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341 – 360 of 446 resultados
The Mam’out Project: Seasonal Multiannual Cash Transfers for the Prevention of Acute Malnutrition in Tapoa
In response to alarming rates of acute malnutrition, Action Against Hunger (ACF) initiated a project to strengthen and evaluate the prevention of acute malnutrition of children younger than 36 months in the Tapoa province, Burkina Faso. Using seasonal and multiannual unconditional cash transfers, ACF’s...
Guide pour la protection dans le cadre des interventions monétaires
Guides et outils
Ce guide identifie les informations minimum nécessaires et les ressources clés visant à aider les professionnels de l’humanitaire à s’assurer que les risques et les bénéfices en matière de protection soient pris en compte et fassent l’objet d’un suivi tout au long du cycle d’un...
Using Cash for Shelter: An Overview of CRS Programs
Cash continues to gain prevalence as a modality for humanitarian agencies to help people meet multiple and diverse needs in the wake of a crisis. It provides people with the dignity of choice, and is often significantly more cost-efficient than the delivery of in-kind aid. In programs with a shelter...
Document de travail 3: Protection sociale réactive aux crises dans le Sahel : Perspectives communautaires
Il est le troisième rapport d’une série de documents de travail sur la recherche en cours. Ces différents rapports étudient les possibilités d’interaction entre la protection sociale, l’assistance humanitaire et la gestion des risques de catastrophe (GRC) afin de compléter les connaissances...
Using Cash for Shelter: Winter Resilience for IDPs in Eastern Ukraine
Case Study
Continued conflict in Eastern Ukraine during 2014 caused internal displacement of over 1.46 million people by September 2015, and another 1,123,800 fled to other countries, according to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Rapid assessments carried out by Catholic Relief Services found that...
Genre et Marchés en Afrique de l’Ouest: Revue des Données Secondaires
L’examen secondaire de l’information et des données présentées dans cette revue s’applique aux évaluations genre et marchés menées par le PAM en Afrique de l’Ouest et ainsi qu’aux évaluations de marché menées par les partenaires clés de la région au cours des 5 dernières années. La...
Using Cash for Shelter: Rent Assistance for Syrian Refugees
Case Study
Over 600,000 Syrian refugees have arrived in Jordan since 2011; 80 percent of these live in urban or peri-urban locations rather than in camp settings. Families in this situation must pay rent for their shelter, and are therefore subject to shifts in rental market values. Rents have inflated substantially...
Protection in Cash-based Interventions Training: Building capacity to maximize benefits and minimize risks
Guidelines and Tools
This participatory curriculum is based on the inter-agency Guide for Protection in Cash-based Interventions (CBIs). The one-day training provides practical instruction for analysing and monitoring protection risks and benefits in CBIs. Slides, facilitators’ guide, case studies, and other materials for...
A Review of Evidence of Humanitarian Cash Transfer Programming in Urban Areas
Urban poor populations frequently experience disasters of varying typology and intensity. When set against a backdrop of poverty and marginalisation, their needs can be complex. As recent urban crises have pushed humanitarian agencies to respond in urban areas, this literature review examines the...
A Review of Evidence of Humanitarian Cash Transfer Programming in Urban Areas: Annexes
Annexes to accompany the working paper: A review of evidence
of humanitarian cash transfer programming in urban areas.
IOM Cash-Based Transfer – Update and Case Studies
Cash-based transfers have a long history in the support of people on the move. Cash or vouchers have been an element of the International Organization for Migration’s resettlement support for people moving to new countries, or returning to countries they had to leave. Increasingly over the last decade,...
Addressing Vulnerability? Cash Transfer Programming and Protection Outcomes for Out-of-Camp Syrian Refugees: An analysis of the Danish Refugee Council’s e-card programming in southern Turkey
Case Study
This report explores key issues concerning vulnerability, targeting, and protection in cash transfer programming (CTP) by analyzing a Danish Refuge Council (DRC) project in southern Turkey. It is based on an ongoing “action research” collaboration between DRC and the Feinstein International Center...
Protection Outcomes in Cash-based Interventions: A literature review
This literature review examines existing research to determine whether the use of cash and vouchers is contributing to the promotion of protection and gender outcomes for beneficiary communities, following the WFP and UNHCR 2013 study on gender, protection and cash. This literature review focuses on these...
Rapid Humanitarian Assessment in Urban Settings
Guidelines and Tools
This Technical Brief is intended to be a starting point for improving coordinated needs assessments in urban areas, without which the humanitarian community will not be able to ensure the quality and accountability of urban response itself. It provides guidance on carrying out joint rapid assessments of...
Integrating Cash Transfers into Gender-Based Violence Programs in Jordan: Benefits, risks and challenges
With limited global practice and guidance on programming cash transfers to enhance protection in an emergency context, in 2013, the International Rescue Committee’s (IRC) started cash transfer programming (CTP) as part of the urban Women’s Protection and Empowerment (WPE) program in Jordan. Three...
Violence Against Women and Cash Transfers in Humanitarian Contexts
Policy paper
This report addresses the known impacts of cash programmes on the incidence of violence against women in humanitarian contexts. Query: Known impacts of cash programmes on the incidence and effects of VAWG in humanitarian contexts What is the evidence base for this work in emergency settings? What is the...
The Impact of Cash Transfer Programmes on Protection Outcomes in Afghanistan
Although cash-based interventions (CBIs) are increasingly used to deliver humanitarian assistance in support of more traditional in-kind emergency distributions, there is now a growing, global acceptance among stakeholders of the need to pay closer attention to the positive and negative impact of CBIs on...
Technical Guidelines: Conditional Cash for Rent
Guidelines and Tools
The guideline was prepared by UNHCR Shelter Working Group in Jordan with the objective of informing shelter sector partners of best practices for implementing conditional cash-for-rent assistance targeting Syrian refugees in the host communities. The guide explores how to define the scope of a cash...
2015 State of the Industry Report. Mobile Money
Mobile money is reaching more than 411 million people globally. Moreover, it is available in 85% of countries where the vast majority of the population lacks access to a formal financial institution. This is an extraordinary achievement, demonstrating the power of mobile, underpinned by the critical...
State of Evidence on Humanitarian Cash Transfers
Policy paper
The “State of evidence on humanitarian cash transfers” background note provides a brief summary of the evidence base on humanitarian cash transfer programming. The report also outlines the types of evidence on cash transfers, findings on key issues and gaps. This publication is an output of the...