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L'heure est venue de prendre des mesures audacieuses sur les transferts monétaires : en savoir plus

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1 – 20 sur 107 résultats

The Use of Cash Assistance in DEC’s Coronavirus Appeal: Key Learning, Best Practices and Recommendations


The purpose of this report is to provide insight into the learnings, future improvements and best practices in cash programming. The 2020 DEC Coronavirus Appeal was analysed to determine the opportunities for collective learning about cash programming. The countries investigated include, Afghanistan,...

29 mars 2022

Somalia CVA Case Study: Cash and Voucher Assistance and Gender-Based Violence Risk Mitigation


In order to better understand the potential risks for women and girls that may be created by the provision of humanitarian cash assistance, Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) and Gender-Based Violence (GBV) experts from Somalia worked closely together to evaluate existing CVA interventions in Somalia and...

1 juin 2021

GBV Risk Mitigation: An Analysis of the CARE Somalia Integrated Relief &Recovery Program (ISRP) Multipurpose Cash.


This is a learning brief that highlights the GBV risk mitigation analysis of CARE’s ISRP Project (Economic Recovery Sector ) funded by USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA), The CARE Project was applied as one of the case studies for the inter-agency Somalia GBV Risk mapping in CVA projects.

31 mai 2021