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  1. Inicio

PTM y COVID-19: recursos, directrices, eventos y preguntas

Esperamos que se encuentren bien en estos momentos de incertidumbre. Según sigue avanzando la pandemia del COVID-19 en todo el planeta, las comunidades de todo el mundo se verán afectadas de una manera u otra, ya sea directamente por el virus, o por sus consecuencias económicas o de otra índole.

A lo largo de la red de la CALP Network se ha debatido mucho sobre las implicaciones de la pandemia en los programas de transferencias monetarias (PTM) y en el trabajo de los miembros de la CALP.

Directrices y recursos


Últimos recursos

Protocol for the Prevention and Control of Infections in the Context of the COVID19 Pandemic

Guidelines and Tools

28 mayo 2020

Cash Assistance and COVID-19, Emerging Field Practices II

Guidelines and Tools

This document is a follow up to the UNHCR Cash Assistance and COVID – 19 Emerging Field Practices and presents additional snapshots from the many innovative field practices on cash assistance in light of COVID-19. More than 65 UNHCR operations have now launched new cash initiatives and/or expanded...

28 mayo 2020

Increasing Links Between Humanitarian Cash and Social Protection for an Effective Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic

Guidelines and Tools

The 4-pager on ‘INCREASING LINKS BETWEEN HUMANITARIAN CASH AND SOCIAL PROTECTION FOR AN EFFECTIVE RESPONSE TO THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC’ was developed and signed by a collective of UN agencies, INGOs, RCRC Movement and donors.  It builds on the GB sub-group 1 pager, and makes recommendations to...

26 mayo 2020

La Importancia de Cumplir con los Compromisos del Gran Acuerdo para un Enfoque Significativo de Género en Respuestas con la Programación de Transferencias Monetarias a la Pandemia del Covid-19

Guía y herramientas

En el 2016, los líderes mundiales, las agencias de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) y las agencias humanitarias se unieron para mejorar la eficiencia y la eficacia de la acción humanitaria, lo que resultó en 51 compromisos conocidos como el Gran Acuerdo. La pandemia mundial del COVID-19 ya ha puesto de...

26 mayo 2020

CVA response – COVID-19, privacy, carrots and open banking

Blog Post

Since the onset of COVID-19 pandemic, there has been heightened interest in the use of technology for humanitarian assistance provision, both to help fight the spread of the pandemic through a plethora of tracing apps, and to help reach people who have been worst hit economically with remote registration...

26 mayo 2020

Linking Social Protection and humanitarian cash and voucher assistance (CVA) – what do we really know and where to start? Findings from the CALP Network commissioned high level briefing paper at the time of COVID-19


21 mayo 2020 13:00 / English

Donor Cash Forum: Humanitarian Cash Transfers in the Response to COVID-19


Humanitarian cash transfers have a critical, complementary role to play in the response to COVID-19, supporting continuity and safety in the delivery of humanitarian assistance. The most vulnerable will likely be hardest hit by the economic consequences of the pandemic and cash can help meet basic needs...

19 mayo 2020

Readiness Checklist for Cash Working Groups in light of COVID-19 Response – Version 2

Guidelines and Tools

This checklist is designed to assist CWGs adjust their plans and prepare to play an enhanced role in coordination of CVA in the context of increasing (and in some cases unprecedented) needs and limitations of COVID-19. Responses should, as ever, be context specific. We suggest that CWGs consider the...

19 mayo 2020

COVID-19, sanctions, counterterrorist financing and CVA

Blog Post

Are anti-money laundering, counter-terrorist financing or know your customer requirements hampering your ability to reach vulnerable communities during the COVID-19 pandemic? This is what we know so far. Do you have examples which can be used to influence policy? The COVID-19 pandemic has brought with it...

18 mayo 2020

Unity Card


In response to NCOVID, we have launched UNITY CARD,
which gives immediate technical support to the deployment of cash aid via this special card payments

18 mayo 2020

El vínculo entre la protección social y los programas de transferencias monetarias en la acción humanitaria

Blog Post

La importancia de la protección social para ayudar a las personas a hacer frente a las crisis nunca había sido tan evidente como en la crisis actual de COVID-19. Estas cuestiones se están materializando en tiempo real mientras los Gobiernos, donantes y organizaciones de ayuda se afanan por encontrar el...

15 mayo 2020

CWG SS Tipsheet: Protection from COVID-19 during cash distribution (PPE)

Guidelines and Tools

This document is created by Cash Working Group (CWG) South Sudan to provide guidance/key messages to partners, sectors, inter-sector working group, FSP, communities and beneficiaries on key safety measures in the context of COVID-19. The document compiles recommendations from different sources including,...

14 mayo 2020

Humanitarian Impacts of COVID-19 in West and Central Africa


Produced by the Regional Inter Sector Coordination Group for Humanitarian Affairs in West and Central Africa (R-ISCG), this document summarizes the main impacts of COVID-19 on the population of the region and on ongoing humanitarian operations. The R-ISCG also wishes to put forward some key...

12 mayo 2020

Revisión del Plan de Respuesta para Refugiados y Migrantes de Venezuela y la respuesta ante la crisis del COVID-19, 2020 Foco operacional


El documento que sintetiza el proceso de consulta que llevamos a cabo para contar con sus opiniones en el proceso de Revisión del Plan de Respuesta de Refugiados y Migrantes ante la COVID-19. “La Respuesta bajo el Plan de Respuesta de Refugiados y Migrantes de Venezuela responderá simultáneamente a...

8 mayo 2020

The $90Bn Question: Can we reach 700 million people in response to COVID-19?

Blog Post

As COVID-19 impacts on the health, livelihoods and wellbeing of people around the world, governments and societies are faced with impossible choices. The impacts on the world’s most vulnerable are starting to bite, with an estimated 130 million additional people facing acute food insecurity by the end...

5 mayo 2020

We Turn Mobile Sim Cards Into Bank Accounts for the Emerging World


Fonbnk LLC (“Fonbnk” or the “Company”) is new distributed finance company, providing borderless banking infrastructure directly to unbanked people around the world using the mobile internet. Anyone with a prepaid mobile SIM card and a verified online identity can now have a global stored value...

5 mayo 2020

3 Cosas que Saber Sobre… Programas Integrados de Transferencias Monetarias y de Protección de la Infancia Durante la Crisis Covid-19

Guía y herramientas

Esta hoja de consejo interactiva de 4 páginas tiene como objetivo resumir porqué, qué tipo y cómo integrar las transferencias de efectivo y la protección infantil durante COVID-19. Se centra en aspectos claves relacionados con el diseño y la implementación de programas integrados y proporciona...

4 mayo 2020

COVID-19: A chance to empower citizens through social protection


Billions of US$ are now being distributed to citizens by governments to stave off deteriorating economic impact and rising poverty from COVID-19. The unprecedented pandemic demands an unprecedented government response. More than 126 countries have already introduced or adapted social protection or labour...

1 mayo 2020

SPACE Guidance Note on Rapid Expansion of Social Protection Caseloads

Guidelines and Tools

Countries across the globe are using or adapting social protection and humanitarian cash assistance to respond to a range of immediate and medium-term impacts of COVID-19. Getting assistance to those who need it quickly is helping to safeguard the well-being of individuals and families – enabling them...

1 mayo 2020