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41 – 51 of 51 resultados

An Innovative way of Humanitarian Assistance using Mobile Money Transfer in Bangladesh


A video detailing Oxfam’s use of mobile money transfer in Bangladesh.


Atelier sur les systèmes de Suivi & Evaluation des programmes d’assistance monétaire


Les principes du suivi et de l’évaluation sont les mêmes pour les transferts monétaires que pour les autres types de
projets, et il convient de respecter les pratiques d’usage. Certaines questions sont toutefois spécifiques aux transferts monétaires. L’une des principales caractéristiques de...


The Crisis in the Sahel – Special Feature


The special feature of this issue of Humanitarian Exchange focuses on the humanitarian crisis in the Sahel region of Africa, where aid agencies estimate that more than 18 million people are affected by food insecurity. In response to this crisis, cash and vouchers programming has been largely used. In...

September 2012

How Effective are Cash Transfer Programmes at Improving Nutritional Status?


Cash transfer programmes are a widely applied social protection scheme that has achieved successes in fighting poverty worldwide. A large literature has sprung up around these programmes, yet the relationship between cash transfer programmes and the nutritional status of recipient children is unclear. Can...

July 2012

Natural Disasters: What is the role for social safety nets?


This paper makes the case for why safety nets are an important tool for managing the risk of natural hazards. The use of safety nets is advocated both ex ante, to prevent and mitigate the impact of natural disaster and ex post, to cope with the impacts of natural shocks. Firstly, the paper explores the...

February 2011

IFRC and the evolution of CTP


An IFRC presentation covering the following topics: IFRC and the evolution of CTP Institutional commitment and organisational learning Working in Partnership with the CALP Network Moving forward


Cash transfers: Lump Sums


This briefing is one of a series of six produced as an output from a three year ODI research study on cash transfers and their role in social protection. The study explores issues of interest to donors and governments, comparing cash with other forms of transfer, identifying where cash transfers are...