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681 – 700 of 741 resultados
Real Time Evaluation: Project ADVANCE Niger, Final Report
The 2009 agricultural season in Niger was marked by dramatic crop production deficits. The most recent drought in Niger has led to an escalation in the price of locally-produced staple grains in the region. While demand in local markets remains high, as is normal right before the lean season, many...
Comparing Cash and Food Transfers: a Cost-Benefit Analysis from Rural Malawi
The Cash and Food for Livelihoods Pilot (CFLP) project was a cash and food-for-assets scheme implemented in southern Malawi over the eight months from October 2008 to May 2009, benefiting 11,100 households. CFLP was designed to prevent acute hunger and invest in disaster prevention and preparedness...
Do Cash Transfers Improve Food Security in Emergencies? Evidence from Sri Lanka
Case Study
In December 2004, WFP launched an emergency operation (EMOP) to assist victims of the tsunami in Sri Lanka. The disaster resulted in more than 38,000 deaths and approximately 7,000 people missing. The government estimated that at least 1 million people were directly or indirectly affected, of whom about...
Cash grants in Upper Sindh flood response 2010
Case Study
This case study and paper summarises Oxfam’s experience with unconditional cash grants to 20,000 households in response to the flooding in Upper Sindh, Pakistan in 2010. It retrospectively documents the Oxfam project, emphasising issues relevant to a wide practitioner audience interested in experience...
Cash transfers in emergencies: A practical field guide
Guidelines and Tools
A practical and user-friendly field guide for using cash to meet the needs of older people. This guide covers deciding if cash is appropriate, conducting initial assessments and market analysis, identifying beneficiaries and amounts, preparing the community and implementing cash transfers. The purpose of...
Rapport de l’évaluation mi-parcours de cash for training dans les départements de Tessaoua et Aguié
Ceci est un rapport de mi-parcours d’un programme de “cash for training” (argent contre formation) qui a eu lieu en 2010 dans les départements de Tessaoua et Aguié au Niger. Le rapport résume les objectifs, les résultats attendus et la situation du marché, et fourni des données...
Guidelines for cash interventions in Somalia
Guidelines and Tools
These guidelines are intended for all agencies operating in Somalia to represent a common approach to cash transfer programming for food security and livelihood activities in Somalia. The guidelines outline the minimum acceptable standards for cash interventions and provide the justification for...
Responding to High Food Prices: Evidence from a Voucher Programme in Burkina Faso
In February 2009, WFP launched its first food voucher operation in Africa, to address food security in an urban environment where food is available but beyond the reach of many because of high food prices. Vulnerable segments of the population, who were spending most of their budgets on food, risked...
Minimum Economic Recovery Standards
Guidelines and Tools
The Minimum Economic Recovery Standards articulate the minimum level of technical and other assistance to be provided in promoting the recovery of economies and livelihoods affected by crisis.
Etude de faisabilite et propositions pour la mise en oeuvre d’un projet pilote filet social se securite par transfert direct en especes au Niger
L’objectif de cette étude est d’analyser la faisabilité de la mise en oeuvre au Niger d’un projet pilote de transfert direct en espèces qui aura pour but la réduction de la pauvreté et de l’insécurité alimentaire et de formuler des propositions opérationnelles pour sa mise un place. A...
Plan d´action de filets sociaux pour le Niger
Ce travail résulte d’un certain nombre de missions de suivi d’une étude sur « La sécurité alimentaire et les filets sociaux » effectuées au Niger en 2008. Il s’agit d’approfondir la réflexion sur les questions essentielles relatives à l’élaboration d’une stratégie de sécurité...
Cash Transfers in Post-conflict Contexts
This ODI project briefing looks at the implementation for the design of cash programmes in post-conflict or fragile states, compared to those of peaceful and stable countries. It highlights examples from Sierra Leone and Nepal drawing lessons from existing programmes, examines the contribution to poverty...
WFP Global Workshop on Cash and Vouchers
This document provides a summary and synthesis of key outcomes and emerging priorities. It also provides a summary of the current status of voucher and cash programming in WFP. A discussion of key emerging cross-cutting issues follows. Strategic priorities for WFP voucher and cash programming and policy...
Cash For Work: A Contribution to the International Debate based on Lessons Learnt in Northern Afghanistan
Case Study
The purpose of this study was to document learning from BMZ finance cash for work (CFW) projects implemented by GTZ in Afghanistan as a contribution to international debates about cash transfer approaches. The operations of the GTZ CFW scheme in Northern Afghanistan are financed by the German Federal...
Do CCT programmes have a pro-poor spillover effect?
This one pager looks at the indirect impact of cash transfer programmes on the food consumption of households which have not received a transfer, but are within the same village as households which have. The paper looks at why this occurs, using evidence from Mexico to show that this phenomena in indeed...
An independent evaluation of Concern Worldwide’s emergency response in North Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo: Responding to displacement with vouchers and fairs
Case Study
In late 2008, escalated fighting among rebels and the Congolese Armed Forces (FARCD) provoked renewed and widespread displacement in North Kivu province, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). In response to the unfolding crisis, Concern Worldwide implemented the project Emergency Assistance to Newly...
Une note de synthèse sur la prise en compte de l’accès économique aux vivres et du pouvoir d’achat dans la compréhension de la sécurité alimentaire au Niger
Les pauvres du Niger rural, qu’ils soient cultivateurs ou pasteurs, sont aujourd’hui fortement dépendants du marché pour leur nourriture et pour d’autres produits de première nécessité, et leur pouvoir d’achat est donc un aspect crucial de leur vulnérabilité aux chocs de la production ou du...
Lessons Learned from the Post Election Violence Early Recovery Programme in Kenya 2008-2009
Case Study
The Kenya Post Election Violence (PEV) Early Recovery Programme was an ECHO-supported response by six international NGOs to the ethnic and political violence which severely affected livelihoods in the Rift Valley, Nyanza and Central Provinces after the disputed national elections in late December 2007....
Fresh food vouchers for refugees in Kenya
Read the report here This article in Field Exchange magazine outlines an intervention by ACF in Dadaab to improve the nutritional intake and dietary diversity of the refugee population of Dadaab, Kenya, through a complementary food voucher scheme targeted at malnourished children.
Market Information and Food Insecurity Response Analysis (MIFIRA)
This paper outlines the importance and rationale for agencies to undertake a “response analysis” before choosing an appropriate programme delivery mechanism to a humanitarian situation. The Market Information and Food Insecurity Response Analysis (MIFIRA) framework is introduced. This provides a...