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Le b.a.-ba des transferts monétaires : tout ce que vous devez savoir

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21 – 40 sur 68 résultats

Testing new ground. Multisector cash interventions in Mangaize refugee camp Niger


In the midst of the Mali refugee crisis in Niger, UNHCR implemented one of the first multisector cash transfer projects in Mangaize refugee camp in 2015, providing refugees with grants covering non-food items, hygiene, shelter and livelihood needs. The cash project came on the heels of a successful food...


Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Cash-Based Food Assistance Projects: A case study and discussion paper of findings in Niger


Despite recent and expanding literature on cost effectiveness and value for money, there is little by way of guidance for the implementation of cost-effectiveness analysis in humanitarian and development programming. This report distills findings from the literature on ex post cost-effectiveness analysis,...


A Review of Evidence of Humanitarian Cash Transfer Programming in Urban Areas


Urban poor populations frequently experience disasters of varying typology and intensity. When set against a backdrop of poverty and marginalisation, their needs can be complex. As recent urban crises have pushed humanitarian agencies to respond in urban areas, this literature review examines the...


A case for cash: crisis and disaster-affected populations’ perspective


As the number, scale and duration of humanitarian crises increase, the provision of cash to affected people and communities presents a number of opportunities for more effective and efficient programming. The means by which such opportunities can be maximised is a source of ongoing debate involving a wide...


Mobile Cash Transfers for Urban Refugees in Niamey, Niger


This study compared the effectiveness of cash transfers delivered through mobile phone and microfinance institutions to urban refugees in Niamey. The study found that the mobile phone delivery mechanism could be more cost-efficient than the MFI mechanism, after initial set up costs associated to...

February 2014

The CALP Network case study – Unconditional cash transfers to reduce food insecurity for displaced households and assist in the repatriation of people to their villages of origin – Niger


In 2012, Niger was affected by a food crisis that caused large population displacements. The NGO Arbeiter- Samariter-Bund Deutschland e.V. (ASB) distributed unconditional cash transfers in areas of food insecurity to improve food access for those displaced and those affected, and to help repatriate...


Les Transferts d’Argent par Téléphonie Mobile et par IMF pour les Réfugiés Urbains à Niamey (Niger)


Cette étude a comparé l’efficacité des transferts d’argent par téléphonie mobile et les transferts de cash par l’Institution de Micro-Finance aux réfugiés urbains à Niamey. L’étude a révélé que le mécanisme de transfert d’argent par téléphonie mobile serait plus rentable que le...


Preventing Acute Malnutrition Among Young Children in Crises: A prospective intervention study in Niger


Governments and donor agencies need to know which preventative strategy is most effective, particularly among children under 2 years old who are most vulnerable to acute malnutrition. Here, the researchers compare the effectiveness of seven preventative strategies—including the distribution of...


Africa Social Protection Policy Briefs – Affordability and Financing of Social Protection Systems


Social protection spending as a share of each national economy tends to increase as the country’s per capita income rises and as the coverage and scope of its social protection programs increase. Overall spending on social protection in Africa is low by international standards (see box below), and these...


Payment Mechanisms and Anti-Poverty Programs: Evidence from a Mobile Money Cash Transfer Experiment in Niger


Cash transfers have become an increasingly important component of social protection policies in both developed and developing countries. While such programs are often implemented electronically in developed countries, in many developing countries with weak financial infrastructure, such transfers are...


The Impact of Cash and Food Transfers: Evidence from a randomized intervention in Niger


There is little rigorous evidence on the comparative impacts of cash and food transfers on food security and food-related outcomes. This paper assesses the relative impacts of receiving cash versus food transfers using a randomized design. Drawing on data collected in eastern Niger, the paper finds that...


Cash transfers in Niger: The manna, the norms and the suspicions


Cash transfers (CT) are a particularly fascinating case for the social anthropology of development and, more generally, for research on development, for three reasons: (a) because they are going through a period of considerable expansion, both in the intermediary countries and in the poorest countries,...


Enseignements Tirés du Programme Cash Voucher au Camp de Réfugiés de Mangaïze


L’atelier régional sur les enseignement tirés du projet cash voucher au camp de réfugiés de Mangaize s’est tenu du 11 au 12 septembre à Niamey et le 13 septembre à  Mangaize, au Niger. L’atelier a réuni 53 participants représentant 18 organisations collaborant avec le UNHCR et/ou le PAM au...


Fiche de partage d’expérience des PTM – Capitalisation Niger, 2013


Fiche de capitalisation sur un projet de cash for work et transfert inconditionnel, mis en oeuvre par ACTED au Niger, en réponse aux inondations survenue pendant la période de soudure 2012. Cette fiche présente le contexte, les détails de mise en oeuvre du projet ainsi que les leçons apprises et...


Transferts monétaires inconditionnels pour la réduction de l’insécurité alimentaire de ménages déplacés et l’aide au retour dans leurs villages d’origine. Niger (Etude de cas le CALP Network)


En 2012, le Niger a été affecté par une crise alimentaire qui a entraîné des déplacements de populations. L’ONG ASB (Arbeiter Samariter Bund) est intervenue dans le domaine de la sécurité alimentaire pour palier au manque d’accès à la nourriture des déplacés et d’autres personnes...


Amélioration de la sécurité alimentaire, protection des moyens d’existence et prévention de la malnutrition des familles affectées par la crise alimentaire de 2011/12. Niger (Etude de cas le CALP Network)


Au cours des dix dernières années, le Niger a été confronté à des crises alimentaires récurrentes qui ont fortement affaibli les capacités économiques des populations et ont provoqué l’érosion de leurs moyens d’existence. Ces crises de plus en plus fréquentes ont provoqué une augmentation...


Evaluation de Différentes Stratégies de Distributions Préventives de la Malnutrition au Niger: Rapport Final


Parmi les enfants de 6 à 59 mois traditionnellement pris en charge dans les programmes nutritionnels au Niger, la tranche d’âge la plus à risque de malnutrition aiguë est celle des enfants de 6 à 23 mois. Plusieurs types de produits sont disponibles actuellement pour prévenir la malnutrition : les...


Enhancing WFP’s Capacity and Experience to Design, Implement, Monitor, and Evaluate Vouchers and Cash Transfer Programmes: Study summary


With support from the Government of Spain, and in partnership with the World Food Programme (WFP), researchers from the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) evaluated four pilot projects to assess the comparative performance of cash transfers, food payments, and vouchers on household food...


Document de leçons apprises sur les foires alimentaires en région de Tillaberi


En réponse à l’extrême situation d’insécurité alimentaire dans la région de Tillaberi (Niger), ACTED a mis en œuvre une distribution de coupons et des foires alimentaires pour aider les ménages les plus vulnerables à couvrir leur besoins alimentaires. Parallèlement,  des sensibilisations...


The Crisis in the Sahel – Special Feature


The special feature of this issue of Humanitarian Exchange focuses on the humanitarian crisis in the Sahel region of Africa, where aid agencies estimate that more than 18 million people are affected by food insecurity. In response to this crisis, cash and vouchers programming has been largely used. In...

September 2012

Le b.a.-ba des transferts monétaires : tout ce que vous devez savoir

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