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Cash for Loss and Damage Case Study: Report
In 2023, GiveDirectly and the Scottish Government sent cash transfers to survivors of Tropical Cyclone Freddy to address the losses and damages they had experienced. They provided $766 to 2676 households in Nsanje District in southern Malawi who had relocated to higher ground fo lowing the cyclone. This...
IOM Cash-Based Interventions: Annual Report and Case Studies 2023
In recent years, IOM has placed special attention on increasing the use and coordination of cash-based interventions (CBI) across the organization in line with the Grand Bargain commitments and the IOM CBI Strategy 2022–2026.
In 2023, IOM continued to increase the use of CBI modalities to empower aid...
Save the Children Cash for Education Impact Evaluation in Malawi
Save the Children implemented a Catch-up Club (CuC) project, funded by the Swedish Postcode Lottery (SPL), in 20 schools in Lilongwe, Malawi. CuCs are a short-term, data-driven intervention to build foundational skills in literacy, numeracy and Social and Emotional Learning (SEL), during learning...
Asistencia en efectivo en contextos de alta inflación y depreciación: Retos, dilemas y próximos pasos
Muchos países de todo el mundo se enfrentan a tasas de inflación y depreciación de la moneda muy elevadas, con un enorme aumento de los precios de los productos básicos y del coste de vida. Las elevadas tasas de inflación y depreciación de la moneda, junto con las medidas aplicadas por los gobiernos...
المساعدات النقدية في سياقات التضخم المرتفع وانخفاض قيمة العملة: التحديات والمعضلات وسبل المضي قُدُمًا
تصارع العديد من البلدان في جميع أنحاء العالم مع ارتفاع معدلات التضخم وانخفاض قيمة العملة مع ارتفاع أسعار السلع الأساسية وتكلفة المعيشة بشكل هائل. تؤثر المعدلات...
Adapter les transferts monétaires à l’inflation, à la dépréciation et à la volatilité économique
Le CALP Network a soutenu les groupes de travail nationaux sur les transferts monétaires (CWG) dans cinq pays africains - le Burkina Faso, le Malawi, le Nigeria, le Sud-Soudan et le Zimbabwe - afin qu'ils conviennent de processus clairs et prévisibles pour adapter les transferts monétaires à la...
Adapting Cash Programming to Inflation, Depreciation and Economic Volatility
The CALP Network supported country cash working groups (CWGs) in five African countries – Burkina Faso, Malawi, Nigeria, South Sudan and Zimbabwe – to agree on clear and predictable processes for adapting CVA programmes to economic volatility. These reports capture the resulting recommendations,...
IOM Cash-Based Interventions Annual Report and Case Studies 2022
Since 2019, IOM has placed special attention on building capacity to increase the use and coordination of cash-based interventions (CBI) across the organization in line with the Grand Bargain commitments. Following the successful implementation of the IOM Strategy for Humanitarian CBI 2019–2021, the...
Adapter les transferts monétaires humanitaires au contexte d’inflation et de dépréciation monétaire
Enregistrement webinaire
Le CALP vient de terminer une étude qui visait à capturer les différentes mesures d’adaptation de transferts monétaires (TM) humanitaires afin de répondre à l’inflation et la dépréciation de la monnaie dans différents pays. Dans la région de l’Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre, l’étude...
Linking Forecast-based Financing and Social Protection: Why should national societies care?
This advocacy brief aims to provide National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies with an overview of how linking Forecast-based Financing (FbF) and social protection (SP) approaches can help in early action and preparedness. It showcases examples from National Societies in Kenya, Malawi and the...
Beware of the Crocodile: Quantitative Evidence how Universal Old Age Grants distort the Social Assistance Systems of Low-Income Countries
This paper compares two approaches to establishing or improving social assistance systems in low and lower-middle income countries. Taking Eswatini and Lesotho as examples of the mainstream approach, it provides quantitative evidence on the social protection outcomes of social assistance systems that are...
Gender Implications of Cash Transfers in Malawi
CARE Malawi set out to identify the gendered implications of this cash programming and how participants’ experiences of cash transfers affected gender equality. Because of the large-scale cash response to Cyclone Idai in 2019—largely operated through international nongovernmental organisations...
UNHCR Cash Assistance and Covid 19: Emerging field practices
Guidelines and Tools
This document is a snapshot of the many innovative field practices emerging in light of COVID-19.
UNHCR preparedness and response to COVID-19 is comprehensive including cash assistance as quick and efficient means of getting assistance to people fast, empowering families to deal with the crisis and meet...
The Case for Cash in Responding to Humanitarian Crises in Malawi
A policy paper by the Malawi INGO Cash Consortium which makes the case for cash assistance as a response modality to humanitarian crises. It gives a brief overview of global evidence for cash and previous cash experience in Malawi, and makes several key recommendations. One of these key recommendations is...
Cash Working Group Leads Meeting Report – March 2020
The Cash Working Group leads/co-leads meeting is a forum intended to provide a space for reflection, peer learning and developing solutions to shared challenges. This year’s meeting agenda and content were guided by requests from and contributions by participants. This report summarizes the discussions...
Assistência em Dinheiro e Cupões que Funciona para as Mulheres: 6 lições do terreno
A Assistência em Dinheiro e Cupões (CVA) é actualmente uma ferramenta comum na acção humanitária que é utilizada para fazer face, com maior dignidade, às diversas necessidades de pessoas refugiadas por motivo de crises e conflitos. Embora existam cada vez mais evidências do efeito da CVA no...
Programación de Transferencias Monetarias Que Funciona Para Mujeres: 6 Lecciones del Terreno
En la actualidad, la Programación de Transferencias Monetarías que funciona para mujeres (PTM) es una herramienta común entre las acciones humanitarias y se usa para satisfacer las diversas necesidades de las personas desplazadas por crisis y conflictos con mayor dignidad.1 Aunque existe evidencia...
Cash and Voucher Assistance that Works for Women: 6 lessons from the field
Building on CARE’s commitment to be ‘cash ready’ to achieve breakthroughs with and for women and girl, CARE commissioned a study –in Malawi, Haiti, Jordan, the Philippines and Niger–on gender-sensitive CVA that allowed actual CVA recipients to frame the discussion. This is a brief from the...
Les Transferts Monétaires qui Fonctionnent Pour les Femmes : 6 leçons apprises sur le terrain
Le transfert monétaire (TM) est désormais un outil courant dans l’action humanitaire, utilisé pour répondre avec une plus grande dignité aux divers besoins des personnes déplacées par la crise ou les conflits.1 Bien qu’il y ait un nombre croissant de preuves sur l’effet du TM sur le...
برنامج المساعدات النقدية والقسائم المناسب للنساء_النسخة العربية
Building on CARE’s commitment to be ‘cash ready’ to achieve breakthroughs with and for women and girl, CARE commissioned a study –in Malawi, Haiti, Jordan, the Philippines and Niger–on gender-sensitive CVA that allowed actual CVA recipients to frame the discussion. This is a brief from the...