COVID-19 et transferts monétaires : ressources, orientations, événements et questions
Nous espérons que vous tenez à l’abri en ces temps incertains. Alors que le COVID-19 continue de se propager dans le monde entier, il semble que chaque communauté sera touchée d’une manière ou d’une autre, que ce soit directement par le virus ou par ses répercussions économiques et autres.
Il y a eu beaucoup de discussions au sein du réseau du CALP Network sur ce que la pandémie signifie pour l’utilisation des Transferts Monétaires et pour les opérations des membres du CALP.
Orientations et ressources
- Orientations du CALP sur le COVID et les Transferts Monétaires (disponible en arabe, anglais, espagnol), elle résume les points clés des orientations des différents acteurs du réseau, et est mise à jour régulièrement.
- Collection de ressources (liste complète à consulter), apprentissage et questions ici, merci de continuer à partager !
- Autres ressources et liens utiles ci-dessous.
Image principale : Columbia University in the City of New York
Contenu associé
ICRC – Implications de la pandémie COVID-19 sur les transferts monétaires : Conseils et recommandations
Guides et outils
Cette liste de recommandations sert à aider les équipes terrain à réfléchir aux différentes manières d’:
1) éviter que nos transferts monétaires contribuent à propager le COVID-19 ;
2) orienter l’adaptation de nos transferts monétaires dans le cadre de la pandémie COVID-19;
3) anticiper certaines évolutions et impacts sur les marchés.
Cette liste de recommandations...
Les transferts monétaires dans le contexte du COVID-19 : conseils du réseau le CALP Network
Guides et outils
Voici un résumé des points clés des nombreuses ressources que vous avez partagées sur les transferts monétaires et le COVID par le biais de ce document. Il s’agit d’un document évolutif et nous continuerons à mettre à jour ce résumé au fur et à mesure que de nouvelles ressources seront ajoutées.
Les informations ci-dessous sont destinées à aider les organisations à...
Contenu récent
Gender Tip Sheet for UNICEF’s Cash Transfer Programme in the Horn of Africa Crisis
Guidelines and Tools
The content for this note was drawn primarily from Walking the Talk: Cash Transfers and Gender Dynamics, prepared by Carol Brady, commissioned by Concern Worldwide and Oxfam GB, 12 May, 2011. Drafted for UNICEF staff, this note outlines gender-related lessons learned from past CTPs and provides tips on...
Electronic Payment Systems 201
Guidelines and Tools
Disruptive innovation in the payments sector—and indeed the retail financial services industry—does not occur frequently. This is partly due to the dominant position of the incumbent players (primarily banks and payment networks), and partly due to the nature of the sector itself: as they relate to...
Cash Transfer Delivery in Differing Technological and Humanitarian Contexts
A Comparative Review of Six Countries
Ukraine Red Cross cash transfer case study
This case study examines the first ever Red Cross cash transfer initiative in the European Zone of the International Federation, as part of a home restoration programme in Ukraine following a devastating storm. The report details response analysis, rationale, programme summary, perceived impacts and...
A Case Study of Winter Safety Nets in Balakot District during the Pakistan Earthquake of 2005
This case study looks at Oxfam’s response to the Pakistan earthquake and the upcoming winter by providing winterisation vouchers to vulnerable households to be exchanged with traders for required essential food and non-food items. The paper looks at the context, situational analysis, response analysis,...
Delivering Cash through Cards: A quick delivery guide for cash transfer programming in emergencies
Guidelines and Tools
A Quick Delivery Guide to delivering money through cards (magnetic stripe or smart cards). Prepared as a practical tool, this guide provides a brief synthesis of the necessary preconditions and advantages and disadvantages of using cheques. It also provides practical implementation tips.
Cash & Voucher Technical Working Group Discussion Primers
Guidelines and Tools
The purpose of this document is to provide guidance to Cash and Voucher Technical Working Groups (TWGs) on possible issues for TWG discussion. This guide includes 9 key topics that a TWG may need to discuss, and for each outlines why the issue is important, possible discussion points, and suggested...
WFP’s Current C&V Portfolio
A presentation aimed at solidifying a common understanding of where WFP is and where it is going. Topics include: Shift from food aid to food assistance From pilots to scale Portfolio trends since 2009 Global C&V by programme category.
Support to IDP Education and Pupils Transition from ABE to Formal School in Puntland
This report discusses the findings and recommendations from the final evaluation of a pilot project that aimed at: (i) enabling 1,000 displaced and other vulnerable children in IDP settlements around Bossaso, Puntland, to access quality primary education and (ii) improving the learning environment in 10...
Revitalising communities with cash grants
This case study gives an overview of the Red Crescent’s response programme in Bangladesh following the devastation caused by Hurricane Sidr in 2007. Part of the overall programme was the livelihoods programme, which helped community members to re-establish their livelihoods. The programme focussed on...
Making the most of it: A regional multiplier approach to estimating the impact of cash transfers on the market
This study examines the regional multiplier effect resulting from Concern’s emergency cash transfer programme in Dowa district in Malawi, which experienced a food deficit in 2006. It uses a Reduced Social Accounting Matrix to calculate and analyse the impact of the cash transfers on different economic...
Delivering Cash Through Traders: A quick delivery guide for cash transfer programming in emergencies
Guidelines and Tools
A Quick Delivery Guide to delivering money through local traders. Prepared as a practical tool, this guide provides a brief synthesis of the necessary preconditions and advantages and disadvantages of using cheques. It also provides practical implementation tips.
IASC Evaluation of the Humanitarian Response in South Central Somalia 2005-2010
This independent report presented by DARA confirms that humanitarian aid in Somalia has saved thousands of lives between the years 2005 to 2010. The report is based on an evaluation of the humanitarian response in south-central Somalia and is one of the most comprehensive evaluations of aid in Somalia...
Unconditional cash transfer in Emergency Lessons learned from Plan in Vietnam
A presentation from the the CALP Network Global Learning Event, BKK 16-17 February 2011. Topics covered include: Implementation process Findings after intervention Strengths and weaknesses Lessons learned Presenter: Nguyen Trong Ninh – Plan in Vietnam
Evaluation of Cash Relief Programme implemented by Horn Relief
This evaluation of the Emergency Cash Relief Programme (ECRP) was conducted between the 10th -22nd of June 2004. The evaluation looked at the various issues of programme operation and management, including financial management, and used an overall performance-scoring matrix for this purpose. The overall...
Report: ECHO Roundtable "Scaling Up Cash Transfer Programming in Emergencies"
This 3-page report sums up the main points raised at the ECHO / WFP hosted roundtable on « Scaling Up Cash Transfer Programming in Emergencies », 23 September 2011. The roundtable focused on the scaling-up of Cash Transfer Programming (CTP) in emergencies, more specifically for the provision of...
Cash Transfers, Social Protection and Poverty Reduction
Cash transfers form an important and growing part of social protection programming in many developing countries. This article evaluates the use of different types of cash transfers in different regional contexts as a tool for reducing poverty and inequality in developing countries. Particular attention is...
CCT Programmes and Women’s Empowerment in Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador
Latin America’s efforts to alleviate poverty have resulted in reducing poverty in twelve countries, most strikingly in Mexico and Brazil. The adoption of Cash Transfer programmes in much of the region is credited with helping to bring this reduction about. These programmes are widely promoted as a cost...
Evaluation of Livelihoods Projects Sri Lanka Tsunami Specific Plan
Spanish Red Cross has wide experience in livelihoods programming mainly in South America and South Africa over the last twenty years. However the projects that were developed in response to the impact of the Indian Ocean tsunami were the first time that the SRC used cash grants as a modality for its...
Cash & voucher lessons learned workshop OFDA/ DG ECHO
An overview of discussions of the Cash & voucher lessons learned workshop OFDA/ DG ECHO – Niamey 09 &10 Dec 2010.