Programas de transferencias monetarias sectoriales
Los PTM pueden ayudar a las personas en situaciones de crisis a abordar sus necesidades dentro de un determinado sector humanitario, tales como: agua, alimentos, salud, vivienda, medios de vida, o protección. Los PTM sectoriales pueden ser restringidos o sin restricción, condicionales o incondicionales, y normalmente serán proporcionados como parte de un paquete integral que puede incluir asistencia en especie o servicios.
Cada sector tiene que considerar distintas preguntas, retos, ventajas y riesgos cuando se trata de apoyar la recuperación de las personas dentro de su área de especialización. Esto requiere evidencias, herramientas, orientación y capacidad. Para cumplir los resultados sectoriales a través de los PTM también se requiere de una comprensión multisectorial de las necesidades y de la seguridad económica de los hogares (vea las Transferencias monetarias multipropósito). Mientras que algunos sectores tienen mucha experiencia en la implementación de los PTM y lo han hecho por muchos años, otros se están poniendo al día. La mayoría de los sectores humanitarios están comprometidos y han venido aumentando sus esfuerzos en los PTM sectoriales. El Grupo global de coordinación de clusters (GCCG, por sus siglas en inglés) también se encuentra coordinando el trabajo entre clusters para mejorar la utilización sectorial de los PTM.
Prioridades actuales
La CALP Network trabaja en estrecha colaboración con los grupos técnicos de asistencia en efectivo y equipos de tareas dentro de los clusters globales, que han estado definiendo sus prioridades y planes de trabajo del 2020 durante sus reuniones regulares. Una descripción general y detalles específicos de estas prioridades en cada cluster global está disponible aquí.
Subpáginas de los PTM sectoriales
Coordinación y gestión de campamentos y programas de transferencias monetarias
Educación y programas de transferencias monetarias
Seguridad alimentaria y programas de transferencias monetarias
Salud y programas de transferencias monetarias
Nutrición y programas de transferencias monetarias
Protección y programas de transferencias monetarias
Alojamiento y programas de transferencias monetarias
Agua, saneamiento e higiene (WASH) y programas de transferencias monetarias
Contenido destacado
Beyond Basic Needs: Using Cash and Voucher Assistance to Support the Transition from Basic Survival to Livelihoods Recovery in a Resource-Strapped World
Guidelines and Tools
Do you think of yourself as a “cash” person OR as a “livelihoods” person? An “emergency” practitioner OR a “recovery” practitioner? Or do you find yourself unsatisfied with the often narrow implications of these terms? We’ll never have enough funding to provide basic needs support to everyone who needs it for the entire time they are in need, even if we take advantage of the...
Looking into 2020: short overview on global clusters, CVA and the CALP Network
Overview as 2020 begins:
• Significant progress and commitment from all global clusters on integration of CVA into their work.
• Significant interest in different regions and by some donors on sector-specific CVA.
• Challenges that remain:
o Dialogue: 1) Ensuring CVA specialists understand sector specificities and successfully bank on the technical expertise emanating...
Building Evidence to inform the Effective Use of CASH and Voucher Assistance in Emergency Sanitation and Hygiene Programming
An analysis of 5 case studies of utilization of CASH/Voucher Assistance are presented and analysed in the attempt of building evidence on their utilization in emergency WASH Sanitation and HP programming. Findings and recommendations are provided on Coordination, Situation and Response Analysis, Program Design, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation.
Últimos recursos
Cash Based Interventions: Implementation guidelines for light & medium repairs of houses & apartments
Guidelines and Tools
Cash-Based Interventions are a type of market-based intervention that use local markets and services to meet the needs of the people affected by the crisis, in this case, to carry out light and medium repairs to the houses and apartments affected by the conflict. They can be stand-alone or used in...
An Integrated Approach to Menstrual Hygiene Management: Awareness sessions and cash assistance for women and girls affected by crisis in Lebanon
In 2022, UNFPA Lebanon worked with local partners to launch an integrated cash and awareness for menstrual hygiene management (MHM) initiative as a way to tackle the growing issue of period poverty amidst the country’s economic crisis. Through the pilot, over 2,600 vulnerable women and girls of...
Making Cash for Shelter work in Ukraine
Since February 2022, the Russian invasion is causing massive destruction of houses and infrastructure in various parts on the frontline in Ukraine. To cover most urgent shelter needs, ZOA uses an integrated approach of both material and technical support. Wherever assessed feasible, cash for shelter...
Recommendations for Food Assistance Food Security and Agriculture/Livelihoods Sector – Humanitarian Response Plan 2022-23
Guidelines and Tools
This guidance is developed following consultation with partners and technical working groups across hubs and should be used with sector HRP strategy and supplementary guidance on activity 1.2 – monthly food rations – for background and context. This guidance is an effort to ensure harmonized response...
Coordinating with the Petrol Sector to Enhance Early Warning
For far too long humanitarian actors and coordination mechanisms have witnessed sharp price variations of core commodities without the capacity to forecast them. While to date some Cash and Vouchers Working Groups (e.g., Afghanistan) establish mechanisms to continue monitoring and adapt transfer values in...
Evidence and practice review of the use of cash transfers in contexts of acute food insecurity
Commissioned by the Global Food Security Cluster Cash and Market Working Group, this piece of operational looks at the use of cash transfers in contexts of extreme food insecurity. With interviews collected with partners in Syria, Nigeria and Somalia it seeks to highlight and understand lessons learned...
Implicaciones de COVID-19 para Programas de Transferencias Monetarias (PTM) en Educación en Emergencias
Más allá de su impacto inmediato en la salud, se pronostica que la pandemia de COVID-19 tenga también consecuencias devastadoras en los medios de vida y el empleo de las personas, especialmente en contextos frágiles, de crisis y posteriores a crisis (Plan Global de Respuesta Humanitaria COVID-19, GHRP...
Una asistencia eficaz centrada en las personas: la necesidad urgente de acelerar el progreso de los PTM en contextos de crisis
En este informe, que aboga claramente por la acción, se exponen los datos y la información más recientes sobre el uso que se está haciendo de los PTM y si están cumpliendo su potencial de apoyo a las personas en crisis. Nos insta a definir y comprometernos con una nueva visión colectiva para el...
Increasing the Use of Humanitarian Cash and Voucher Assistance: Opportunities, Barriers and Dilemmas
Through in-depth analysis of the latest data and careful modelling this study maps the current scale of CVA, and unpacks the opportunities and challenges involved towards it fully reaching its potential.
The Impact of Conditional Education Assistance
This Policy Brief by World Vision Laos PDR, World Vision Taiwan, Lao Ministry of Education and Sport, FCDO (through the British Embassy Vientiane) highlight the impact of conditional education assistance (cash transfers) supporting transition of vulnerable children from primary to lower secondary...
Resourcing Families for Better Nutrition Projects in Humanitarian Settings. A Case Study from Yemen
This case study is one of a series of three. They were produced by Save the Children UK within the cross-country learning initiative on ’Resourcing Families for Better Nutrition (RF4BN) in humanitarian settings’, implemented in 2021 and 2022 in Afghanistan, South Sudan and Yemen.
Focused on the RF4BN...
Savings Groups in Emergencies Learning Brief
Guidelines and Tools
We know that savings groups work – and that they are powerful. But, in emergencies, we must revisit some of our approaches and assumptions. Integrating savings groups into more humanitarian programming – and doing it better – holds significant potential to improve the outcomes of humanitarian aid....
Savings Groups in Emergencies Training Slide Deck
Guidelines and Tools
This Training Slide deck provides actionable guidance to organizations to promote or work with Savings Groups in emergency settings. We know that Savings Groups work – and that they are powerful. But, in emergencies, we must revisit some of our approaches and assumptions. Integrating Savings Groups into...
UNHCR Cameroon – UNHCR feasibility review of using cash for shelter interventions in Far North Cameroon
This report presents a feasibility review of using cash for shelter interventions in Far North Cameroon, commissioned by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Regional Bureau for West and Central Africa (RBWCA). The report first introduces the study and the context, it then spells out...
Operational Guidance for Use of Cash and Voucher Assistance to Improve Nutrition Outcomes in Northwest Syria
Guidelines and Tools
This Operational guidance was developed collaboratively with NWS Nutrition sector member agencies with close collaboration with the Cash Working Group (CWG) and Food Security Cluster. The guidance aims at providing a set of operational guidance, using lessons learnt across the sector and NWS humanitarian...
Executive Summary – Cross-country Learning Report on Applying the Common Approach ‘Resourcing Families for Better Nutrition’ in Humanitarian Responses
From 2021 to 2022, Save the Children implemented ‘Cash + for Nutrition’ in programming in three countries at risk of famine: Afghanistan, South Sudan, and Yemen.
With funding from Save the Children Italy and technical support from Save the Children UK and the consulting firm InformEd International,...
Good Practices on Cash Based Interventions and Education
This document provides an overview of UNHCR’s implementation of Cash-Based Interventions (CBI) to contribute to achieving education outcomes. The document outlines current practices, presents existing corporate guidance, and highlights noteworthy and inspiring learning from a diversity of country...
Executive Summary of the Resourcing Families for Better Nutrition (RF4BN) Endline in South Sudan
From August 2021 to April 2022, Save the Children South Sudan implemented the RF4BN project to support families of severely and moderately malnourished children under-five years and moderately malnourished pregnant and lactating women (PLWs) in Lafon, Torit, and Magwi. The project aimed to improve the...
Learnings from Cash Grant Support to Small and Medium Food Shops in Northwest Syria
The majority of vendors working within GOAL’s areas of operation survive on slim margins and are highly susceptible to market and currency instability, often resulting in an inability to restock on time due to a lack of financial capital. Vendors are often confronted with other issues such as the lack...
Staying together: vulnerable households in Cambodia recover from the socio-economic impacts of COVID-19 and protect their children
A short video highlighting how cash and voucher assistance (CVA) transitioned to livelihood early recovery assistance to achieve child protection outcomes for vulnerable households affected by the secondary impacts of COVID-19 in Cambodia and already receiving case management by child protection agencies.