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Webinar recording

Information Systems for CBIs – Insights from the AVSI Foundation and Danish Refugee Council

29 abril 2024


The Monitoring and Evaluation webinar series “Cash Based Interventions and information management” is a series of two live sessions addressed to M&E professionals who wish to get introduced to CBI programming and information systems and see practical examples of information management systems for CBI and it is hosted by ActivityInfo. The first session is an introduction to CBI programming and the second session will welcome panelists from the AVSI Foundation and Danish Refugee Council who will present the way they have built their information systems for CBI in ActivityInfo.

About this session

The second session of the series is addressed to M&E professionals who wish to dive into more details and practical examples of CBI information systems. We are happy to welcome panelists from the Lebanon country office of AVSI Foundation and the Yemen country office of Danish Refugee Council who share their work and insights on building CBI information management systems and implementing them using the ActivityInfo platform.

In summary, each organization talks about:

– Types of CBI programs run in the organization
– Challenges met and addressed
– Managing data with Information system
– Lessons learned and best practices

Watch the webinar.