CVA & Child Protection Training and ToT
We are pleased to invite you to apply for the Cash and Voucher Assistance & Child Protection Training of Trainers and Training in Rome, Italy from May 22-26.
The Training was developed by Save the Children and Plan International, under the Alliance for Child Protection for Humanitarian Action, with the support of SIDA. This training is made possible by US Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (BPRM) funding. It will target inter-agency regional Child Protection and Cash and Voucher Assistance colleagues working in global advisory roles supporting humanitarian contexts, as well as donors. The training has been designed to empower both CVA and CP practitioners to implement integrated CVA & CP programming. While the training content will be adapted to the needs of the participants, the learning modules will:
- Focus on the intersections between CP & CVA (risk mitigation in CVA and CVA for CP outcomes)
- Be competency/ behavior/ skills-based
- Mainstream gender, age & diversity considerations throughout
- Build on a scenario/case study based on a context in ESA
- Be based on existing inter-agency guidance / explain how to use existing tools and forthcoming tools.
- Address common issues / challenges / misconceptions and suggest mitigation measure
Below are training details:
- Training of Trainers (ToT): Monday, 22nd May, 2023
Those interested in the ToT, will need to participate in both the training and ToT as the training will cover the relevant technical material. - Main Training: Tuesday 23th May – Friday, 26th May
- Time: 9:00am – 5:00pm
- Location of Training: Rome, Italy; venue to be announced
- Language of Training: English
Facilitators: Lauren Murray (Child Protection Senior Advisor) and Julia Grasset (Cash & Markets Senior Advisor), co-leads of the Cash for Protection Task Team under the Global Protection Cluster.
Training costs that will be covered include coffee/lunch, venue and training materials. Participants are required to fund and organize their own travel, accommodation, meals outside the training, visas, etc. Those interested may apply here (to attend the ToT and/or Training).
Applicants will hear back on the status of their application by the 19th of April. We also encourage you to please share this invite with colleagues or those who you think may be interested.
To learn more about CVA for CP, please see the global guidance Designing Cash and Voucher Assistance to Achieve Child Protection Outcomes in Humanitarian Settings | Save the Children’s Resource Centre.