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701 – 710 of 710 resultados
Cash Grants and Microfinance in Livelihood Recovery: Experiences from tsunami-affected areas of Sri Lanka
The devastating tsunami that hit Sri Lanka on 26 December 2004 killed over 35,000 people, making it the worst natural disaster in the country’s recorded history. Over 200,000 people were estimated to have lost their livelihoods, half of them in the fishing sector. The major objectives of the study is...
Mapping the Risks of Corruption in Humanitarian Action
The issue of corruption in emergency relief and rehabilitation is a key concern for practitioners, who invest considerable resources and energy in trying to minimise it. However, it has barely been discussed in policy terms, and little researched. This paper aims to map the risks of corruption in the...
Cash-transfer programming in emergencies
Guidelines and Tools
A compact and concise guide aimed at supporting programme managers to assess whether cash is the most appropriate response in an emergency and choose between different types of cash-based interventions. This guide is based on the experience of Oxfam GB over five years (2000–2005) in a variety of...
Transferts d’argent: Programmation pour les situations d’urgences
Guides et outils
Un guide compact et concis visant à soutenir les gestionnaires de programmes afin d’évaluer si le cash est la réponse la plus appropriée en cas d’urgence et de choisir entre différents types d’interventions monétaires. Ce guide est basé sur l’expérience d’Oxfam GB sur cinq ans...
Market-Based Food Assistance Pilot Project Pidie and Lhokseumawe Districts, Banda Aceh: Report of Final Evaluation
This report represents the findings of a final evaluation undertaken for Save the Children Indonesia/Banda Aceh of its Market-based Food Assistance (MBFA) Pilot Project carried out in Pidie and Lhokseumawe districts in early 2006. For 3 months, from February-April 2006, SC/BA implemented a pilot project,...
Voucher for work: An option for emergencies?
This Oxfam GB evaluation report gathers successes, constraints and lessons learned during the implementation of two voucher programmes in Mali and Niger, following the food crisis in 2005. It begins by examining the appropriateness of the programme decision-making, and then looks at the two programme...
DFID/NOVIB Funded NGO Consortium Response to Drought in Togdheer, Sool, Bari/ Nugaal Regions
This is a summary of the June 2005 evaluation of the NGO Consortium response to drought in Togdheeer, Sool, Sanaag and Bari/ Nugaal in Somaliland. The consortium response to drought was meant to provide cash to targeted drought-affected households to help them meet their basic needs. Important among the...
ODI/UNDP Cash Learning Project Workshop in Aceh, Indonesia
This is a report from a workshop on sharing experiences and learning for cash-based interventions. The workshop was held in Aceh, Indonesia in July 2005. The workshop included case studies from Mercy Corps, Panglima Laot, Save the Children, British Red Cross, Swiss Development Corporation, Oxfam and...
Clients First! A rapid market appraisal tool kit: Theoretical background and experiences from various RMA events
Guidelines and Tools
Clients First! focuses on one vital element of market research that should be carried out before deciding to support at the agricultural production side or to proceed with an agribusiness project: a market feasibility study. The publication describes the main characteristics of a basic market study as...
Cash Transfers in Emergencies: Evaluating Benefits and Assessing Risks
In terms of both theory and practice, there appears to be a strong case for cash-based responses to food emergencies where the supply and market conditions are appropriate. Amartya Sen’s work on entitlements offers a solid theoretical base for cash transfers, and the practical experience so far, limited...