Programas de transferencias monetarias sectoriales
Los PTM pueden ayudar a las personas en situaciones de crisis a abordar sus necesidades dentro de un determinado sector humanitario, tales como: agua, alimentos, salud, vivienda, medios de vida, o protección. Los PTM sectoriales pueden ser restringidos o sin restricción, condicionales o incondicionales, y normalmente serán proporcionados como parte de un paquete integral que puede incluir asistencia en especie o servicios.
Cada sector tiene que considerar distintas preguntas, retos, ventajas y riesgos cuando se trata de apoyar la recuperación de las personas dentro de su área de especialización. Esto requiere evidencias, herramientas, orientación y capacidad. Para cumplir los resultados sectoriales a través de los PTM también se requiere de una comprensión multisectorial de las necesidades y de la seguridad económica de los hogares (vea las Transferencias monetarias multipropósito). Mientras que algunos sectores tienen mucha experiencia en la implementación de los PTM y lo han hecho por muchos años, otros se están poniendo al día. La mayoría de los sectores humanitarios están comprometidos y han venido aumentando sus esfuerzos en los PTM sectoriales. El Grupo global de coordinación de clusters (GCCG, por sus siglas en inglés) también se encuentra coordinando el trabajo entre clusters para mejorar la utilización sectorial de los PTM.
Prioridades actuales
La CALP Network trabaja en estrecha colaboración con los grupos técnicos de asistencia en efectivo y equipos de tareas dentro de los clusters globales, que han estado definiendo sus prioridades y planes de trabajo del 2020 durante sus reuniones regulares. Una descripción general y detalles específicos de estas prioridades en cada cluster global está disponible aquí.
Subpáginas de los PTM sectoriales
Coordinación y gestión de campamentos y programas de transferencias monetarias
Educación y programas de transferencias monetarias
Seguridad alimentaria y programas de transferencias monetarias
Salud y programas de transferencias monetarias
Nutrición y programas de transferencias monetarias
Protección y programas de transferencias monetarias
Alojamiento y programas de transferencias monetarias
Agua, saneamiento e higiene (WASH) y programas de transferencias monetarias
Contenido destacado
Beyond Basic Needs: Using Cash and Voucher Assistance to Support the Transition from Basic Survival to Livelihoods Recovery in a Resource-Strapped World
Guidelines and Tools
Do you think of yourself as a “cash” person OR as a “livelihoods” person? An “emergency” practitioner OR a “recovery” practitioner? Or do you find yourself unsatisfied with the often narrow implications of these terms? We’ll never have enough funding to provide basic needs support to everyone who needs it for the entire time they are in need, even if we take advantage of the...
Looking into 2020: short overview on global clusters, CVA and the CALP Network
Overview as 2020 begins:
• Significant progress and commitment from all global clusters on integration of CVA into their work.
• Significant interest in different regions and by some donors on sector-specific CVA.
• Challenges that remain:
o Dialogue: 1) Ensuring CVA specialists understand sector specificities and successfully bank on the technical expertise emanating...
Building Evidence to inform the Effective Use of CASH and Voucher Assistance in Emergency Sanitation and Hygiene Programming
An analysis of 5 case studies of utilization of CASH/Voucher Assistance are presented and analysed in the attempt of building evidence on their utilization in emergency WASH Sanitation and HP programming. Findings and recommendations are provided on Coordination, Situation and Response Analysis, Program Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation.
Últimos recursos
Cash and Voucher Assistance Essentials for WASH Cluster Information Managers
Guidelines and Tools
CVA refers to all programmes where cash transfers or vouchers for goods or services are directly provided to recipients. In the context of humanitarian assistance, the term refers to the provision of cash transfers or vouchers directly to individuals, household or community recipients; not to governments...
Tip sheet on integrating cash and markets in HNOs and HRPs
Guidelines and Tools
The humanitarian programme cycle (HPC) aims to achieve stronger efficiency, improved targeting, increased funding and provide greater accountability to affected people. Market Based Programming (MBP), including Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) is now recognized as an effective tool to achieve the same...
Cuestiones relativas a las transferencias monetarias que deben tenerse en cuenta en las evaluaciones de las necesidades educativas en situaciones de emergencia
Guía y herramientas
En este documento se exponen algunas de las principales cuestiones relativas a las transferencias monetarias que deben tenerse en cuenta al realizar evaluaciones de las necesidades educativas en situaciones de emergencia. En la sección 1 se presentan algunos de los conceptos fundamentales en la materia,...
Global Education Cluster Strategy Package: Cash and voucher assistance checklist
Guidelines and Tools
This checklist provides guidance for considering cash and voucher programme delivery modalities throughout the Cluster Strategy document and development process on an equal footing with in-kind distributions. Cash and voucher assistance (CVA) is an intervention that targets households or individuals and...
Programas de transferencias monetarias: aspectos esenciales para oficiales de información del Clúster de Educación
Este documento responde a sus preguntas como gerente sobre PTM para el clúster de educación.
Consejos para integrar el uso de transferencias monetarias en el Panorama de Necesidades Humanitarias y en el Plan de Respuesta Humanitaria – HNO & HRP
Guía y herramientas
El uso de TM ha aumentado considerablemente en los últimos años, pasando del 10,6 % de la asistencia humanitaria internacional en 2016 al 19 % en 2020. Hoy en día, las TM es ampliamente como una modalidad más flexible y digna para brindar asistencia humanitaria y es también la modalidad preferida...
CVA for Health Outcomes – Position Paper
Policy paper
The RCRCM CVA for Health Outcomes Technical Working Group Position Paper on Cash for Health Outcomes explores how CVA (a form of demand side financing) can be used to support health outcomes, as a complement to supply side interventions, and highlight some of the key considerations.
Cash and Voucher Assistance for Protection Outcomes in Mine Action
Despite growing evidence that Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) can be a useful tool, where appropriate, to enhance the protection and resilience of individuals, households, and communities affected by crisis, Cash and Voucher Assistance is not widely used within Humanitarian Mine Action (HMA). This study...
Cash. Dignity. Agency.
Watch the videos here Displaced people face higher rates of gender-based violence before, during, and after they are forced to move. The Women’s Refugee Commission (WRC) explores how cash transfers can be used in response to gender-based violence and its potential to help displaced persons, including...
Cash transfer and child protection: An integrated approach to address the needs of unaccompanied and separated adolescents in the Central African Republic
This report assesses Plan International’s Monetary Transfer and Child Protection Project in Central African Republic. It aims to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the programme, including implementation challenges and successes, benefits and associated risks for beneficiaries,and to identify...
Cash Transfer and Education: Supporting basic education for Syrian refugees and Egyptian host communities
This report assesses Plan International’s Tawasol: Learning for Coexistence Project in Egypt to understand its strengths and weaknesses, including implementation challenges and successes, risks and benefits for beneficiaries, and any needs for continued capacity building. Plan International – with...
How to Incorporate Cash and Voucher Assistance into a Nutrition Response
Guidelines and Tools
There is a growing recognition that Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA), i.e. the provision of cash transfers and vouchers to targeted beneficiaries, can contribute to improving maternal and child nutrition by impacting on the underlying determinants of adequate nutrition. The main purpose of this Guidance...
Establishing a Cash Working Group and GBV Sub-Cluster task force: NW Syria Case Study
The case study was created with the inputs of two Cash Working Group leads and the GBV Turkey cross-border Sub-Cluster leads in the Northwest Syria response. The case study demonstrates an example of meaningful linking of gender-based violence response and cash and voucher assistance. As Cash and Voucher...
Response analysis tool: Effective decision making on the use of CVA for education outcomes in emergencies
Guidelines and Tools
This Response Analysis Tool aims to equip education actors with guidance and tools to undertake effective response analysis, contributing to the design and implementation of quality, effective and consistent cash and voucher assistance (CVA) for education outcomes. Guidance is presented under four steps...
Cash and voucher targeting for education outcomes: How to select beneficiaries to advance equity and maximize results
Guidelines and Tools
UNICEF has developed this targeting guidance to support scaling up of CVA in a way that maximizes outcomes for education in emergencies (EiE) responses, especially regarding the retention of girls in education. This is in recognition of the wider barriers to accessing and remaining in school that girls,...
Evidence building for cash and markets for WASH in emergencies
Webinar recording
This webinar was co-hosted by the Global WASH Cluster, Pro-WASH and the CALP Network in December 2020. The webinar presented findings from a systematic review (“Evidence building for cash and markets for WASH in emergencies”) conducted by the Global WASH Cluster (GWC), which examined how WASH actors...
CVA TC Harold Response
ADRA Fiji mobilized a team to monitor the efficiency and impact of cash assistance distributed by the organization in partnership with the I-Taukei Affairs Board (TAB) and their respective local partners in the island to respond to TC Harold. At the height of the intervention the agency distributed F$...
Los programas de transferencias monetarias al servicio de la salud
Poco a poco van surgiendo nuevos datos sobre el uso de programas de transferencias monetarias (PTM) al servicio de la salud. La principal
vía de entrada para los PTM en el ámbito de la salud es la estrategia Healthcare 2030, que pretende garantizar una cobertura sanitaria universal y el acceso a la...
Transferencias monetarias para la educación en situaciones de emergencia Informe de síntesis y directrices
El Clúster de Educación Global (GEC) desarrolló en 2018-19 el Informe de Síntesis y Directrices sobre Programas de Transferencias Monetarias para la Educación en Emergencias (EiE). El documento fue desarrollado con el apoyo financiero de ECHO y el apoyo técnico de CashCap. El estudio se centró en...
Desk-based Review on Cash and Voucher Assistance in Education in Emergencies
In 2018, the Global Education Cluster documented practices in CVA for education in emergencies (EiE). Within this framework, this Desk Review is the first part of a larger study finalized with the publication in February 2019 of the CVA for EiE Synthesis and Guidelines. The Desk Review provides the reader...