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1 – 20 sur 70 résultats
Understanding how Cash and Voucher Assistance Programs for Nutrition are Implemented: A review of programmatic case examples from Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, Somalia, and Colombia
The purpose of this review was to identify and document case examples of programs in different countries and contexts that use cash, vouchers, or in-kind food assistance with nutrition activities to understand why and how these programs are implemented, and identify innovations that may inform and support...
Onward Bound: Evaluating Cash and Voucher Assistance for Migrants on Sahel’s Migration Trail – Research and learnings from the Sahel region
This research – a collaboration between the British Red Cross and Samuel Hall – provides evidence on the opportunities and challenges to integrate cash and vouchers assistance (CVA) as a support modality in migration programming in the context of transit migration in the Sahel. While CVA has become...
Calcul de la valeur de transfert en Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre : les leçons tirées du Cameroun et du Niger
Enregistrement webinaire
Si le processus de définition du panier de dépenses minimum (MEB) est de mieux en mieux compris dans la région, les groupes de travail nationaux sur les transferts monétaires (CWG) semblent toujours peiner sur le calcul de la valeur de transfert et son utilisation. Les CWG et les acteurs...
Linking humanitarian cash assistance and national social protection systems
This study looks at the current (2020-2022) alignment and links between social protection programs on the one hand and humanitarian assistance provided by donors and agencies on the other in six countries in the Sahel region: Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, and Senegal. The study aims to...
Evidence of impact research study: Cash and voucher assistance in Niger
While in-kind assistance constitutes the bulk of humanitarian aid globally, Cash and voucher assistance (CVA) is quickly gaining ground among donors and practitioners. Between 2014 and 2020, the share of CVA-based support within the overall humanitarian assistance portfolio) increased 4.5 times — from...
Cash and Voucher Assistance in Niger: CVA feasibility study key findings
A mixed qualitative and quantitative data gathering was conducted by Plan International in August 2022 in Niger through market survey, Focus Group Discussions (FGDs), and Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) in Tillabery (Ouallam and Torodi) and Tahoua regions. A total of 131 traders from the major markets...
A Global Mapping of GOAL’s Cash, Vouchers and Social Protection Interventions Linked with Health
This mapping identified ways GOAL are providing financial assistance (including CVA and social protection assistance) to support access to health related goods/services and improve people’s health/nutrition status. It reviewed GOAL projects in Africa, the Middle East, Latin America and the...
CVA in Migration Context – Voices of Migrants in Niger
On 24–31 August 2021, the Niger Red Cross, supported by the IFRC, conducted a survey with 35 migrants in neighbourhoods around the capital city of Niamey to ask about their views on CVA, their preferences, and their views on digital identities. This report provides a summary of the responses from the...
Niger: Providing cash transfers for vulnerable people living with HIV and key populations
In 2020, WFP and UNAIDS piloted a joint initiative to mitigate the socio-economic impact of COVID-19 on marginalized populations often left behind by providing cash transfers to vulnerable people living with HIV, key populations and their households in Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire and Niger....
Market-Based Approaches for National WASH Cluster Response Plans (in French)
Members event
This webinar is aimed for humanitarian practitioners working in Central African Republic, Mali, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Madagascar, Chad and Niger.
UN Common Cash Statement Progress Report – September 2021
This report outlines key progress and challenges under the UN Common Cash Statement (UNCCS) and the vision and priorities ahead. It builds on more than two years of implementation, the UNCCS Q&A and a number
of surveys and lessons learned workshops conducted with countries in 2021. While the focus has...
Disability Inclusive Cash Assistance: Learnings from Practice in Humanitarian Response
Guidelines and Tools
This case study collection describes lessons learned from seven inclusive humanitarian cash transfer projects implemented from 2015 – 2020 in Niger, Zimbabwe, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Philippines, and Indonesia, and five ongoing projects from the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic responses. This good practice...
Note de plaidoyer sur les impacts immédiats de la crise du COVID19 sur la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle des pays d’Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre
Humanitarian Impact of Covid-19 in West and Central Africa
Produced by the Regional Inter-Sector Coordination Group for Humanitarian Affairs in West and Central Africa (R-ISCG), this document summarises the main impacts of Covid-19 on the population of the region and on ongoing humanitarian operations. The R-ISCG also wishes to put forward some key...
Compte-rendu du Cash Working Group du Niger du 04 décembre 2019
Atelier d’apprentissage sur les risques liés aux TM: recommendations de Douala
Assistência em Dinheiro e Cupões que Funciona para as Mulheres: 6 lições do terreno
A Assistência em Dinheiro e Cupões (CVA) é actualmente uma ferramenta comum na acção humanitária que é utilizada para fazer face, com maior dignidade, às diversas necessidades de pessoas refugiadas por motivo de crises e conflitos. Embora existam cada vez mais evidências do efeito da CVA no...
Compte-rendu du Cash Working Group du Niger du 26 juin 2019
Compte-rendu du Cash Working Group du Niger du 06 mars 2019
Risk Assessment and Mitigation Requirements for High-Risk Environments
Guidelines and Tools
This document is an annex to the USAID Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA) Proposal Guidelines that provides supplemental requirements for proposals for programs in high-risk operating environments. USAID/OFDA recognizes that certain operating environments present a heightened risk of...