Événements à venir
Global Cash Forum meeting
Members event
The Global Cash Forum (GCF; formerly the Global CWG) will meet Wednesday, 18 September from 12:30 to 2 pm UTC.
The tentative agenda is below:
-Re-introducing the GCF and new Steering Committee members
-Understanding CVA and anticipatory action, including a walk through tools, guidance and best practice
AIDONIC In-person Event in Washington, DC on CVA and Localisation
Members event
AIDONIC is a Swiss-based award-winning fintech focused on digital solutions for cash and voucher assistance and localisation in the humanitarian and development sectors.
We're excited to invite you to our exclusive in-person event on September 19th at 10 AM in Washington DC, hosted by our esteemed partners, the Pan American Development Foundation (PADF). The co-founders Severiyos and Joel...
Aller de l’avant : les transferts monétaires humanitaires dans les Amériques au cours des cinq prochaines années
Contexte Les transferts monétaires humanitaires ont considérablement augmenté en volume et en portée au cours de la période 2018-2023. Avec au moins cinq ans de transferts monétaires humanitaires généralisés dans les Amériques, il est possible d’examiner la maturité de l’utilisation des modalités, les tendances et les domaines où la croissance doit être plus importante dans...
Trusting People with a Large Cash Payment – Exploring evidence on cash lump sums vs flow payments
Members event
This webinar will bring together social protection policy specialists and researchers to discuss the evidence base around lumpsum payments for poverty reduction versus regular social assistance payments. GiveDirectly will share the initial findings from the world’s longest Universal Basic Income (UBI) study, which includes 3 treatment arms - 2 groups receiving regular flow payments (2 years...
Humanitarian Cash and Voucher Assistance in the USA: Community of Practice
Objective To provide a once off space that facilitates exchange and learning for the actors implementing humanitarian Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) in the United States. We aim to provide an environment to share knowledge, experiences, and best practices to enhance the effectiveness of their initiatives for the benefit of recipient communities. The theme of this meeting will be...
CALP F2F: Core CVA Skills for Programme Staff in Paris – Key Aid Consulting
Members training
CALP Board Meeting
The CALP Board provides strategic leadership and operational oversight of CALP. It operates on the basis of the Operational Framework and Code of Conduct. The CALP Board meets a minimum of four times a year, online. For more information, go to the Board page.
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