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Introduction to Cash Based Interventions (CBIs)

29 abril 2024 — Por Eliza Avgeropoulou, Victoria Manya

The Monitoring and Evaluation webinar series “Cash Based Interventions and information management” is a series of two live sessions addressed to M&E professionals who wish to get introduced to CBI programming and information systems and see practical examples of information management systems for CBI and it is hosted by ActivityInfo. The first session is an introduction to CBI programming and the second session will welcome panelists from the AVSI Foundation and Danish Refugee Council who will present the way they have built their information systems for CBI in ActivityInfo.

About this session
The first session of the series is addressed to beginner/intermediate level M&E professionals who wish to get introduced to the topic of Cash Based Interventions (CBI) before diving into more details and practical examples of CBI information systems.

In summary, we explore:

– Introduction to implementation modalities
– Monitoring and Evaluation for Cash Based Interventions
– Tracking Cash Based Interventions using ActivityInfo