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Livelihood Outcomes of Multi-purpose Cash Assistance: Services and Assistance for Enabling Recovery (SAFER)
Since 2019, the severe economic crisis in Lebanon has plunged a large portion of the population into poverty. Over the last decade, poverty has more than tripled, reaching 44% in 2022. Many families were forced to adopt negative coping strategies such as reducing food consumption and withdrawing children...
IOM Cash-Based Interventions: Annual Report and Case Studies 2023
Case Study
In recent years, IOM has placed special attention on increasing the use and coordination of cash-based interventions (CBI) across the organization in line with the Grand Bargain commitments and the IOM CBI Strategy 2022–2026.
In 2023, IOM continued to increase the use of CBI modalities to empower aid...
Community Participation in the Design of Multi-purpose Cash Programs – Perspectives from the field
The design of cash and voucher assistance (CVA) programs, especially when implemented at scale, is often driven by technical considerations. The conversations often focus on the survival minimum expenditure basket, financial service provider’s fees and targeting algorithm. Important decisions regarding...
Colombia and Lebanon Evaluation Report: Measuring the impact of cash on child protection outcomes
As humanitarian crises break down traditional protection mechanisms and the loss of income restricts access to basic resources, children become increasingly vulnerable to abuse, neglect, exploitation, and violence. Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) is a critical modality that is increasingly being adopted...
Cash and Vouchers Assistance (CVA) and Child Protection: Summary of practice and evidence from Save the Children programmes 2023 Edition
In an effort to increase global knowledge and learning, Save the Children conducted a global review of twenty Country Offices and their programs in order to assess and highlight the impact that different forms of Cash and Vouchers Assistance (CVA) have on Child Protection (CP) outcomes, to identify...
Cash and Voucher Assistance: Breaking down barriers to SRH care in humanitarian settings
Case Study
Global commitments to universal health coverage mean that all people should have access to a full range of quality health services without financial hardship. Despite these commitments, populations affected by emergencies often face heightened barriers to accessing health services due to disruptions to...
Cash For Education in Akkar
This research aims to explore the effects of cash assistance on the ability of girls and boys in Akkar, Lebanon, to access and stay in education. It delves into the complex crisis in Lebanon, which involves economic decline, disruptions in education, and adverse impacts on vulnerable groups like girls and...
Will our Opinion Matter? Community consultations on the design of multi-purpose cash programmes in Lebanon
Since late 2019, Lebanon has been grappling with a severe economic and financial crisis. The Lebanese lira has lost more than 98 percent of its value, and over half of the Lebanese population is estimated to be living in poverty. The Government of Lebanon and development and humanitarian agencies have...
Locally-Led Responses to Cash and Voucher Assistance in the Middle East and North Africa: Barriers, progress and opportunities
Case Study
This research highlights moments of tension between the reported commitment of the humanitarian sector towards localization and the actual steps implemented to advance locally-led CVA. Subsequently, recommendations emphasize the responsibilities of the sector in order to expand locally-led approaches in...
استجابات المساعدات النقدية والقسائم بقيادة محلية في الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا: التقدم والعوامل التمكينية والعوائق
دراسة حالة
يسلط هذا البحث الضوء على فترات التوتر بين الالتزام المبلغ عنه للقطاع الإنساني تجاه التمكين المحلي وبين الخطوات الفعلية المتخذة لتعزيز المساعدات النقدية والقسائم (CVA)...
Multi-purpose cash assistance for Lebanese – Inter-agency Joint Learning Event Learning Brief
Case Study
On June 27th 2023, Mercy Corps co-organized with Acted, Concern and Oxfam a learning event on the implementation of Multipurpose Cash Assistance (MPCA) interventions for Lebanese. While the MPCA modality has been initiated and designed around the assistance to refugees, the provision of unconditional cash...
بناء قدرات الجهات الفاعلة المحلية في الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا
في ضوء النتائج التي توصلت إليها دورة البحث في العام السابق حول الاستجابة المحلية في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا، جعل مجتمع الممارسة “تحديد احتياجات بناء القدرات...
Local Actors’ Capacity Building Needs Beyond CVA (MENA)
In light of the findings produced by the previous year’s research cycle on LLR in MENA, the CoP made “identifying and addressing capacity building needs” a core priority for the group moving forward. The aim is to ensure that local actors are set for success, and fair competitors for grants...
An Integrated Approach to Menstrual Hygiene Management: Awareness sessions and cash assistance for women and girls affected by crisis in Lebanon
Case Study
In 2022, UNFPA Lebanon worked with local partners to launch an integrated cash and awareness for menstrual hygiene management (MHM) initiative as a way to tackle the growing issue of period poverty amidst the country’s economic crisis. Through the pilot, over 2,600 vulnerable women and girls of...
Investigating Operational Models for Multi-purpose Cash Delivery and Links to Social Protection: Spotlight on the Middle East and North Africa
This piece of research looked at six case studies in the MENA region where CVA is being delivered at scale. It looked at the characteristics of the operational models of delivering multi-purpose cash assistance (MPCA), and how that enables (or not) links with existing national social protection...
Revisión de las buenas prácticas sobre asistencia en efectivo en contextos de alta inflación y depreciación
¿De qué se trata? Una recopilación de buenas prácticas para ayudar a los actores humanitarios a diseñar e implementar programas de transferencias monetarias, incluyendo transferencias monetarias multipropósito (TMM) y dinero para resultados sectoriales. La razón de ser de este documento es el...
UNFPA’s approach to CVA in the Arab region and Türkiye
Policy paper
UNFPA experience in different humanitarian contexts has shown that cash and voucher assistance (CVA) is a powerful instrument that can save lives, alleviate risks, and help women and girls escape abusive environments. By giving women and girls greater access to vital services and empowering them with the...
Force displacement literature review: Cash transfers
Anti-refugee violence often accompanies refugee migration, but the factors that fuel or mitigate that violence remain poorly understood, including the common policy response in such settings of humanitarian aid. Existing theory and policy debates predict that aid to refugees exacerbates anti-refugee...
Coordinating with the Petrol Sector to Enhance Early Warning
Case Study
For far too long humanitarian actors and coordination mechanisms have witnessed sharp price variations of core commodities without the capacity to forecast them. While to date some Cash and Vouchers Working Groups (e.g., Afghanistan) establish mechanisms to continue monitoring and adapt transfer values in...
Conflict sensitive cash assistance in Lebanon: Conflict sensitivity toolbox 1
Guidelines and Tools
The Conflict Sensitivity Toolbox series is produced under UNDP Lebanon’s Tension Monitoring System. The toolbox forms part of the conflict sensitivity mainstreaming work under the Lebanon Crisis Response Plan (LCRP) and has been produced in collaboration with House of Peace. In 2021, three...