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Série de webinaires : Lier les transferts monétaires et la protection sociale par le biais d’un mécanisme de retour d’information, étude de cas du Nigéria
Ce webinaire est le deuxième d’une série de webinaires régionaux destinés à explorer les liens entre les transferts monétaires et la protection sociale en Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre. Suite à notre premier webinaire régional, «Explorer les liens entre les transferts monétaires et la...
Lier les transferts monétaires et la protection sociale par le biais d’un mécanisme de retour d’information, étude de cas du Nigéria
Enregistrement webinaire
Ce webinaire était le deuxième d’une série de webinaires régionaux destinés à explorer les liens entre les transferts monétaires et la protection sociale en Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre. Suite à notre premier webinaire régional, “Explorer les liens entre les transferts monétaires et la...
Webinar Series: Linking CVA & social protection through feedback mechanism, Nigeria case study
Webinar recording
This webinar was the second in a series of regional webinars designed to explore the linkages between humanitarian Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) and social protection in West and Central Africa. Following our initial regional webinar, “Exploring Linkages between Cash and Voucher Assistance and...
IOM Cash-Based Interventions: Annual Report and Case Studies 2023
In recent years, IOM has placed special attention on increasing the use and coordination of cash-based interventions (CBI) across the organization in line with the Grand Bargain commitments and the IOM CBI Strategy 2022–2026.
In 2023, IOM continued to increase the use of CBI modalities to empower aid...
Targeting in Protracted Crises: Nigeria case study
This country case study focuses on Nigeria and the specific challenge of conflict, violence, and insecurity. Using four waves of General Household Survey data covering the period 2010 to 2019, we analyse trends in poverty, food insecurity, shocks, and coping strategies among different population groups,...
Rampant inflation and climate crisis: can cash cope? – Community perceptions of cash assistance and resilience in northeast Nigeria
Nigeria is currently experiencing its worst financial crisis in almost 30 years. Economic reforms such as the floating of the naira and the fuel subsidy’s removal have contributed to rising inflation, which reached almost 30% in February 2024. The volatile financial climate is having a real and...
Cash and Vouchers Assistance (CVA) and Child Protection: Summary of practice and evidence from Save the Children programmes 2023 Edition
In an effort to increase global knowledge and learning, Save the Children conducted a global review of twenty Country Offices and their programs in order to assess and highlight the impact that different forms of Cash and Vouchers Assistance (CVA) have on Child Protection (CP) outcomes, to identify...
Calcul de l’empreinte GES de Paniers de Dépenses Minimum
Début 2021, Action contre la Faim (ACF) France a lancé une évaluation des émissions de GES avec d’autres membres du Réseau Environnement Humanitaire (REH). La portée de la comptabilisation cible toutes les émissions, et très rapidement certaines activités, pouvant générer une variabilité...
Calculating the GHG Footprint of Food Aid using Cash Transfers
In early 2021, Action Against Hunger (ACF) France is launching a GHG emissions assessment with other members of the Humanitarian Environment Network (REH). The scope of accounting target all emissions, and very quickly some activities, which can generate considerable variability in the results, are...
Asistencia en efectivo en contextos de alta inflación y depreciación: Retos, dilemas y próximos pasos
Muchos países de todo el mundo se enfrentan a tasas de inflación y depreciación de la moneda muy elevadas, con un enorme aumento de los precios de los productos básicos y del coste de vida. Las elevadas tasas de inflación y depreciación de la moneda, junto con las medidas aplicadas por los gobiernos...
Layering Cash Into Market Systems Programs: Catalyzing Market-Driven Recovery in Nigeria
Mercy Corps has been implementing the USAID funded Feed the Future Nigeria Rural Resilience Activity (RRA), a market systems development (MSD) program, in Northeast Nigeria since 2019. In response to COVID-19, RRA layered on a short-term cash transfer activity to help households cope, jumpstart local...
المساعدات النقدية في سياقات التضخم المرتفع وانخفاض قيمة العملة: التحديات والمعضلات وسبل المضي قُدُمًا
تصارع العديد من البلدان في جميع أنحاء العالم مع ارتفاع معدلات التضخم وانخفاض قيمة العملة مع ارتفاع أسعار السلع الأساسية وتكلفة المعيشة بشكل هائل. تؤثر المعدلات...
«Men have the power to say everything, women don’t.» Women’s perceptions of cash and voucher assistance in Maiduguri’s outskirts
In northeast Nigeria, women and girls constitute approximately two-thirds of cash and voucher assistance (CVA) recipients. However, stark gender inequalities in the region make it difficult to hear women’s perspectives. This study aims to amplify their voices and concerns to inform decision-making...
Acting Before Disaster Strikes: The impacts of anticipatory cash transfers on climate resilience in Northeast Nigeria
IRC’s research – the first experimental evidence from a randomized controlled trial (RCT) on how anticipatory cash compares to post-shock cash transfers in a conflict-affected environment – highlights that anticipatory action is critical to meeting the short- and longer-term needs of households...
Adapter les transferts monétaires à l’inflation, à la dépréciation et à la volatilité économique
Le CALP Network a soutenu les groupes de travail nationaux sur les transferts monétaires (CWG) dans cinq pays africains - le Burkina Faso, le Malawi, le Nigeria, le Sud-Soudan et le Zimbabwe - afin qu'ils conviennent de processus clairs et prévisibles pour adapter les transferts monétaires à la...
Adapting Cash Programming to Inflation, Depreciation and Economic Volatility
The CALP Network supported country cash working groups (CWGs) in five African countries – Burkina Faso, Malawi, Nigeria, South Sudan and Zimbabwe – to agree on clear and predictable processes for adapting CVA programmes to economic volatility. These reports capture the resulting recommendations,...
Cash and Voucher Assistance to Improve Maternal and Child Nutrition Outcomes in Emergency Contexts of Nigeria
In Nigeria, nearly 12 per cent of children under 5 years are wasted according to the National Food Consumption and Micronutrient Survey (2021). Wasting is largely concentrated in the North with 58 per cent of all cases residing there. In the Northeast and Northwest regions of Nigeria, the prevalence of...
IOM Cash-Based Interventions Annual Report and Case Studies 2022
Since 2019, IOM has placed special attention on building capacity to increase the use and coordination of cash-based interventions (CBI) across the organization in line with the Grand Bargain commitments. Following the successful implementation of the IOM Strategy for Humanitarian CBI 2019–2021, the...
Adapter les transferts monétaires humanitaires au contexte d’inflation et de dépréciation monétaire
Enregistrement webinaire
Le CALP vient de terminer une étude qui visait à capturer les différentes mesures d’adaptation de transferts monétaires (TM) humanitaires afin de répondre à l’inflation et la dépréciation de la monnaie dans différents pays. Dans la région de l’Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre, l’étude...
Coordinating with the Petrol Sector to Enhance Early Warning
For far too long humanitarian actors and coordination mechanisms have witnessed sharp price variations of core commodities without the capacity to forecast them. While to date some Cash and Vouchers Working Groups (e.g., Afghanistan) establish mechanisms to continue monitoring and adapt transfer values in...