1 – 20 of 44 resultados
Reflexiones del Foro sobre protección social en contextos de fragilidad y conflicto
Principales conclusiones del Foro Mundial sobre Protección Social celebrado en octubre en Roma, en el que se analizó cómo la protección social puede ser una herramienta vital para hacer frente a las crisis agudas y los conflictos prolongados.
CALP da la bienvenida al nuevo Coordinador de Ayuda de Emergencia, Tom Fletcher
La Directora y los Copresidentes de la CALP Network han dirigido una carta de bienvenida a Tom Fletcher al asumir su nuevo cargo como Secretario General Adjunto de Asuntos Humanitarios y Coordinador de Ayuda en Emergencia en la OCHA. La carta completa puede consultarse a continuación.
Episode 3.6: Scaling-up the use of CVA
This episode is different from others in the series. Here, we explore the journey of one organisation that embraced cash from its outset, eliminating the need to transition from other aid modalities. Did this cash-centric approach pave the way for smooth scaling-up, or were there challenges along the way?...
Episode 3.5: Risk: it’s inevitable – so what do we do about it?
Risk is an inherent aspect of life – even inaction carries its own risks. The crucial question is how we manage risk. Given the critical importance of risk management in humanitarian response, many question why there is so much focus on risk when it comes to discussions about cash. Are real and...
Episode 3.4: Money Matters! Funding for CVA
In this episode we examine the relationship between funding, change, and the expansion of CVA in the humanitarian sector. Guests discuss the role of funding at different stages, from the very beginning through to scale-up.
Episode 3.3: How to turn an idea into reality? 3 Ps: Policies, processes, and partnerships
Turning an idea into reality first requires a clear vision and commitment. In this episode, our guests discuss the process of translating this vision into concrete actions, and ultimately, scaling up the use of cash within an organization. Three key themes emerge: policies, processes, and partnerships.
Episode 3.2: How do we make change happen?
In this episode, we explore the initial steps towards making change happen. Is there a moment of sudden realisation? Does it take a bold commitment from leadership? Or is it driven by other factors? Once change is initiated, what happens next and how do you keep the momentum going?
CashCast Podcast Series 3: Making Change Happen
Join us for series three of CashCast. Together, we’ll dive into how change unfolds in the humanitarian sphere, with a particular focus on cash and voucher assistance.
Dar pasos intencionados con la IA en CALP
Autores: Juliana Asprilla, Karen Peachey, Rory Crew
Videos explicativos: ¡aprendamos juntos sobre PTM!
A través de estos videos breves, especialistas de programas de transferencias monetarias de la región nos comparten sus experiencias y lecciones aprendidas sobre comunicación con comunidades; esfuerzos de coordinación para emergencias rápidas utilizando PTM; la mitigación de riesgos de la violencia...
Can Cash Change the Humanitarian System?
In this episode we reflect on how far cash has changed the humanitarian system. We question whether it has lived up to early expectations or whether the system is using cash without fundamentally changing. What's needed to make the humanitarian system better at responding to needs and preferences of...
Cash – How Can We Unlock its Real Potential?
In receny years, cash has been changing the humanitarian system, but how have these shifts truly impacted the people affected by crisis? And what changes need to happen if cash is going to reach its full potential? In this episode, we embark on an eye-opening journey with our dynamic duo of guests, Meg...
Is Cash the Key to More People Centred Aid?
In this episode we ask what people-centered aid looks like in practice, particularly when we think about cash and voucher assistance? With our three guests, we explore if people centred aid is different or is just a new buzz-phrase. Most importantly we explore the role cash could play in achieving more...
Can Cash Make the Humanitarian System More Accountable?
In this episode we explore accountability issues within the humanitarian system, their root causes and potential solutions. We ask if cash and voucher assistance has a part to play in improving accountability, and what that could look like.
Is Large-scale Cash Compatible with Locally Led Response?
In this episode, we challenge the idea that locally led response and large-scale CVA are incompatible. We explore the myths around local actors and the barriers to further progress.
Will New Technologies Help Deliver More and Better Cash?
Technology brings new opportunities, risks, and dilemmas for the humanitarian system. In this episode, we explore these issues, and question whether the combination of technology and cash could bring transformative change and finally make aid more people-centered.
What is stopping cash from transforming humanitarian aid?
Over six episodes, Series 2 of CashCast explores what’s holding humanitarian cash assistance back from reaching its full potential: Where has change flourished or faltered? And what can we do about it? Together, with our seven fascinating guests, we delve into issues around CVA transformative change,...
La asistencia humanitaria con programas de transferencias monetarias se encuentra en una encrucijada, advierte un nuevo informe
Liberar el potencial de la asistencia con programas de transferencias monetarias (PTM) para satisfacer las necesidades humanitarias de las personas requerirá un mayor esfuerzo y cambio.
Humanitarian cash assistance at a crossroads, warns new report
Press release: The State of the World's Cash 2023
¿Qué significa el Gran Pacto 3.0 para los programas de transferencias monetarias?
Un resumen de los últimos desarrollos en el Gran Pacto, y lo que significan para los programas de transferencias monetarias.