Análisis de idoneidad y viabilidad de los PTM
Acciones clave
Cómo hacerlo
EMMA – Paso 9: Análisis de respuestas
Herramientas disponibles
IFRC/CICR – Caja de herramientas para PTE en emergencias: Módulo 3. Análisis de respuestas: M3 1_2_1 Lista de verificación para la viabilidad de la entrega de efectivo; M3 1_3_1 Comparación de modalidades y mecanismos de PTE; M3 1_3_2 Ventajas y desventajas de las modalidades de PTE; M3 1_1_1 Opciones de intervenciones de PTE
Mercy Corps – «Decision Tree: What CTP To use? Mercy Corps Toolkit»
UNHCR – «Cash Delivery Mechanism Assessment Tool: Response analysis decision tree»
Para DPT: Caja de herramientas para PTE en emergencias: Caja de dinero por trabajo
Caja de dineor por trabajo: Módulo 1. Análisis de alternativas de intervención en DPT: 1 Hoja de ruta & 1_1 Ventajas y desventajas del dinero por trabajo
Cómo hacerlo
The CALP Network – «Organizational Cash Readiness Tool Instructions (OCRT)»; «OCRT Details, and Categories 1 to 4»
Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) and Partnership Toolkit – Good Practices & Guiding Questions
Guidelines and Tools
This document outlines in detail steps and considerations in Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) programs that are supporting of Local Humanitarian Leadership, align with principled and effective partnerships and follow minimum quality standards for partnerships across each phase of the CVA project cycle.
Herramientas disponibles
DKH – «Cash Self Assessment Tool»
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Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) and Partnership Toolkit
Guidelines and Tools
This year(2020) has called for a strong reflection on what we mean by partnership and how we work responsibly within CVA programs in support of localizaiton. For example, what do equitable and equal partnerships look like and why they are critical for accountable and quality humanitarian programs? In what ways does partnerships and local leadership facilitate better responses for those...
Cómo hacerlo
Cost-Efficiency Analysis of Basic Needs Programs: Best Practice Guidance for Humanitarian Agencies
Guidelines and Tools
The Efficiency, Effectiveness and Value for Money Sub-Workstream is pleased to share the final output on Cost-Efficiency Analysis of Basic Needs Programs: Best Practice Guidance for Humanitarian Agencies (attached).
Cost-efficiency analysis estimates the ratio of program costs to outputs created, allowing you to compare cost-per-output for programs which all produced the same output. Such...
Cash assistance: How design influences value for money?
This research aims to contribute to the proof-of-concept on how to design and deliver cash assistance that aligns with end-users’
expectations and maximises Value-for-Money. It seeks to answer the question: to what extent is the value for money of cash assistance influenced by the design of the programme?
This research examines three design decisions in particular: (1) using a unified...
Cómo hacerlo
The CALP Network – «Working with cash based safety nets in emergencies/Step 2.5 Options for engagement/Step 2.6 Contexts with potential for linking social assistance with humanitarian cash based response/Step 3 Working With Social Assistance Systems: Practical Guidance for Humanitarian Actors»
Connecting Humanitarian CVA with Government Social Safety Nets
Guidelines and Tools
The objectives of this document elaborated by the regional platform for Social Protection is to : Help actors at national level locate and analyse their countries in terms of context and systems; Identify key aspects to consider and guide national actors towards resources and tools; Support national actors to take operational decisions contributing to connect humanitarian CVA with Social...
SPACE Deciding when and how to link humanitarian assistance and social protection: guidance and tools for response analysis
Policy paper
This short paper presents two complementary ‘Tools’ to guide thinking and decisionmaking on humanitarian programme design, providing the basis for conducting a comprehensive response analysis to inform decisions on linking HA-SP. These can be used to determine the likely feasibility and appropriateness of linking humanitarian action and social protection and the key considerations to bear...
Herramientas disponibles
OPM – «Shock-Responsive Social Protection Systems Toolkit: Appraising the use of social protection in addressing large-scale shocks Section C: Diagnosis»
Connecting Humanitarian CVA with Government Social Safety Nets
Guidelines and Tools
The objectives of this document elaborated by the regional platform for Social Protection is to : Help actors at national level locate and analyse their countries in terms of context and systems; Identify key aspects to consider and guide national actors towards resources and tools; Support national actors to take operational decisions contributing to connect humanitarian CVA with Social...
Cómo hacerlo
Guía y caja de herramientas para la evaluación de mercados multisectorial
Market Based Programming (MBP)
Guidelines and Tools
Market Based Programming (MBP) in Oxfam’s work means we always consider existing markets – through assessments, analysis and programming – across all phases of a response and across all technical sectors. You can also watch the videos below which are available in English, Spanish, Arabic and French.
Herramientas disponibles
Guía y caja de herramientas para la evaluación de mercados multisectorial