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An Impact Evaluation of the 2013-2014 Winter Cash Assistance Program for Syrian Refugees in Lebanon
This report describes the impacts of the winter cash transfer program run by UNHCR and partners from November 2013 to April 2014. The program gave 575 USD via ATM cards to 87,700 registered Syrian refugees in Lebanon with the objective of keeping people warm and dry during cold winter months.
Economic Strengthening for Child Protection & Education in Emergencies
Guidelines and Tools
The aim of this compendium is to provide education and child protection coordinators and partners working in the field who are involved in or confronted with economic strengthening programmes with key existing evidence and guidance documents in order to inform their work, at all stages of a programme...
Étude de programme de transfert monétairs dans la Région Sahel
La Welthungerhilfe, ayant déjà une expérience considérable dans la mise en ouvre de programmes d’« Argent contre Travail », a lancé depuis l’année 2011, ses premiers programmes dans la région du Sahel de « transferts monétaires inconditionnels » et transfert à travers « Coupons...
Planning for government adoption of a social protection programme in an insecure environment: the Child Grant Development Programme in northern Nigeria
Cash transfer programming (CTP) is increasingly used in West Africa in response to food and nutritional crisis. Beyond emergency situations, cash transfer mechanisms are key mechanisms for national social protection strategies and policies. Despite the rapid development of social...
The Government of Kenya Cash Transfer for Orphaned and Vulnerable Children: Cross-sectional Comparison of Household and Individual Characteristics of Those With and Without
The ‘Cash Transfer to Orphans and Vulnerable Children’ (CT-OVC) in Kenya is a government-supported program intended to provide regular and predictable cash transfers (CT) to poor households taking care of OVC. CT programs can be an effective means of alleviating poverty and facilitating the attainment...
Preventing Acute Malnutrition Among Young Children in Crises: A prospective intervention study in Niger
Governments and donor agencies need to know which preventative strategy is most effective, particularly among children under 2 years old who are most vulnerable to acute malnutrition. Here, the researchers compare the effectiveness of seven preventative strategies—including the distribution of...
CGP Impact Evaluation (UNICEF/FAO): Targeting and baseline evaluation report
The Child Grants Programme (CGP) is an unconditional cash transfer targeted to poor and vulnerable households in Lesotho. The primary objective of the CGP is to improve the living standards of Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) so as to reduce malnutrition, improve health status, and increase school...
Lesotho Child Grants Programme – The historic and future costs of the CGP and its affordability
The purpose of this costing study is to review the historical costs of the Child Grants Programme (CGP) between October 2007 and December 2012, simulate the likely future cost of the programme, and assess the programme’s affordability under the current fiscal environment. This report presents the...
Support to Lesotho HIV and AIDs Response: Empowerment of Orphans and Other Vulnerable Children
Oxford Policy Management (OPM) has been contracted by UNICEF Lesotho to undertake the final evaluation of the Project “Support to Lesotho HIV and AIDS Response: Empowerment of Orphans and Vulnerable Children”. The main objective of this evaluation is to provide decision makers in the Government of...
Effects of the Palestinian National Cash Transfer Programme on Children and Adolescents
Over the past two decades, social protection programmes have been implemented in many developing countries to reduce poverty and vulnerabilities in the face of context-specific challenges such as economic crises,inequality and exclusion, and human development deficits. The multidimensional...
Policy brief – Policy options for the Lesotho Child Grants Programme
Policy paper
The Lesotho Child Grants Programme (CGP) is an unconditional social cash transfer targeted to poor and vulnerable households. The objective of the CGP is to improve the living standards of Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) so as to reduce malnutrition, improve health status and increase school...
Cash Transfers and Child Labor
Policy paper
Cash transfer programs are widely used in settings where child labor is prevalent. Although many of these programs are explicitly implemented to improve children’s welfare, in theory their impact on child labor is undetermined. This paper systematically reviews the empirical evidence on the impact of...
Child Grants Programme Impact Evaluation Follow-up Report – Executive Summary
Case Study
The Lesotho Child Grants Programme (CGP) is an unconditional social cash transfer targeted to poor and vulnerable households. It provides every quarter a regular transfer of between M360 and M7501 to poor households with children that are selected through a combination of Proxy Means Testing (PMT) and...
Testing Branchless Banking to Deliver Cash Transfers in Nepal
Policy paper
The Human Development Social Protection Pilot (HDSPP) is a sub-project of the joint UNDP-UNCDF Local Governance and Community Development Program (LGCDP). It has been initiated in two far-western districts in Nepal, Kanchanpur and Dhadheldura and it is being implemented by the Ministry of Federal Affairs...
Child Grants Programme Impact Evaluation Follow-up Report
The Lesotho Child Grants Programme (CGP) is an unconditional social cash transfer targeted to poor and vulnerable households. It provides every quarter a regular transfer of between M360 and M7501 to poor households with children that are selected through a combination of Proxy Means Testing (PMT) and...
Social Protection System: An Afghan case study, analysing the potential of a child-focused social protection Cash Transfer Programme in Balkh
UNICEF is considering the development of a social protection programme with a specific focus on children, within the already existing framework developed by the World Bank and MoLSAMD. With the end goal of articulating children-sensitive programming with the World Bank’s own safety net programme in...
Planifier l’adoption par le gouvernement d’un programme de protection sociale dans un climat d’insécurité : le Programme de Subventions pour le Développement des Enfants au nord Nigeria
Les programmes de transfert monétaire sont de plus en plus utilisés en Afrique de l’Ouest lors des interventions en réponse aux crises alimentaires et nutritionnelles. Au-delà des situations d’urgence, les mécanismes de transfert monétaire jouent un rôle majeur dans les stratégies et...
Social Acceptability and Perceived Impact of a Community-Led Cash Transfer Programme in Zimbabwe
Cash transfer programmes are increasingly recognised as promising and scalable interventions that can promote the health and development of children in poor resource and high HIV prevalence areas of sub-Saharan Africa. However, concerns have been raised about the potential for cash transfer programmes to...
Building Orphan Competent Communities: Experiences from a community-based capital cash transfer initiative in Kenya
As a result of the increasing number of orphans in sub-Saharan Africa, numerous programmes have been initiated to facilitate the care and support of orphaned and vulnerable children. This paper reports on a community-based capital cash transfer initiative in Kenya and explores its role in building orphan...
Cash Transfer Programming Toolkit
Guidelines and Tools
The Cash Transfer Programming (CTP) Toolkit is a basic guide to cash transfer programming in emergency response and early recovery settings. The publication is based upon best practiced and practical experience from Mercy Corps programmes. The Toolkit provides general guidance for CTP, as well as...