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PTM y COVID-19: recursos, directrices, eventos y preguntas

Esperamos que se encuentren bien en estos momentos de incertidumbre. Según sigue avanzando la pandemia del COVID-19 en todo el planeta, las comunidades de todo el mundo se verán afectadas de una manera u otra, ya sea directamente por el virus, o por sus consecuencias económicas o de otra índole.

A lo largo de la red de la CALP Network se ha debatido mucho sobre las implicaciones de la pandemia en los programas de transferencias monetarias (PTM) y en el trabajo de los miembros de la CALP.

Directrices y recursos


Últimos recursos

SPACE Guidance for Framing Case Studies on Social Protection Responses to COVID-19

Guidelines and Tools

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the important role of social protection approaches in response to large covariate shocks. There is a lot to be learned from countries’ collective experience, including documenting what has happened to date and what this implies for the future. Even before more...

19 octubre 2020

SPACE Linking Humanitarian & Social Protection Information Systems in the COVID-19 Response And Beyond

Guidelines and Tools

This note provides a background briefing and five key questions for humanitarian programme staff to consider when making decisions regarding the use of their Information Systems in COVID-19 responses, and beyond. It focuses in particular on contexts of transition from humanitarian to longer-term,...

19 octubre 2020

Understanding the Impacts of COVID-19 in Nigeria Using The Household Economy Analysis Framework


Analysis of impact of COVID-19 on household food and income sources.

1 octubre 2020

Understanding the Impacts of COVID-19 in Mauritania Using the Household Economy Analysis Framework


Analysis of Impacts of COVID-19 on household income and food security.

1 octubre 2020

SPACE Identifying Practical Options for Linking Humanitarian Assistance and Social Protection in the COVID-19 Response

Guidelines and Tools

This short note examines the relationship between the humanitarian assistance sector and the routine social protection sector in response to COVID-19. Whilst a variety of guidance is being developed to support humanitarian practitioners around the response to the pandemic, less material exists that guides...

30 septiembre 2020

SPACE Preparing for Future Shocks: Priority Actions for Social Protection Practitioners in the Wake of COVID-19

Guidelines and Tools

The purpose of this brief is to help social protection actors think through potential options/strategies to strengthen the preparedness of social protection systems to respond to future shocks. The responses to COVID-19 have highlighted the stark limitations of many social protection systems, particularly...

30 septiembre 2020

SPACE Social protection for older people during COVID-19 and beyond

Guidelines and Tools

This document provides information and guidance on social protection and older people, with a focus on pensions to cushion the economic impacts of COVID-19. It is intended as an advisory for people involved in planning and delivering social protection support for older people across a range of contexts....

30 septiembre 2020

SPACE Enfoques para la Protección Social en el contexto de COVID-19: Centro de asesoramiento

Guía y herramientas

Espacio de apoyo para la planificación, los países de todo el mundo están utilizando o adaptando sistemas y programas de protección social, incluidas las políticas del mercado laboral y los planes del sistema de seguridad social, así como la asistencia monetaria en el campo humanitario, para...

30 septiembre 2020

SPACE Strengthening Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) During the Implementation of Social Protection Responses to COVID-19

Guidelines and Tools

The aim of this document is to highlight the key gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) considerations to be considered in the implementation of social protection, with a specific focus on cash transfers, in response to COVID-19. It provides guidance on how to ensure that the delivery of programmes...

30 septiembre 2020

SPACE Useful COVID-19 and Social Protection Materials

Guidelines and Tools

This is a living document tracking relevant COVID-19 and Social Protection Materials.

30 septiembre 2020

SPACE Social Protection and Humanitarian Cash and Food Responses to COVID-19: Needs, Coverage, and Gaps

Guidelines and Tools

The direct economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and associated lockdowns are leading more people into poverty and hunger. Estimates to date on the impact of COVID-19 on poverty and food security are an important first step towards understanding the potential scale of need. However, they are mainly...

30 septiembre 2020

Haiti Country Mapping: Large-Scale Cash Transfers for COVID-19


As COVID-19 impacts on health, livelihoods, and well-being of all people around the world, the UN Under Secretary General – Emergency Relief Coordinator called on international community for a recovery package of USD90 Bn necessary to support 700 million extremely vulnerable people around the world. In...

30 septiembre 2020

SPACE The Potential Role of Economic Inclusion Programmes to Respond to Those Affected by COVID-19

Guidelines and Tools

COVID-19 is accentuating the risks facing an increasing number of poor and vulnerable individuals and households in a myriad of ways. As the effects of the crisis evolve, many actors are considering whether and how to complement social assistance measures with additional inputs, components and linkages...

30 septiembre 2020

SPACE Social Protection in the COVID-19 Recovery: Opportunities and Challenges

Guidelines and Tools

This paper analyses the potential contribution of social protection in supporting poor and vulnerable populations over the medium term – defined loosely as the period from the present until end 2022. The decade prior to COVID-19 witnessed an increasing global focus on social protection, a phenomenon...

30 septiembre 2020

SPACE Programming Options: ‘Cash Plus’ Approaches in the Response to COVID-19

Guidelines and Tools

It is important to consider interventions that go beyond transferring cash or vouchers and to consider a range of complementary interventions that can be implemented alongside cash transfers. This not only provides the opportunity to maximise the benefits of the cash itself but enables a more...

30 septiembre 2020

SPACE Value for Money of Social Protection and Humanitarian Cash Transfers in the Context of COVID-19

Guidelines and Tools

Social protection and humanitarian cash responses to the COVID-19 pandemic have emerged globally within the last few months, with more responses to come as the early phases of lockdowns have in many places been replaced with the beginnings of L-shaped recessions and on-going extreme economic hardship for...

30 septiembre 2020

Protección social reactiva frente a emergencias en América Latina y el Caribe


La República Dominicana ha sido uno de los países de la región que más ha invertido en la preparación de su sistema de protección social para la respuesta a emergencias. A su vez, dicho sistema ha sido un elemento fundamental de la respuesta del gobierno a la crisis ocasionada por la pandemia...

22 septiembre 2020