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201 – 220 of 405 resultados

Transfer Values in Kenya’s National Social Security System


This report, commissioned by the World Food Programme (WFP) and United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) seeks to examine the current transfer values of Kenya’s tax-financed social security schemes and assess whether they are set at an appropriate level. Transfer Values in Kenya’s National Social...


Cash-Based Initiatives for Refugees in Jordan: Annotated Bibliography


The available literature tells us little about the effectiveness of targeting of cash-based initiatives (CBIs) for refugees in Jordan. However, it suggests there are positive impacts on food security for refugees, their ability to pay for rent and utilities and their psycho-social well-being, as well as...


La Asistencia Alimentaria Basada en el Mercado en Guatemala: Una Sistematización de Experiencias

Guía y herramientas

En abril de 2017, a solicitud de la oficina de Alimentos para la Paz (FFP) de la Agencia Internacional de Desarollo de los Estados Unidos (USAID), Catholic Relief Services (CRS) y Project Concern International (PCI) en Guatemala diseñaron un proceso para recopilar y sintetizar las experiencias de...


Child Vulnerability and Social Protection in Kenya


Kenya’s Social Protection Secretariat has highlighted new evidence showing the need for a universal child grant for Kenyan children. The evidence in Child Vulnerability and Social Protection in Kenya highlights that targeting social protection at orphans, 7.5% of Kenya’s children, with a Cash Transfer...


CTP in Challenging Contexts: Case Study on CTP and Risks in Yemen 2015–2018


Yemen is one of the most vulnerable countries in the world, and has long suffered from poverty, instability and vulnerability. The conflict, which has unravelled since late 2014, and, more specifically, since March 2015, has left 22 million Yemenis in need of some kind of humanitarian assistance or...


Cash-Based Programming in South Sudan


This rapid review provides a synthesis of evaluations and learning reviews of cash-based programming in South Sudan. There is evidence that in South Sudan the cash-based programming help poor households address food needs and nutrition; and by injecting funds from vouchers, paid work, or grants into the...


Cash Transfer Programming in Armed Conflict: The ICRC’s Experience


Money is the main means of survival for most people around the world. That remains the case in situations of armed conflict, when having cash to buy essential goods can mean the difference between life and death.
The ICRC’s experience shows that cash is an essential tool in humanitarian action in armed...


The Role of Cash Transfers in Social Protection, Humanitarian Response and Shock-Responsive Social Protection

Guidelines and Tools

Cash transfers have expanded rapidly in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) around the world in the past decade. The contexts in which they are implemented have also diversified; while cash transfers were mostly adopted initially as central elements of social protection systems, they have become...


Shock Responsive Social Protection Systems Research: Synthesis Report


This synthesis report consolidates the evidence and lessons learned from the research, drawing on all the case studies and other outputs, including the literature review as well as policy briefs on systems development and monitoring and evaluation. It highlights the key ways in which social protection...


Increasing resilience to natural disasters with cash-based interventions


This report presents recommendations for the ongoing development and improvement of CTP in emergency preparedness and response in Vietnam. It is hoped that these best practices, lessons learned and recommendations will contribute to the wider global discussions on the use and impact of CTP to increase...


Final Evaluation of the DiRECT Response Emergency Cash Transfer Programme in Zambia


In the past two years (2015 and 2016), Zambia experienced relatively harsh climatic conditions characterised by disruptive rains and the negative impact of El Nino weather patterns. Districts in the southern and western regions of the country were most affected. Many farmers in the affected regions were...

28 agosto 2017

Cash Transfers for Food Security in Epidemics


The report is divided into five chapters. The introduction provides a brief overview of the study’s objectives, data collection methods and a snapshot of the context in Liberia and Sierra Leone. The second chapter describes USAID/FFP’s response to the Ebola crisis with a particular focus on CTP....

June 2017

Real time evaluation report for Kenya Red Cross Society


After launching of its first Drought Emergency Appeal, Kenya Red Cross Society undertook a real time evaluation of its cash transfer response in May 2017 to find out what was working or not working in the KRCS emergency cash transfer response to enable decision making in the remaining period of the...