Cash & Voucher Assistance (CVA) & Child Protection (CP) Global Study – Research Report in the DRC, Egypt, Lithuania and the Philippines
Since 2022, Save the Children has been scaling up its use of CVA for Child Protection (CP) programming through various pilot projects.
Research was commissioned in four countries in 2022-23 to generate evidence and learning to inform the design of future programming but also to design a robust...
Cash and Vouchers Assistance (CVA) and Child Protection: Summary of practice and evidence from Save the Children programmes 2023 Edition
In an effort to increase global knowledge and learning, Save the Children conducted a global review of twenty Country Offices and their programs in order to assess and highlight the impact that different forms of Cash and Vouchers Assistance (CVA) have on Child Protection (CP) outcomes, to identify...
اجتماع أعضاء شبكة CALP في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا
اجتماع عبر الإنترنت- 6 أذار 2024، 11:00-13:30 بتوقيت عمّان
MENA Membership Engagement Event
Online- March 6th, 2024, 11:00-13:30 Amman time
UNFPA Estudio de caso: la mitigación del riesgo de VBG en la asistencia en efectivo en Iraq y Colombia
Case Study
En 2022-2023, el Fondo de Población de las Naciones Unidas (UNFPA) y el Instituto Mundial de la Mujer de la Universidad George Waimage-20240305162548-1shington llevaron a cabo una investigación operacional en Iraq y Colombia con el objetivo de desarrollar indicadores indirectos para mitigar el riesgo...
The Group Cash Transfer Approach in Yemen
Case Study
The GCT approach was contextualized and piloted successfully in both North and South Yemen by ZOA Yemen and its local partner SDF in 2022 and 2023. More than 100 community groups submitted their plans and received cash transfers to implement their proposed activities. Cash transfers ranged from 2,000 USD...
Cash and Voucher Assistance: Breaking down barriers to SRH care in humanitarian settings
Case Study
Global commitments to universal health coverage mean that all people should have access to a full range of quality health services without financial hardship. Despite these commitments, populations affected by emergencies often face heightened barriers to accessing health services due to disruptions to...
Year-End Post-Distribution Monitoring Report: UNHCR’s multi-purpose cash assistance to refugees in Egypt – 2023
UNHCR uses cash-based interventions to provide protection, assistance, and services to the most vulnerable. From January to December 2023, UNHCR Egypt provided regular multipurpose cash assistance (MPCA) to 20,944 refugee and asylum seeker households from all nationalities, including new arrivals from...
Post-Distribution Monitoring of MCPA to Sudanese New Arrivals – Egypt 2023: A two-time UNICEF-funded cash assistance programme implemented by UNHCR
UNHCR provided a multipurpose cash assistance funded by UNICEF to the most vulnerable new arrivals from Sudan, who were on UNHCR waiting list, to support them in covering their immediate needs, and mitigate potential protection risks, and also to reduce their resorting to negative coping strategies. The...