Discussion regarding the US freeze on humanitarian funding
The agenda will focus on the following:
1. Context Update
2. Impact of the freeze your organizations and your CVA programming including sectoral CVA
3. What is CALP doing?
4. What are local organizations doing? – NEAR network to discuss what they are doing
5. Questions and open discussions
The invitation is open to local/national organizations in the Middle East and North...
Comunidad de práctica Programas de Transferencias Monetarias en las Américas
Evento miembro
La comunidad de practica busca promover un espacio sobre PTM basado en el intercambio de aprendizajes, innovación y buenas prácticas para fortalecer la coordinación y el flujo de información, desde las diferentes realidades locales, nacionales y regionales de los diferentes actores interesados en las Américas.
El objetivo general de la comunidad...
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101 – 120 of 338 resultados
Aprendizaje Regional en América Latina y el Caribe: Sistema de protección social a la hora de responder a una crisis humanitaria con PTM
Evento miembro
Con el fin de continuar fortaleciendo el diálogo entre actores humanitarios y de protección social, el Grupo RED LAC en colaboración con el Grupo de Transferencias Monetarias – R4V y apoyo con la CALP Network, CashCap/Norcap, IFRC, Save the Children, OCHA, UNICEF, y World Food Programme, están...
Remote targeting approaches: global lessons and applications in West and Central Africa
The Sahel region is one of the most vulnerable regions in the world, due to a combination of chronic underdevelopment, high demographic growth, high exposure to natural hazards, expanding conflicts, and climatic shocks, as well as chronic food insecurity and malnutrition. Challenging geographies,...
Eastern Africa Regional Cash Working Group Meeting
This is a Save the Date for the next East Africa Regional Cash Working Group meeting that will take place on Thursday 13 July 2023, from 2.30pm (EAT) online. The agenda will primarily focus on adapting CVA in the context of high inflation work. If you have any questions, please contact:...
Webinar: Digital Accountability in Cash and Voucher Assistance
Members event
New tech, old problems — can digital accountability in cash and voucher assistance help us get the basics right?
Calculating transfer values in West and Central Africa: With learnings from Cameroon and Niger
You are invited to join us for a webinar exploring how we can better determine and use transfer value calculations in the region. We will share learnings from experiences in Cameroon and Niger.
Regional Cash Working Group – WCAF
This is a Save the Date for the next Regional Cash Working Group meeting that will take place on Wednesday 5 July 2023, from 9am to 11am (GMT) face to face and online. (register here) The meeting will have simultaneous interpretation in English and French. The draft agenda for this meeting will...
Reunión de alto nivel: la necesidad de una política humanitaria actualizada
Esta reunión inicia un proceso colectivo para renovar nuestros compromisos políticos relacionados con PTM que procuran asegurar una mejor asistencia a las poblaciones afectadas por las crisis a nivel global.
USA & Canada Cash Working Group Meeting
CALP will host a meeting with members of the US & Canada Cash Working Group on Wednesday June 7th, 2023, from 14:00 to 15:30 (EST). The event will be hybrid (face to face and online) and held in English. The overall objective of meeting is to create a space for exchange for CVA actors working in the USA...
MERS Standards: Easy Principles for Better Market Based Programming
Members event
جلسة أونلاين – معايير MERS، المعايير الدنيا للانتعاش الاقتصادي: مبادئ سهلة لبرمجة أفضل قائمة على السوق سيتم إجراء هذه الجلسة أونلاين باللغة الإنجليزية مع توفير ترجمة...
CALP Network Board Meeting
Members event
The Board provides strategic leadership and operational oversight of CALP. The CALP Board is comprised of between 7 and 13 voting members, who are drawn from CALP member organisations or are independent members of the CALP Network. The Board operates on the basis of the Operational Framework and Code of...
Global Education Cluster Cash Task Team webinar launching online training module on CVA for education in emergencies
Members event
The Global Education Cluster Cash Task Team is pleased to invite you to a webinar launching the first ever Cash and Voucher Assistance in Education in Emergencies online training, developed in partnership with Save the Children as part of the INEE-endorsed Education in Emergencies online pathway. This...
Global Cash Working Group Meeting
Members event
The Global Cash Working Group will meet to hear the initial findings and provide feedback on research, supported by the Cash Advisory Group, to understand what constitutes quality cash coordination.
Formación de formadores (TOT): Fundamentos de PTM para el personal de programas
Contexto La CALP Network continúa construyendo una cohorte de formadores certificados de CALP. Este curso de formación para formadores (TOT por sus siglas en inglés) apoyará los esfuerzos de CALP para aumentar el número de formadores hispanohablantes en la región de las Américas. Candidates...
Impact Evaluation of Humanitarian Cash Transfers – Recent evidence from Colombia
Members event
The Cash for Urban Assistance (CUA) Consortium, led by Action Against Hunger in association with the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) and the Danish Refugee Council (DRC), is pleased to invite you to the virtual international launch of the impact evaluation results of the ADN DIGNIDAD program. The...
East and Southern Africa CWG Leads and Co-leads workshop
Members event
CALP Network convenes annually the East and Southern Africa CWG leads and co-leads workshop with the main purpose of encouraging peer-to-peer learning among CWG leads and Co-leads to improve cash coordination. This year the workshop is scheduled to be face to face and will be held in Nairobi- Kenya on...
Interoperability in Humanitarian Cash Assistance – Landscape mapping findings and recommendations
Members event
As organizations try to respond with and scale up humanitarian cash assistance the topics of data sharing, systems interoperability, and data portability among affected communities and actors including aid organizations, governments, and financial service providers become important. On September 2022, the...
Regional Cash Working Group – WCAF
This is a Save the Date for the next Regional Cash Working Group meeting that will take place on Tuesday 9 May 2023, from 9am to 11am (GMT) face to face and online. The meeting will have simultaneous interpretation in English and French. The draft agenda for this meeting will be: National CWGs...
CVA and Climate Change
Members event
The Iraq Cash Forum is organizing a webinar under the title “Cash and Voucher Assistance and Climate Change”. The aim of this webinar is to learn how CVA is used to prepare and to respond to climate change effects. This learning opportunity is the starting point to trigger the discussion within the...
CAG External Briefing
Members event
*The meeting will primarily be in English. Simultaneous interpretation will be available in Arabic, French and Spanish. The global Cash Advisory Group (CAG) is pleased to invite you to an external briefing on Tuesday 2nd May at 1pm (CET). The Global CAG was formed in June 2022 following the endorsement...
Taller de especialización virtual | Programas de transferencias monetarias y movilidad humana
Evento miembro
Introducción El número de personas desplazadas debido a conflictos, violencia o desastres ha alcanzado un récord de más de 103 millones de personas, según ACNUR. Los programas de transferencias monetarias (PTM) se han destacado como una forma eficaz de proporcionar ayuda humanitaria, pero a pesar del...