Red de acción de aprendizaje sobre transferencias monetarias electrónicas (ELAN)
La Red de acción de aprendizaje sobre transferencias monetarias electrónicas (ELAN, por sus siglas en inglés) estuvo activa de 2016 a 2019 con el objetivo de mejorar el impacto en las transferencias monetarias en el ámbito humanitario a través del uso adecuado de la tecnología de pagos. La red incluía proveedores de servicios, profesionales humanitarios y donantes que investigan y comparten las mejores prácticas sobre los productos, los servicios y las prácticas de transferencias electrónicas y era convocada por el Mercy Corps, con el apoyo del Centro de crecimiento inclusivo de Mastercard y Paypal.
Contenido relacionado (en inglés)
ELAN Humanitarian KYC Case Studies
Know Your Customer (KYC) regulations, also known as customer due diligence, are designed to combat money laundering, terrorist financing, and other related threats to the financial system. They refer to the ID checks that financial institutions perform to comply with national financial regulations. While humanitarian agencies are not subject to KYC regulations, they do apply to financial...
ELAN Mobile Money Workshop Report
The Electronic Cash Transfer Learning Action Network (ELAN) hosted two mobile money workshops in January 2016 in Dakar (Senegal) and in Gisenyi (Rwanda). The workshops were attended by 52 individuals from seven countries across West Africa and the Great Lakes region representing 16 humanitarian agencies (HAs) and 11 private sector service providers (SPs). The events were guided by...
ELAN Vocabulary and Usage
Guidelines and Tools
As e-transfer programs, technologies and products develop, key terms, phrases and working definitions are evolving alongside them. At the moment, these words and phrases are rarely standardized, and often hold unique meanings within different contexts and to different stakeholders. In order to facilitate clear interactions within the network, attendees at the kick off meeting discussed the...