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Launch Event: DG ECHO Thematic Policy Document on Cash Transfers

13 April 2022


Following the announcement by Commissioner Lenarčič at the European Humanitarian Forum, we would like to share with you DG ECHO’s new Thematic policy document on cash transfers.

The Thematic Policy provides guidance to DG ECHO partners and staff on the use of cash transfers. It embeds DG ECHO’s commitment, as a leading donor, to cash over vouchers and builds on best practice across the system. It is a practical tool, distinguishing mandatory elements and recommendations. The document is easy to navigate so please don’t feel overwhelmed by its length! There is also a checklist to be used for your proposals.

This new policy marks a step-change in linking cash transfers and social protection, and synergies with key reforms on digitalisation, localisation and greening of humanitarian assistance. It is complemented by the Large-scale Cash Guidance Note (Annex 1), which contains specific considerations for large-scale cash programmes. The Note provides specific guidance on the segregation of functions, cost-efficiency (including indirect costs) and transparency.

The policy launch event was on Wednesday 13 April from 1:00 to 2:30 pm CET.

The objectives were:
• Highlight key elements of the policy – emphasizing what’s new.
• Equip a wide cash audience on how to use and apply the policy in practice.
• Explore some of the topics (e.g. Basic Needs Approach, preparedness, harmonized cash operations, common MEAL frameworks).
• Solicit questions on the policy and country examples from the audience.

Please feel free to share the document widely.

We count on your engagement to implement this important policy in order to collectively enhance the quality and efficiency of cash programmes and of humanitarian aid.