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Social Transfers in the Fight against Hunger: For better development outcomes and governance
A European Commission Reference Document aims to deepen the understanding of a concept, develop knowledge, provide orientations for aid implementation, and present good practices. This Reference Document is intended as a resource to support the practical integration of social transfers into programmes...
Review of Cash-transfer Coordination in Haiti following the Earthquake of January 2010
Case Study
This study, commissioned by the CALP Network, aims to review and document the coordination of cash transfer programmes (CTP) implemented from the emergency phase in Haiti. It is part of a wider review of CTP coordination in emergency situations which includes three case studies (Pakistan, Haiti and the...
Oromia Drought Assessment
This is an assessment of drought impact and outcomes in Oromia regional state, Ethiopia. An interdisciplinary team from the Ethiopian Red Cross Society, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, and delegates from the Austrian, British, and German Red Cross conducted fieldwork in...
Humanitarian Emergency Response Review
This independent review into how the UK (through DFID) responds to humanitarian emergencies, considers how the UK should best respond to overseas emergencies and the role the UK should play in the international humanitarian system. It looks at the potential future humanitarian challenges and the...
Nairobi Urban Social Protection Programme
Case Study
This case study of an Oxfam urban cash transfer programme in Kenya looks at how cash can be used as part of a national social protection programme to improve access to food of the most vulnerable households, at the same time as developing longer term food and income security initiatives. The report looks...
Helpdesk Research Report: Cash Transfers in Fragile/Conflict-Affected Environments
In-kind assistance has traditionally dominated social protection programming in fragile and conflict-affected contexts (Holmes, 2009). In recent years, however, there has been a rise in the implementation of cash transfer schemes in such environments. These programmes have often been relatively small...
Cash Learning Bulletin: East Africa drought special edition
A CALP Network bulletin with articles and information on: Cash transfer programming in the drought response Kenya Cash Transfer Working Group Somalia Cash Transfer Working Group Training on Cash Transfers in Emergencies and a list of appropriate links and resources.
Cash-Based Safety Nets for Livelihood Support in Northeastern Somalia: A Feasibility Study for Save the Children UK and Horn Relief
Case Study
This study looks at the need for and feasibility of cash-based safety net programming within the operational areas of Save the Children UK and Horn Relief in Northeastern Somalia. The success of recent emergency cash transfer programs in Somalia permit the question of whether cash-based programs are...
Inter-Agency Impact Assessment of the Cash Transfer Programs in West Sumatra
Case Study
Following the 2009 earthquake in West Sumatra, cash transfer programming (CTP) has proven successful in delivering a fast and effective recovery response—providing households the opportunity to recover shelter and basic needs for their livelihoods. Success of these CTPs has been supported well by the...
The Impact of Cash Transfers on Local Markets: A Case Study of Unstructured Markets in Northern Uganda
Case Study
This report explores the effects of cash transfers on local markets. It tests the hypothesis that ‘cash transfers to poor households lead to integration of markets in remote areas and strengthen existing well-integrated market systems’. To test the hypothesis, a case study was conducted in Northern...
Delivering money: Cash transfer mechanisms in emergencies
This report documents lessons learned in cash transfer programming in emergencies, with a particular focus on the practicalities of how to deliver money to beneficiaries. It provides guidance for project managers needing to make choices about how to efficiently and effectively deliver cash, and explores...
Niger: Food Security and Safety Nets
Case Study
From the perspective of social protection, this study is designed to synthesize considerable existing analysis, review food and nutrition security policies and programs in Niger, and provide an action plan for strengthening the existing system and developing an effective food security and safety net...
Beneficiary perceptions of corruption in humanitarian assistance: A Sri Lanka case study
Case Study
This case study, based on a number of chosen villages in Sri Lanka, examines the views of beneficiaries on corruption in the delivery of humanitarian assistance. It begins by outlining some of the corruption risks that agencies may face during emergency responses, particularly in conflict-affected...
Cash Transfers in Lesotho: An evaluation of World Vision’s Cash and Food Transfers Pilot Project
The Cash and Food Transfers Pilot Project (CFTPP) was designed and implemented as World Vision‟s contribution to the humanitarian response to the 2007/08 food crisis in Lesotho. This crisis was triggered by Lesotho‟s worst drought in 30 years, which reduced maize yields by 42% and left an estimated...
Responding to Earthquakes 2008: Learning from earthquake relief and recovery operations
Policy paper
This paper aims to provide a distillation of the learning from thirty years of humanitarian response to earthquakes. It concentrates on issues of particular relevance in earthquakes. The paper assumes that readers are already familiar with the more general lessons in the aid sector such as the key...
External Evaluation Report on the Cash for Repair and Reconstruction Project Sri Lanka
The Indian Ocean tsunami caused huge loss of life, displacement and destruction in Sri Lanka. People’s immediate priorities were to find shelter, safety, meet basic needs and trace and mourn loved ones. The population affected took shelter with relatives and friends, in temples, mosques and public...
Guidelines for cash transfer programming
Guidelines and Tools
A practical guide, including guidance sheets and a section on practical tools. Building on the broad range of cash experiences within the Movement and in the humanitarian sector, these guidelines provide practical, step-by-step support to the design and implementation of cash programmes.
Cash-transfer programming in emergencies
Guidelines and Tools
A compact and concise guide aimed at supporting programme managers to assess whether cash is the most appropriate response in an emergency and choose between different types of cash-based interventions. This guide is based on the experience of Oxfam GB over five years (2000–2005) in a variety of...
ODI/UNDP Cash Learning Project Workshop in Aceh, Indonesia
Case Study
This is a report from a workshop on sharing experiences and learning for cash-based interventions. The workshop was held in Aceh, Indonesia in July 2005. The workshop included case studies from Mercy Corps, Panglima Laot, Save the Children, British Red Cross, Swiss Development Corporation, Oxfam and...
DFID/NOVIB Funded NGO Consortium Response to Drought in Togdheer, Sool, Bari/ Nugaal Regions
Case Study
This is a summary of the June 2005 evaluation of the NGO Consortium response to drought in Togdheeer, Sool, Sanaag and Bari/ Nugaal in Somaliland. The consortium response to drought was meant to provide cash to targeted drought-affected households to help them meet their basic needs. Important among the...