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4921 – 4940 of 4978 resultados
Case Study of the Poultry and Grape/Raisin subsectors in Afghanistan: Guided case study in value chain development for conflict-affected environments
Is the value chain approach effective for restoring market-based economic activity in a severely affected post-conflict environment?. The goal of this study is to gather empirical evidence to answer this question, looking at the role of the value chain approach in the work of USAID’s Rebuilding...
Market Development in Crisis Affected Environments: Emerging lessons for achieving pro-poor economic reconstruction
This paper documents practitioner experience and innovations in market development for income generation and livelihood security in crisis and post-crisis settings. War and natural disaster have devastating impacts on people’s ability to generate income and secure a sustainable livelihood that can...
Market Assessment and Analysis: Learner’s notes
Guidelines and Tools
This document presents the “Learner’s Notes” that accompany a distance learning course on Market Assessment and Analysis. The course illustrates how markets operate and how they relate to and affect food security and vulnerable households. It describes market components and how they function...
Cash Transfers in Lesotho: An evaluation of World Vision’s Cash and Food Transfers Pilot Project
The Cash and Food Transfers Pilot Project (CFTPP) was designed and implemented as World Vision‟s contribution to the humanitarian response to the 2007/08 food crisis in Lesotho. This crisis was triggered by Lesotho‟s worst drought in 30 years, which reduced maize yields by 42% and left an estimated...
Lignes directrices sur les programmes de transferts monétaires
Guides et outils
Un guide pratique, qui comprend aussi les fiches d’orientation et une section sur les outils pratiques. S’appuyant sur le large éventail d’expériences en transferts monétaires au sein du Mouvement de la Croix Rouge et du Croissant Rouge, et dans le secteur humanitaire en général, ces directives...
Evaluation of Concern Kenya’s Kerio Valley Cash Transfer Pilot (KVCTP)
The Kerio Valley Cash Transfer Pilot (KVCTP) was Concern and its local partner the Catholic Diocese of Eldoret’s short-term and targeted response to the food security problems that affected communities in four Sub-locations in Baringo North and Pokot East Districts as a result of the post election...
Preventing Corruption in Humanitarian Assistance
This report by Transparency International describes the research on the problem of corruption in humanitarian assistance, based on evidence from seven major international NGOs. It does not try to assess the degree of corruption in any one agency, or country, rather it seeks to document perceptions of...
Direct Cash Transfer to Post Election Violence affected Host Population: Nakuru, South Rift Valley, Kenya. Internal Evaluation
Post-election violence in Kenya started in late December 2007 and led to a large-scale destruction of property, disruption of transportation and labour markets, and displacement of an estimated 250.000 to 300.000 people throughout the country. Homes and shops were burnt or looted; farms were affected as...
Practitioners’ Guide to the Household Economy Approach
Guidelines and Tools
This guide is aimed at those carrying out household economy approach (HEA) assessments, and is intended to serve as both a refresher guide for experienced practitioners and a set of reference reading materials to accompany formal trainings for new practitioners. The Practitioners’ Guide is presented as...
A summary of the British Red Cross cash grants for livelihood recovery in Aceh, Indonesia
Case Study
From April 2005 to June 2008, the British Red Cross Society (BRCS) disbursed more than USD 10 million in cash grants directly to over 10,000 tsunami-affected people in Aceh to support the recovery of their predominantly agriculture and fisheries-based livelihoods. This study draws lessons from the rich...
Cash Transfers for Disaster Risk Reduction in Niger: A Feasibility Study
Case Study
This HPG study report, commissioned by CARE, examines the appropriateness, cost-effectiveness and feasibility of cash transfer programming as part of a disaster risk reduction (DRR) strategy in Niger. It gives a general livelihood context of Niger and then looks at the feasibility and appropriateness,...
The Use of Cash Grants in UNHCR Voluntary Repatriation Operations: Report of a lessons learned workshop
On 4 April 2008, UNHCR’s Division of Operational Services and the Policy Development and Evaluation Service (PDES) co-sponsored a workshop on the use of cash grants in UNHCR repatriation operations. A total of 25 UNHCR staff members participated, together with six experts and researchers from Oxfam GB,...
A Synthesis of Practical Lessons from Value Chain Projects in Conflict Affected Environments
Over the last year, at the behest of USAID, 10 organizations captured results and lessons learned from projects that used value chain programming in conflict-affected environments. The goal of this paper is to extract larger lessons that emerge from these implementing organizations and the programs they...
Cash grants aid recovery in the Bahamas after Tropical Storm Noel
Case Study
This case study of the first ever Bahamas Red Cross unconditional cash grant programme looks at the decision-making process behind the programme, and planning and implementation stages. Support from the American Red Cross is highlighted, lessons learnt are identified and a personal story is provided.
Dowa emergency cash transfer, Malawi
Case Study
This case study looks at the innovative Concern Worldwide project which provided monthly cash transfers to beneficiary households using smartcards utilising mobile ATMs to deliver the cash. The report examines the choice of programme delivery mechanism, the targeting of beneficiaries, coordination, cost...
Evaluation of The Cash Component of the Oxfam Zambia Flood Response 2007
Oxfam Zambia responded to the flooding in Western Province by providing unconditional cash grants to 2100 households over a four month period (May – August 2007) in two wards of Mongu District Ushaa and Lumbo. The grant was designed to prevent malnutrition and harmful levels of asset depletion and...
Is cash a feasible alternative to food aid for post-drought relief in Lesotho
Case Study
This report summarises the findings from a study undertaken to assess whether or not a cash based response by World Vision to the current drought in Lesotho would be an appropriate and feasible response. It looks at the potential problems which could affect the feasibility of cash interventions and...
Cash transfers in Sierra Leone: Appropriate, affordable and feasible?
Case Study
This paper is one of a series of outputs from ODI’s research study (2006–09) “Cash Transfers and their Role in Social Protection”. The study aims to compare cash with other forms of transfers, identifying where cash transfers may be preferable, the preconditions for cash transfers to work well,...
A Market Analysis and Decision Tree Tool for Response Analysis: Cash, Local Purchase and/or Imported Food Aid?
This document provides the Decision Tree Tool, which is to be used for the analysis of response options in a food insecurity context – cash, local purchase or imported food aid (see MIFRA paper). The framework is kept simple for ease of communication with a sequence of specific questions divided into 2...
Impact of Microfinance Programs on Children: An annotated survey of indicators
The purpose of this study is to ascertain what indicators have been used by multisectoral, child-focused non-governmental organizations (NGOs), microfinance practitioners and social performance researchers to assess processes that address children’s concerns in operations and the impact of microfinance...