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61 – 80 of 333 resultados
Strengthening locally led humanitarian action through cash preparedness
This research, produced by the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement’s Cash Hub and CashCap, looks at the links between CVA and localisation to understand how cash, and cash preparedness, can help to further localisation and strengthen locally led humanitarian action. It examines three questions: 1) How...
Economic Relief, Recovery, And Resilience Assessment For Southern Iraq
The profile of Southern Iraq varies from that of the Northern ‘conflict-affected’ governorates most heavily impacted by the conflict with the Islamic State between 2014-2017. Southern Iraq has seen chronic underinvestment since the 1980s, with cumulative impacts building across the Iran-Iraq War and...
Global CWG Terms of Reference – 2021
Guidelines and Tools
The Global Cash Working Group (GCWG) (formerly the Geneva-based Cash Working Group (GbCWG)) was initially formed by practitioners in 2013 and led by ICRC and the CALP Network. In order to reflect a more inclusive and representative leadership arrangement and recognising the workload considerations from...
Forecast based financing – lessons learned on early actions with cash transfers
The objective of the document is to present the lessons learned related to the implementation of early actions with cash transfers as part of the forecast-based financing mechanism implemented by the World Food Programme in the Yaque del Norte watershed in the Dominican Republic.
FbF – Aprendizajes sobre las acciones anticipadas con transferencias monetarias en República Dominicana
El objetivo del documento es presentar los aprendizajes relacionados con la implementación de las acciones tempranas con transferencias monetarias, como parte del mecanismo de financiación basada en pronósticos implementado por el Programa Mundial de Alimentos en la Cuenca Yaque del Norte en la...
Cashing in: Turning Challenges into Opportunities when Evaluating Humanitarian Cash Assistance
The use of cash transfers in humanitarian action has implications for evaluative activity. On the one hand, the utility of some evaluations has been strengthened by the increased attention that has been paid to evaluating cash transfers, the agreement of common outcome indicators and the creation of...
Transferts monétaires aux groupes: Guide et outils
Guides et outils
Translated Group Cash Transfer Guidelines and Toolkit
Group Cash Transfers Guidance and Tools
Guidelines and Tools
This guidance highlights key steps and considerations to take to be able to design, implement and monitor GCTs. The guidance is accompanied by a set of tools, as well as references to existing tools, to help facilitating agencies and GCT-supported groups with implementing the approach. Furthermore, this...
التحويلات النقدية الجماعية الإرشادات والأدوات
إرشادات وأدوات
Translated Group Cash Transfer Guidelines and Toolkit (in Arabic)
Leveraging the Potential for Group Cash Transfers: A complementary report to the Group Cash Transfer: Guidance and Tools (pilot version)
This report is an accompanying document to the GCT Guidance and Toolkit. The report identifies internal and institutional barriers to using and scaling GCTs, along with mitigation measures. These were identified through an online survey, literature review and interviews with key informants that engaged...
Tip-sheet: Engaging beyond CVA and GCT communities of practice: Supporting the uptake and scaling of Group Cash Transfers (GCTs)
Guidelines and Tools
The objective of this tip-sheet is to support facilitating agencies’1 staff, volunteers and associates in engaging beyond the Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) and GCT Communities of Practice (CoPs) and to help address barriers in designing and implementing GCTs. The key actions are based on the “GCT...
2020 Cash and Voucher Programming (CVP): Roadmap and milestone achieved
In 2020, World Vision has implemented cash and voucher programming like never before – not least due to the COVID-19 pandemic and related social protection transfer scale-ups. From 2019 to 2020, we have seen a 28 % increase of our cash, voucher based programming, moving towards enabling affected...
CASH ON THE MOVE – Adapting Multi-Purpose Cash ‘Plus’ Assistance to support people on the move in Peru
In 2019 and 2020, with the support of USAID´s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (formerly FFP and OFDA), Save the Children implemented
a multi-purpose cash ‘Plus’ program in response to the influx of Venezuelan migrants into Peru.
Households that were only transiting through the cities where they...
La asistencia monetaria itinerante “adaptación del programas de asistencia monetaria a migrantes en tránsito”
En 2019 y 2020, con el apoyo de la Oficina de Asistencia Humanitaria de USAID (anteriormente FFP y OFDA), Save the Children implementó un programa de Transferencias Monetarias Multipropósito con Programación
Complementaria en respuesta al gran número de migrantes venezolanos que ingresaban a Perú.
مجموعة أدوات النقد الآمن (العربية)
إرشادات وأدوات
تم تصميم مجموعة أدوات النقد الأكثر أمانًا ، التي تمولها الوكالة الأمريكية للتنمية الدولية ، للحصول على الحد الأدنى من المعلومات المتعلقة بالحماية في حالات الطوارئ...
Dossier stratégique du cluster mondial pour l’éducation liste de contrôle sur les transferts monétaires
Guides et outils
La présente liste de contrôle fournit des orientations qui vous aideront à envisager les modalités d’exécution des transferts monétaires tout au long du document de stratégie du Cluster et du processus d’élaboration de celle-ci, de la même façon que pour l’aide en nature. Les transferts...
Safer Cash Toolkit (Español)
Guía y herramientas
El Conjunto de Herramientas Efectivo Más Seguro ha sido diseñado
para abordar el desafío de la información insuficiente para identificar
sistemáticamente los riesgos que enfrentan las personas al recibir
y utilizar efectivo en programas humanitarios. El conjunto de
herramientas está diseñado para...
Cash and Voucher Assistance Guidelines for Lao PDR
Guidelines and Tools
Cash and voucher assistance is becoming increasingly popular in Lao PDR in delivering humanitarian assistance, rehabilitation and development focused projects. In supporting the cash and voucher assistance agenda in Lao PDR, the Cash Working Group was established as a working group for local and regional...
Safer Cash Toolkit (Français)
Guides et outils
La trousse pour une gestion sûre des espèces a été conçue dans
le but d’apporter une solution au problème de manque de données
pour l’évaluation systématique des risques encourus par les individus
qui reçoivent et utilisent l’assistance en espèces de programmes
humanitaires. Cette trousse...
Cash Assistance: How design influences value for money – How to note
Guidelines and Tools
This ‘how to note’ offers guidance on the key value-for-money considerations when making critical design decisions related to the operational models for CVA delivery. The guidance in this ‘how to note’ is summarised from the evidence presented in the accompanying research report Cash assistance:...