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Cash and Voucher Assistance – COVID-19 Toolkit – One pager
Guidelines and Tools
Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) Toolkit (with hyperlinks) provides an overview on Plan International’s key technical resources developed around the COVID-19 response.
Cash Transfers and Social Protection: From Alignment to Integration
As the use of cash transfer programming grows in response to COVID-19, demands on the aid community’s own interventions and capacity to support state-led measures continue to grow in equal measure. Originally envisioned as a means of better coordinating parallel and remarkably similar humanitarian and...
CVA in COVID-19 Contexts: Guidance from the CALP Network
Guidelines and Tools
This is a summary of the key points from the many resources you shared on CVA and COVID through this document. This is a living document and we will continue to update this summary as new resources are added. The below is intended to help organisations understand and prepare for likely impacts of COVID-19...
Linking Humanitarian Cash and Social Protection for an Effective Cash Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic
The Grand-Bargain (GB) Sub-group on Linking Humanitarian Cash and Social Protection issues a 1-pager calling on all GB signatories to use all means at their disposal to deliver on their commitment to link humanitarian cash and social protection where appropriate for an effective cash response to the...
SPACE – Options for rapid delivery (payment) of cash transfers for COVID-19 responses and beyond
Guidelines and Tools
This note describes the main strategies used by, and available to, countries to deliver cash support in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The objective of the note is to inform both ongoing responses to COVID-19 and medium to long term investments in delivery mechanisms that could be used to respond to...
Programming Guidance: Embedding Localisation in the Response to COVID-19
Guidelines and Tools
This guidance note describes key considerations for integrating local actors into the COVID-19 social protection and/or humanitarian cash response. Local actors are defined as national and sub-national entities and can include civil society organisations (CSOs), government, private sector actors, and...
A Call for Action: Increase the Uptake of Cash Transfers to Ensure Rapid Response in case of Shocks
Despite a growing global interest in cash and voucher assistance since the beginning of the pandemic, the modality is still insufficiently used to limit the socio-economic impacts of the COVID-19 crisis in West and Central Africa, both by governments and humanitarian actors. This call to action, developed...
Busting myths and addressing assumptions against CVA in the region in the COVID context
Appel à l’action: Accroître l’utilisation des transferts monétaires pour assurer une réaction rapide en cas de choc
Guides et outils
Malgré un intérêt global croissant pour les transferts monétaires depuis le début de la pandémie, cette modalité d’assistance est toujours insuffisamment utilisée pour limiter les impacts socio-économiques de la crise COVID en Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre, tant par les gouvernements que...
Briser les mythes et s’attaquer aux préjugés contre les transferts monétaires dans la région dans le contexte de la COVID
Guides et outils
COVID-19: Invest now in cash/voucher-social protection scale-up or children pay the price later
Read the article here. Only socially accountable Social Protection Assistance beyond humanitarian cash/voucher programmes – if properly and quickly implemented – will protect generations of children from the aftershocks of COVID-19. Despite cash and voucher transfers becoming the tool of choice of...
COVID-19 & Urgent Need for Child-Sensitive Social Protection
The COVID-19 pandemic is negatively affecting children’s lives in a myriad of ways. Well-intentioned government containment and response efforts such as movement restrictions and school closures have disrupted education for more than 1.5 billion students, leaving some of the most vulnerable children...
CVA & COVID-19: Remote Market Assessment and Monitoring
Blog Post
As field practitioners adapt their programmes to COVID-19, colleagues across our membership and Cash Working Groups are identifying multiple challenges. The CALP Network is working with others to develop a series of short, field-focused recommendations for such practitioners. The purpose of this series is...
المساعدات النقدية والقسائم وكوفيد-19: تقييم السوق عن بُعد ومراقبته
Blog Post
بينما يقوم العملون الميدانيون بتكييف برامجهم مع كوفيد-19، يقوم الزملاء عبر أعضائنا ومجموعات العمل النقدي بتحديد تحديات متعددة. تعمل شبكة CALP مع الآخرين لتطوير سلسلة من...
Les transferts monétaires & COVID-19 : Évaluation et suivi des marchés à distance
Blog Post
Alors que les praticiens sur le terrain adaptent leurs programmes au Covid-19, des collègues parmi nos membres et Groupes de Travail sur les Transferts Monétaires identifient un grand nombre de défis. L’objectif de cette série de vidéos conçues est de partager les stratégies pratiques et les...
Global Remittances to Suffer a Blow From COVID-19
Blog Post
The CALP Network’s Future of Financial Assistance report highlighted the importance for CVA actors of working with and alongside other financial flows, which often dwarf volumes of humanitarian aid in crisis contexts. Of these flows, remittances are a critical lifeline for many crisis-affected...
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) COVID-19 and Gender Aware Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) Programming
This FAQ is prepared for the CVA professional to build their technical capacity in relation to use of cash and voucher transfers across the sectors particularly under COVID-19 response.
Gender Aware Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) Programming Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Guidelines and Tools
This FAQ is prepared for the CVA Professional to build their basic concept on gender as well as to provide simple techniques on mainstreaming gender into CVA interventions. Please contact Aftab Alam (Aftab.Alam@plan-international.org) for further information and assistance.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Social Protection, Gender Equality and Humanitarian Cash under COVID-19 Context
Guidelines and Tools
This document is prepared for Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) Program technical staff who are particularly working at Country Offices, and who still have limited experience on integrating a gender aware humanitarian cash approach within the Social Protection Programming. The document aims to provide...
COVID-19 Adaptation to Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) Intervention
Guidelines and Tools
The aim of this technical guidance is to support the team in designing and implementing CVA programmes in both development and humanitarian settings to adapt interventions in response to the Covid19 outbreak, in order to:
1. Support adequate prevention and response to Covid19, and
2. Ensure that the CVA...