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21 – 40 sur 50 résultats

استعراض الممارسات الجيدة في المساعدات النقدية في سياقات ارتفاع معدلات التضخم وانخفاض قيمة العملة


ما هو هذا التقرير؟ مجموعة من الممارسات الجيدة لمساعدة الجهات الإنسانية الفاعلة في تصميم وتنفيذ البرامج النقدية ، بما في ذلك النقد متعدد الأغراض (MPC) والنقد مقابل...

19 janvier 2022

Good Practice Review on Cash Assistance in Contexts of High Inflation and Depreciation


What is this? A compilation of good practices to assist humanitarian actors designing and implementing cash programmes, including multipurpose cash (MPC) and cash for sectoral outcomes. The rationale for this document is the growing challenge of inflation and currency depreciation in contexts in which...

5 octobre 2021

Minding the (financial and digital) gap! – How informal social safety nets leverage digital & cash enablers in COVID-19 pandemic


Minding the (financial and digital) gap! – How informal social safety nets leverage digital & cash enablers in COVID-19 pandemic: In every context, strengthening the links between cash transfers, savings groups and digitisation contributes to resilient recovery from COVID-19. Representatives of...

17 mai 2021

Stepping up CVA with COVID-19: Paving the way we respond to future crisis


COVID-19 has thrown the world into lockdown and taken a tremendous toll on the health, social, and economic status of vulnerable communities, households, and individuals. Limitations on daily activities and an over-arching health crisis, restrictions on movement, closures of schools and businesses have...

15 septembre 2020

Cash Working Group Leads Meeting Report – July 2020


The meeting was set to enable CWG Leads and Co-Leads reflect on the COVID-19 response, address challenges they face in this regard and look into trends and opportunities the response brings.

7 août 2020

CWG SS Tipsheet: Protection from COVID-19 during cash distribution (PPE)

Guidelines and Tools

This document is created by Cash Working Group (CWG) South Sudan to provide guidance/key messages to partners, sectors, inter-sector working group, FSP, communities and beneficiaries on key safety measures in the context of COVID-19. The document compiles recommendations from different sources including,...

14 mai 2020

Cash Working Group Leads Meeting Report – March 2020


The Cash Working Group leads/co-leads meeting is a forum intended to provide a space for reflection, peer learning and developing solutions to shared challenges. This year’s meeting agenda and content were guided by requests from and contributions by participants. This report summarizes the discussions...

March 2020

South Sudan Joint Market Monitoring Initiative (JMMI)


In an effort to better inform cash-based interventions and understand market dynamics in South Sudan, the Joint Market Monitoring Initiative (JMMI) was created by the South Sudan Cash Working Group (CWG) in August 2019. The initiative is guided by the JMMI Technical Working Group (JMMI-TWG), led by REACH...

23 janvier 2020

South Sudan Cash Working Group (CWG) 5Ws reporting template

Guidelines and Tools

Template Spreadsheet for reporting activities on WHO does WHAT, WHERE, WHEN for WHOM that fall under the Cash Working Group framework.


How Cash-Based Approaches affect Nutrition Outcomes: Case Studies from World Vision cash programmes in Bangladesh and South Sudan


Case studies South Sudan & Bangladesh – analysis of how different modalities meet their basic needs with flexibility and dignity, esp. contributing to improved nutrition outcomes. Factors such as spending patterns, availability of nutritious food in markets, dietary changes & coping strategies, transfer...

June 2019

Cash Working Group Strategy Paper for South Sudan 2019-2020, 1st Edition – July 2019


The Cash Working Group Group South Sudan (hereby referred as CWG in the document) was officially established in 2015 and has been recognized as the medium for coordination, communication, information sharing, technical discussions, as well as capacity building of cash actors. This platform also provides...


A Meeting of Cash Working Group Leads: Learning, ideas and recommendations from Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Uganda, Zimbabwe and the Southern Africa Regional Group


Cash Working Group (CWG) leads representing 10 CWGs from East and Southern Africa (nine country-based and one regional) met in Nairobi on 3-4 October 2018 to discuss lessons learned, share challenges and propose solutions. This report includes thoughts and recommendations related to managing CWGs; ideas...