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Executive Summary of the Resourcing Families for Better Nutrition (RF4BN) Endline in South Sudan

August 2022 — Por Lisa Zook, Billi Shaner, Cameron Ryall

From August 2021 to April 2022, Save the Children South Sudan implemented the RF4BN project to support families of severely and moderately malnourished children under-five years and moderately malnourished pregnant and lactating women (PLWs) in Lafon, Torit, and Magwi. The project aimed to improve the access to a diverse and nutrition diet among the target households through cash assistance, nutrition, and WASH interventions. The results presented here are from a before- and after- study of programme participants. A household survey was carried out among 479 households at baseline and 394 households at endline to assess the effectiveness of the aid that was distributed in achieving the outcomes of interest. The endline survey commenced in Magwi and Torit within 28 days of the final cash distribution. There was an effort at endline to re-assess the households that were assessed at baseline but unfortunately it was not possible to track households over the life of the programme and therefore the analysis treated the sample as a pre- and post- assessment with a random sample of participants at both baseline and endline.