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261 – 280 of 345 resultados
Social Security/Social Protection In Nepal: Situation analysis
The International Labour Conference has outlined several strategies to extend social security by closing coverage gaps and pointed out that effective national strategies should be formed in line with national priorities, administrative feasibility and affordability. The primary goal is to ensure that no...
What Cash Transfer Programming can do to Protect Children from Violence, Abuse and Exploitation – Review and recommendations
This discussion paper examines the links between cash transfers and the positive and negative outcomes for children, in particular the role cash transfers have played in protecting children from harm, exploitation, abuse and violence. The objective of this paper is to identify ways in which cash transfer...
Afghanistan: Hawala cash transfers for food assistance and livelihood protection
Case Study
In response to repeated flooding, ACF implemented a cash-based intervention in the Samangan and Day Kundi Provinces of Afghanistan. The project applied cash for work activities as well as unconditional cash transfers and made use of the local Hawala system to securely transfer money to beneficiaries. The...
Meta-Evaluation of ACF Fresh Food Voucher Programmes
ACF commissioned a meta-evaluation of five of its fresh food voucher programmes implemented between 2009-2011 during emergencies in Bolivia, Dadaab refugee camps in Kenya, Haiti, Pakistan and the occupied Palestinian Territories (oPT). The programmes were all paper cash vouchers exchanged for fresh foods...
ACF Mongolia Commodity Vouchers (Poster)
This one-page poster provides an overview of ACF’s commodity voucher programme in Mongolia.
What Cash Transfer Programming can do to Protect Children – Discussion Paper
This discussion paper examines the links between cash transfers and the positive and negative outcomes for children, in particular the role cash transfers have played in protecting children from harm, exploitation, abuse and violence. The objective of this paper is to identify ways in which cash transfer...
E-payments in Emergency Cash Transfer Programming
Guidelines and Tools
This 2-pager summarises some of the main features, benefits and challenges of 4 different electronic payment methods that can be used to deliver cash transfers in an emergency: pre-paid cards, smart cards, mobile money and mobile vouchers. It is drawn from the CALP Network research on New Technologies in...
Cash and Shelter: A Workshop on Using Cash Transfer Programming for Emergency and Early Recovery Shelter
A power point presentation to provide guidance to programme managers, programme implementers and programme support staff when selecting cash as a potential response tool in emergency shelter programmes.
Comparative Study of Emergency Cash Coordination Mechanisms
Based principally on three cases studies (Pakistan, Haiti, and the Horn of Africa), the objective of this comparative study is to draw on lessons learnt for better coordination of cash transfer programmes (CTP) in future emergencies. This study has been commissioned by the CALP Network and conducted by...
Afghanistan Cash Transfer Evaluation: Evaluation of cash transfer components of two ACF projects in Samangan and Day Kundi provinces, Afghanistan
Case Study
ACF commissioned the evaluation of cash transfer components in two Food Security projects in Afghanistan. ACF was interested in understanding the effectiveness of the cash distribution methodology using the hawala system of moneychangers. Furthermore, ACF wanted to know whether specific targeting of women...
Pakistan Emergency Food Security Alliance: Lessons Learned
In response to the unprecedented scale of flooding that affected Pakistan in July 2010, six INGOs – Save the Children, Oxfam GB, IRC, CARE, ACTED and Action Against Hunger / ACF International – formed the Pakistan Emergency Food Security Alliance (PEFSA). Working together in order to maximize the...
The CALP Network 4th Global Learning Event: Global innovations and lessons learned from response in South and South-East Asia (Final report)
The 4th CALP Network Global Learning Event was held in Bangkok, Thailand on the 16th and 17th February 2011, hosted by the CALP Network in partnership with the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). This inter-agency event was designed to present the latest thinking...
Natural Disasters: What is the role for social safety nets?
Policy paper
This paper makes the case for why safety nets are an important tool for managing the risk of natural hazards. The use of safety nets is advocated both ex ante, to prevent and mitigate the impact of natural disaster and ex post, to cope with the impacts of natural shocks. Firstly, the paper explores the...
Key Challenges and Lessons Learned in Interagency Cash Coordination in Pakistan
A presentation from the CALP Network’s former focal point Loreto Palmaera on ‘Key Challenges and Lessons Learned in Interagency Cash Coordination in Pakistan’
Walking the Talk: Cash Transfers and Gender Dynamics
Case Study
Concern Worldwide (Concern) and Oxfam GB (Oxfam) jointly commissioned this report to look at the impacts of cash transfers (CTs) on gender dynamics both within households and communities. This report was commissioned because of the agencies’ concerns that while CTs, now being used in many different...
Learning from Cash Responses to the Tsunami: Case Studies
Case Study
These case studies form part of a project to document learning around cash based responses to the Indian Ocean tsunami. The project was funded by the British Red Cross, Save the Children UK, Oxfam GB, Mercy Corps and Concern Worldwide.
Integrated Community Based Response for Vulnerable Conflict and Flood Affected Population of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK), Pakistan
A presentation discussing objectives, modalities, target beneficiaries and best practices of integrated community-based response for vulnerable conflict and flood-affected population of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK), Pakistan.
ATM cash assistance: Does it work?
This 2-page article describes UNHCR’s cash assistance to almost 5,000 vulnerable Iraqi refugee families in Jordan. It looks at the key questions asked in UNHCR about implementing cash-based assistance, and highlights findings about cost-effectiveness and beneficiary well-being.
Case Study of Cash Transfer to Traders during the Pakistan Earthquake of 2005
Case Study
This case study examines Oxfam’s innovative programme to provide cash/vouchers to local traders to re-establish their businesses and re-initiate an economic stimulus in order to help vulnerable people purchase, or put on credit, food and non-food items throughout the upcoming winter. The paper looks at...
Unconditional cash transfer in Emergency Lessons learned from Plan in Vietnam
A presentation from the the CALP Network Global Learning Event, BKK 16-17 February 2011. Topics covered include: Implementation process Findings after intervention Strengths and weaknesses Lessons learned Presenter: Nguyen Trong Ninh – Plan in Vietnam