Événements à venir
USA & Canada Community of Practice Meeting
CALP will host a meeting with members of the USA & Canada Community of Practice on Wednesday October 16, 2024, from 14:00 to 15:30 (EST). The event will be online. The meeting will explore the topic of CVA cash risks under scrutiny. We will be discussing how cash is being put under fire in some contexts. We will share some trends and want to hear from you all on what you are hearing. Cashies...
Solving for Deduplication and Referrals- our learning to date
Members event
On behalf of the Collaborative Cash Delivery Network (CCD), I’d like to invite you to our webinar on Wednesday, 16th October at 1:00 PM UK time.
Join our webinar to hear about our experience of solving the challenge of deduplication and referral across multiple stakeholders involved in cash programming and see the first ever platform in the humanitarian sector that enables community...
Humanitarian Cash and Voucher Assistance in the USA: Community of Practice
Objective To provide a once off space that facilitates exchange and learning for the actors implementing humanitarian Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) in the United States. We aim to provide an environment to share knowledge, experiences, and best practices to enhance the effectiveness of their initiatives for the benefit of recipient communities. The theme of this meeting will be...
CALP F2F: Core CVA Skills for Programme Staff in Paris – Key Aid Consulting
Members training
CALP Board Meeting
The CALP Board provides strategic leadership and operational oversight of CALP. It operates on the basis of the Operational Framework and Code of Conduct. The CALP Board meets a minimum of four times a year, online. For more information, go to the Board page.
CALP Online: Core CVA Skills for Programme Staff – Key Aid Consulting – January
Members training
CALP Online: Core CVA Skills for Programme Staff – Key Aid Consulting – February
Members training
CALP Online: Core CVA Skills for Programme Staff – Key Aid Consulting – April
Members training
Événements passés
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241 – 260 sur 341 résultats
Cash Hub Webinar 23: Protection Gender and Inclusion and CVA
Members event
Considering Protection, Gender and Inclusion when delivering Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) is essential to supporting the most vulnerable in an appropriate way and avoiding harm. Zambia Red Cross and Zimbabwe Red Cross will share activities and learning in relation to PGI and their CVA responses, and...
Vendor Experiences with humanitarian cash & voucher assistance: findings from Chad and Colombia
Members event
Please join the IRC as we share findings from a three-year, USAID-funded research project that explored the effects of CVA on different types of vendors, and asked vendors what types of support they themselves would prefer. The webinar will be presented in English with Spanish and French interpretation...
Lessons Learnt on Coordination of CVA in Kenya
This event aims to provide a space for reflection and dialogue on the overall coordination of CVA response in Kenya in 2020 – 2021. The key questions include: Why is CVA coordination still a challenge in Kenya? What improvements are needed going forward? And How can we work together to bring about the...
Regional CWG Leads meeting
The purpose of this event is to get a closer look into the different CWG projects and goals set for the end of 2021. During this meeting, we will receive updates on the Regional Groups, elections, and lessons learned during the year, as well as get an insight into CashCap 2020/21. The event will conclude...
Cash Coordination Next Steps: An important meeting for humanitarian leaders
Wednesday 15th September from 13.00 -14.00 UTC
Eastern Africa Regional CWG meeting
This meeting will provide space for National CWGs to share updates on the use of CVA in the various ongoing crisis in the region, ongoing work by the CWGs and challenges faced. The CWGs will also collectively set a research agenda for the CALP Network and the Regional Cash Working Group based on what the...
CALP Board Meeting
CALP Board meeting – quarterly
New Guidance: Market-Based Programming in WASH: Technical Guidance for Humanitarian Practitioners
Over recent years, humanitarian aid organizations have increasingly used market-based programming (MBP) to deliver water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in emergencies. ‘Market-based modalities’ include the distribution of cash and vouchers, which enable recipient households to access the WASH goods...
Formation sur les outils d’évaluation du marché
***Les inscriptions sont clôturées*** Le module de formation aux outils d’évaluation du marché est conçu pour tous ceux qui peuvent participer à une évaluation du marché à des fins humanitaires. L’objectif principal du module est double : 1) comment mesurer la performance du marché et 2)...
Changing the mindset – turning theory into practice: Incorporating gender-sensitivity into linked humanitarian cash and social protection interventions
Members event
This is one of a series of webinars organised by the Grand Bargain Cash Sub Group, co-led by IFRC, UNICEF and FCDO to engage humanitarian actors with social protection by exploring the linkages between the two agendas and the design and implementation of Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA).
Suivi pour les transferts monétaires
***Les inscriptions sont clôturées*** La formation vise à développer les connaissances, les compétences et la confiance des praticiens sur le terrain pour soutenir et entreprendre le suivi des transferts monétaires humanitaires. Cette formation n’est pas destinée à ceux qui ne sont pas déjà...
Data Protection Awareness Symposium: A collaborative Event with the Data Commissioner
Members event
In partnership with the Kenya Red Cross Society & the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner, we are inviting you for a Data Protection Symposium to raise awareness among humanitarian organizations and other actors on personal data protection principles as applied in humanitarian activities.
Analyse des options de réponse
***Les inscriptions sont clôturées.*** La formation sur l’analyse des options de réponse est une formation en face à face fondée sur des expériences de projet et des exercices pratiques, et est conçue pour développer des connaissances avancées et une expertise technique dans les processus...
Compétences de base en transferts monétaires pour le personnel programme
***Les inscriptions sont clôturées.*** Cette formation est structurée autour du cycle du projet et couvre toutes les compétences clés requises pour concevoir, mettre en œuvre et suivre les transferts monétaires. La formation est axée sur une perspective technique / programmatique et incorpore des...
CVA, the Environment, and Climate Change in Humanitarian Response
Listen to the webinar recording here The global impacts of climate change and environmental degradation are real and pose a huge immediate and long-term threat. Multiple ongoing and complex crises underline the fact that climate change is, and will likely remain, the main challenge confronting the...
Formation pilote à distance sur le module « Compétences de base en transferts monétaires pour le personnel programme » 6 juillet au 21 septembre 2021.
Les inscirptions sont désormais fermées
Formation en face à face en français sur les outils d’évaluation du marché 21-24 juin 2021 à Dakar, Sénégal
À propos de cette formation
Le module de formation aux outils d’évaluation du marché est conçu pour tous ceux qui peuvent participer à une évaluation du marché à des fins humanitaires. L’objectif principal du module est double : 1) comment mesurer la performance du marché et 2) comment...
The CALP Network Technical Advisory Group (TAG) Quarterly Meeting
Members event
CALP TAG quarterly meeting
Cash and Voucher Assistance for Education in Emergencies: Response Options Analysis and Targeting Methodologies
Members event
When: Wednesday 9 June 2021, 14:30 – 16:00 CET (90 minutes)
What: Response options analysis and targeting methodologies in cash and voucher assistance (CVA) for education in emergencies (EiE)
By whom: The Global Education Cluster Cash Task Team
The webinar will be moderated by Marco Grazia (Global...
Cash Hub Webinar 22: Fast Track Cash Preparedness – The use of Cash and Markets in the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement
Members event
The COVID-19 response has been a catalyst for many Red Cross Red Crescent National Societies (NSs) to use Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA). This Webinar will explain what Fast Track Cash Preparedness entails and how this differs from the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement standard Cash Preparedness. In this...