COVID-19 et transferts monétaires : ressources, orientations, événements et questions
Nous espérons que vous tenez à l’abri en ces temps incertains. Alors que le COVID-19 continue de se propager dans le monde entier, il semble que chaque communauté sera touchée d’une manière ou d’une autre, que ce soit directement par le virus ou par ses répercussions économiques et autres.
Il y a eu beaucoup de discussions au sein du réseau du CALP Network sur ce que la pandémie signifie pour l’utilisation des Transferts Monétaires et pour les opérations des membres du CALP.
Orientations et ressources
- Orientations du CALP sur le COVID et les Transferts Monétaires (disponible en arabe, anglais, espagnol), elle résume les points clés des orientations des différents acteurs du réseau, et est mise à jour régulièrement.
- Collection de ressources (liste complète à consulter), apprentissage et questions ici, merci de continuer à partager !
- Autres ressources et liens utiles ci-dessous.
Image principale : Columbia University in the City of New York
Contenu associé
ICRC – Implications de la pandémie COVID-19 sur les transferts monétaires : Conseils et recommandations
Guides et outils
Cette liste de recommandations sert à aider les équipes terrain à réfléchir aux différentes manières d’:
1) éviter que nos transferts monétaires contribuent à propager le COVID-19 ;
2) orienter l’adaptation de nos transferts monétaires dans le cadre de la pandémie COVID-19;
3) anticiper certaines évolutions et impacts sur les marchés.
Cette liste de recommandations...
Les transferts monétaires dans le contexte du COVID-19 : conseils du réseau le CALP Network
Guides et outils
Voici un résumé des points clés des nombreuses ressources que vous avez partagées sur les transferts monétaires et le COVID par le biais de ce document. Il s’agit d’un document évolutif et nous continuerons à mettre à jour ce résumé au fur et à mesure que de nouvelles ressources seront ajoutées.
Les informations ci-dessous sont destinées à aider les organisations à...
Contenu récent
More than roads: Using markets to feed the hungry in Nepal
This report, based on research in Nepal, focuses on the importance of markets and road infrastructure, which could be used to inform longer term food security strategies. The report goes through the basis of the research, the context of the market environment and highlights the services provided and the...
RED Card Program (Repair and Development) Chile Earthquake 2010
On 27 February 2010 an earthquake measuring magnitude 8.8 on the Richter scale struck the Bío-Bío and Maule regions of Chile, at a depth of only 35km. This earthquake was then followed by an equally devastating tsunami. This double disaster left more than 480 people dead, more than 1.8 million people...
Voucher Fairs: A Quick Delivery Guide (booklet version)
Guidelines and Tools
A Quick Delivery Guide to using voucher fairs to implement a market-based emergency response. Prepared as a practical tool, this guide provides a brief synthesis of the necessary preconditions and advantages and disadvantages of using voucher fairs. It also provides practical implementation tips. This...
Support to Economic Recovery of Urban Households in Karoi town, Zimbabwe (the CALP Network Case Study)
In the urban area of Karoi, Zimbabwe, Save the Children combined cash for work with livelihoods support to meet the immediate food needs and support the economic recovery of poor families. The project used smart cards to transfer cash to beneficiaries, which proved to be an appropriate payment...
Presentation sur le projet des filets sociaux au Niger
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Cash transfers in Zimbabwe
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Des convictions à la pratique : transferts monétaires et dynamiques de genre
Concern Worldwide (Concern) et Oxfam GB (Oxfam) ont commandité conjointement ce rapport pour étudier les impacts des transferts monétaires sur les dynamiques liées au genre à l’intérieur des familles et des communautés. Ce rapport a été demandé parce que les agences se préoccupaient du...
Les transferts monétaires dans les situations d’urgence urbaine – Boîte à outils destinées aux praticiens
Guides et outils
Reconnaissant la croissance de la population urbaine dans le monde et leur vulnérabilité croissante aux catastrophes, le CALP Network se propose d’examiner l’état actuel et l’impact des programmes d’intervention en milieu urbain faisant appel aux transferts monétaires. Cette étude vise...
Determining the Value of Cash Transfers – Preliminary Insights from LIME
In 2009, the multi donor funded Protracted Relief Programme (PRP) adopted LIME (Longitudinal approaches to Impact assessment, Monitoring and Evaluation) as the approach to be used both for establishing a PRP baseline and for on-going analysis of monitoring data in order to evaluate the effectiveness of...
Voucher Fairs: A Quick Delivery Guide (screen version)
Guidelines and Tools
A Quick Delivery Guide to using voucher fairs to implement a market-based emergency response. Prepared as a practical tool, this guide provides a brief synthesis of the necessary preconditions and advantages and disadvantages of using voucher fairs. It also provides practical implementation tips.
Shop vouchers for hygiene kits in Port-au-Prince, Haiti (the CALP Network Case Study)
In the aftermath of the 2010 Haiti earthquake, Oxfam’s Public Health Promotion team used a voucher programme to provide beneficiaries with essential hygiene items through local shops. The voucher system was chosen so that beneficiaries could access hygiene items in a normal and dignified way, and in...
Preventing Gender-Based Violence, Building Livelihoods: Guidance and tools for improved programming
Guidelines and Tools
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Rapport de l’évaluation finale de cash transfert dans les Départements de Tessaoua et Aguié 2010
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Le cash-for-work en milieu urbain 2009-2011: Une expérience Guinéenne
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Korogocho Cash Transfer Initiative: Supporting ‘Transformative Social Protection’ in the Kenyan Urban Slums
This case study looks at Concern Worldwide’s work with the Kenyan government to introduce the concept of transformative social protection (which acknowledges that vulnerability is not only related to income, and seeks to complement cash transfers with components addressing further vulnerabilities) to...
Philippines: Cash vouchers via debit cards
This one-page poster provides an overview of ACF’s programme to provide cash vouchers via debit cards in Cotabato City and Sultan Kudarat, Autonomous Regions of Muslim Mindanao, Republic of the Philippines
Meeting Humanitarian Challenges in Urban Areas: Review of Urban Humanitarian Challenges in Port-au-Prince, Manila, Nairobi, Eldoret
Following recommendations of the IASC Task Force on MHCUA, Nairobi, Eldoret and Manila and Port au Prince were adopted as representative case studies. They reflect recent and different types of sudden onset emergencies and disasters (urban violence, severe flooding and hurricanes, earthquakes) impacting...
IFRC and the evolution of CTP
An IFRC presentation covering the following topics: IFRC and the evolution of CTP Institutional commitment and organisational learning Working in Partnership with the CALP Network Moving forward
Helpdesk Research Report: Cash Transfers in Fragile/Conflict-Affected Environments
In-kind assistance has traditionally dominated social protection programming in fragile and conflict-affected contexts (Holmes, 2009). In recent years, however, there has been a rise in the implementation of cash transfer schemes in such environments. These programmes have often been relatively small...
Emergency Livelihood Recovery Intervention (ELRI): Fafi District – Garissa County – North Eastern Kenya
The Emergency Livelihood Recovery Intervention (ELRI) was implemented by Horn Relief with funding from OFDA. The Emergency Livelihood Recovery Intervention (ELRI) took place between January 2010 and April 2011; it was designed to address the immediate food security needs of the drought-stricken population...