Monitoreo y evaluación
La mayoría de desafíos de Monitoreo y Evaluación (MyE), tales como la falta de capacidades e inversión suficiente, no son específicos de los PTM. Sí los son aquellos que se refieren principalmente al monitoreo de los resultados de las transferencias sin restricciones. La flexibilidad de las transferencias en efectivo puede hacer que sea difícil determinar los indicadores de resultado apropiados, ya que ello puede implicar una combinación de indicadores sectoriales e intersectoriales. Al mismo tiempo, existen limitaciones en la recopilación de datos precisos sobre cómo se gastan las transferencias en efectivo.
Los firmantes del Gran Pacto se han comprometido a garantizar que existan mecanismos pertinentes de MyE para la asistencia en efectivo, y a incrementar el conocimiento de los costos, beneficios, impactos y riesgos de la misma en relación con otras modalidades. Sobre esta base, el grupo de trabajo del Gran Pacto sobre asistencia en efectivo dispone de puntos de acción, incluida la elaboración de indicadores de resultado comunes para el efectivo multipropósito, y métricas para el análisis del valor por dinero. El análisis sistemático del valor por dinero ha sido limitado por factores como la falta de criterios convenidos, la necesidad de datos de resultados de calidad y la naturaleza intensiva de los análisis.
Prioridades actuales
Como parte de los compromisos del Gran Pacto, la CALP Network ha coliderado con USAID y el Catholic Relief Service (CRS, por sus siglas en inglés) el desarrollo de indicadores de resultado de transferencias monetarias multipropósito. El borrador para prueba se encuentra disponible actualmente en inglés, francés y español en la biblioteca de CALP Network.
Iniciativas relacionadas
Contenido destacado
Multipurpose Cash Outcome Indicators – Final Draft for Testing
Guidelines and Tools
Note that the MPC indicators have now been revised. Please click here to access the updated Multipurpose Outcome Indicators and Guidance, which is available in Arabic, English, French and Spanish. Multipurpose Cash Outcome Indicators – Final Draft for Testing Multipurpose cash (MPC) is a type of assistance intended to enable people to meet their basic needs through local...
Monitoring 4 CTP: Monitoring Guidance for CTP in Emergencies
Guidelines and Tools
This guidance provides a central resource to promote a common understanding of the most important monitoring considerations for humanitarian projects using cash transfer programming (CTP). The primary audience for this guidance is field-level practitioners, from organisations directly involved in the design, implementation, monitoring, and accountability of projects using cash and vouchers...
Cost-Efficiency Analysis of Basic Needs Programs: Best Practice Guidance for Humanitarian Agencies
Guidelines and Tools
The Efficiency, Effectiveness and Value for Money Sub-Workstream is pleased to share the final output on Cost-Efficiency Analysis of Basic Needs Programs: Best Practice Guidance for Humanitarian Agencies (attached).
Cost-efficiency analysis estimates the ratio of program costs to outputs created, allowing you to compare cost-per-output for programs which all produced the same output. Such...
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Últimos recursos
Post-distribution Monitoring: Cash for protection
This PDM survey, conducted by Türk Kızılay, evaluated the effectiveness, accessibility, and impact of the CfP assistance provided to individuals following the February 2023 earthquakes in Türkiye. The survey collected insights from individuals across the most affected provinces, focusing on their...
Endline 2023 Report Multipurpose Cash Assistance for Syrian Refugees in Lebanon: Post Distribution and Outcome Monitoring
This report presents the endline post distribution and outcome monitoring (PDOM) results for the UNHCR multi-purpose cash assistance program (MCAP) targeting Syrian refugees in Lebanon implemented between January and November 2023.
Cash and Voucher Assistance for Health: Partner experiences in Ukraine
Humanitarian cash has a long history in Ukraine and has evolved along the contours of the crisis. In December 2014, the Humanitarian Cluster Coordination System was activated following the outbreak of armed conflict in the Donetska and Luhanska oblasts earlier that year. At the time, humanitarian cash...
Documentary – Palabras para Luciana – Delivering people-centered CVA to people on the move in Colombia
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The documentary tells the...
Cash in Armed Conflict: Why cash remains the optimal solution as conflict escalates – A feasibility assessment of cash assistance in Lebanon
Since September 2024, the escalation of hostilities between Israel and Hezbollah has caused the displacement of over 1 million people and large humanitarian suffering in Lebanon. The humanitarian response has prioritized distributing in-kind assistance to displaced populations in collective shelters,...
Ya miramos hacia atrás: ahora avancemos. Los PTM humanitarios en las Américas 2018–2023
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Paving the Way Towards At-Scale Cash Assistance in South Africa
Climate change presents severe threats in South Africa where droughts, floods, storms, and fires are becoming more frequent and intense, exposing vulnerable populations to heightened risks. After storm surges caused severe flooding of the KwaZulu and Free State provinces in January and April 2024, the...
Mapping of Cash and Voucher Assistances (CVAs) in Türkiye in 2023
Cash-Based Interventions Technical Working Group (CBI TWG) published this document to
share a summary of the findings of Mapping of CVAs in Türkiye in 2023, along with the
background information and purpose (Annex A). Further findings...
User Journeys of Cash + Entrepreneurship Participants: A journey mapping case study from Colombia
The VenEsperanza Consortium’s latest report showcases the real experiences of participants who received cash assistance and complementary entrepreneurship programming though journey mapping. Inspired by human-centered design, journey mapping aims to understand diverse users’ needs, behaviors, and...
User Journeys of Cash + Savings Group Participants: A journey mapping case study from Colombia
The VenEsperanza Consortium’s latest report showcases the real experiences of participants who received cash assistance and complementary savings group programming though journey mapping. Inspired by human-centered design, journey mapping aims to understand diverse users’ needs, behaviors, and...
Community Participation in the Design of Multi-purpose Cash Programs – Perspectives from the field
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Advocating for Cash and Voucher Assistance with Governments
Webinar recording
Discover how advocacy and collaboration with governments are vital for leveraging Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) in humanitarian responses.
Cash Based Interventions – Unconditional cash transfer
Guidelines and Tools
This is a database template to explore how ActivityInfo can be used for information management for a Cash Based Intervention (CBI).
The template includes forms to register beneficiaries, conduct vulnerability assessments and monthly verifications, capture indicators related to post distribution status...
Introduction to Cash Based Interventions (CBIs)
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Cash Voucher Assistance, Social Protection and Cash Plus Programmes
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In summary, we explore:
Linkages to...
Information Systems for CBIs – Insights from the AVSI Foundation and Danish Refugee Council
Webinar recording
The Monitoring and Evaluation webinar series “Cash Based Interventions and information management” is a series of two live sessions addressed to M&E professionals who wish to get introduced to CBI programming and information systems and see practical examples of information management systems for CBI...
Colombia and Lebanon Evaluation Report: Measuring the impact of cash on child protection outcomes
As humanitarian crises break down traditional protection mechanisms and the loss of income restricts access to basic resources, children become increasingly vulnerable to abuse, neglect, exploitation, and violence. Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) is a critical modality that is increasingly being adopted...
Cash & Voucher Assistance (CVA) & Child Protection (CP) Global Study – Research Report in the DRC, Egypt, Lithuania and the Philippines
Since 2022, Save the Children has been scaling up its use of CVA for Child Protection (CP) programming through various pilot projects.
Research was commissioned in four countries in 2022-23 to generate evidence and learning to inform the design of future programming but also to design a robust...
Cash and Vouchers Assistance (CVA) and Child Protection: Summary of practice and evidence from Save the Children programmes 2023 Edition
In an effort to increase global knowledge and learning, Save the Children conducted a global review of twenty Country Offices and their programs in order to assess and highlight the impact that different forms of Cash and Vouchers Assistance (CVA) have on Child Protection (CP) outcomes, to identify...
Cash & Voucher Assistance (CVA) for Health Outcomes: a case study in Peru
This case study is drawn from Save the Children CVA operations in Peru between 2021 and 2023, focusing on the achievement of health outcomes for vulnerable Venezuelan migrants.
Following an overview of the contexts and of the needs, it deep dives into the technical design of the integrated program,...