África Occidental y Central
181 – 200 of 3452 resultados
Cash & Voucher Assistance (CVA) for Health Outcomes: a case study in Peru
Case Study
This case study is drawn from Save the Children CVA operations in Peru between 2021 and 2023, focusing on the achievement of health outcomes for vulnerable Venezuelan migrants.
Following an overview of the contexts and of the needs, it deep dives into the technical design of the integrated program,...
Empowering Communities: Delivering rental assistance to conflict-affected households in Ukraine
Case Study
On February 24, 2022, Russia launched a military invasion of Ukraine. The active conflict continues two years on, with 3.67 million Ukrainians displaced internally and 5.97 million Ukrainians displaced across Europe. Given continued shelling, extensive damage to over 1.4 million homes, an estimated $10.5...
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2024 ICVA Annual Conference Session 1 – Summary report
Session One explored the importance of trust between NGOs to develop and agree approaches to humanitarian dilemmas and upholding the humanitarian principles, and how these very approaches can build or erode trust. The session used survey software to engage the audience on a variety of questions with 157...
Social Protection as a Pathway to Sustaining Peace
Policy paper
Global crises are becoming the new normal. From climate change to the contemporary food price crisis, vulnerable populations – and especially rural people – are facing increasingly difficult odds of flourishing. Such challenges are even more pronounced where there is conflict, whose multidimensional...
Americas Regional Cash Working Group
This is a Save the Date for the next Regional Cash Working Group meeting that will take place on Thursday, March 7th 2024, from 9 am to 11 am (Panamá local time) via online. The meeting will be conducted in Spanish with no translation: CALP strategy for 2024 (15 minutes) Presentation on the research...
Rapid Reflection on Cash Coordination for the Ukraine Response in Poland, Ukraine, Romania & Moldova
These rapid reflection pieces look at how cash coordination structures supported the Ukraine crisis in Poland, Ukraine, Romania & Moldova. Each country report look at implications and good practices implemented by each national cash working groups and key lessons learned. The summary report draw lessons...
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Digital CVA reading group – Discussion of Brookings Institution Global fund paper
This is an informal and private space for us to discuss two related papers:
- The call for a Global Fund for scaling digital cash transfers by Rory Stewart and Cina Lawson [Link - https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/2023-Room-1-Concept-Note.pdf]
- The paper referenced in this: Updating...
Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) for Children Associated with Armed Groups and Armed Forces (CAAFAG): Program Summary and Evidence-Building Infographic: A case study from Save the Children in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)
Case Study
This infographic gathers key programmatic data from Save the Children CVA operations in the DRC (South Kivu) between October 2022 and October 2023, which aimed to assess and highlight the impact that CVA has on child protection outcomes, with a specific focus on children associated with armed...
Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) for Children Associated with Armed Groups and Armed Forces (CAAFAG): A case study from Save the Children in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)
Case Study
This case study is drawn from Save the Children CVA operations in the DRC (South Kivu) in 2022 and 2023, focusing on children associated with armed groups/forces (CAAFAG).
Following an overview of the context, it deep dives into the technical design of the CVA response and continues with a presentation...
Leveraging Cash Assistance in GBV Case Management as a Tool in Moldova’s Ukrainian Refugee Response
Case Study
In 2023, as part of the Ukrainian refugee response in Moldova, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) conducted a pilot to integrate cash assistance into gender-based violence (GBV) case management. Targeting GBV survivors and those at risk, including Ukrainian refugees and vulnerable Moldovans, the...
Minutes and presentations from the WCAF regional CWG
Meeting minutes
Minutes and presentations from the WCAF regional CWG – 6 March 2024 Watch the recording here or on YouTube:
MENA Membership Engagement Event
Online- March 6th, 2024, 11:00-13:30 Amman time
Regional Cash Working Group – WCAF
This is a Save the Date for the next Regional Cash Working Group meeting that will take place on Wednesday March 06TH, 2024 from 9am to 11am (GMT) face to face and on line The meeting will have simultaneous interpretation in English and French. The agenda for this meeting will be: National CWGs round...
CALP Board Meeting
Members event
UNFPA Indicadores para la mitigación del riesgo de VBG en la asistencia en efectivo
Guía y herramientas
Esta guía ofrece indicadores indirectos para analizar el riesgo de VBG para las mujeres en relación con las intervenciones en efectivo. Los actores que trabajan en el ámbito de la asistencia en efectivo pueden adaptar estos indicadores indirectos, que se desarrollaron sobre la base de una...
UNFPA Estudio de caso: la mitigación del riesgo de VBG en la asistencia en efectivo en Iraq y Colombia
Case Study
En 2022-2023, el Fondo de Población de las Naciones Unidas (UNFPA) y el Instituto Mundial de la Mujer de la Universidad George Waimage-20240305162548-1shington llevaron a cabo una investigación operacional en Iraq y Colombia con el objetivo de desarrollar indicadores indirectos para mitigar el riesgo...
Does Cash-Plus Programming Work in Contexts of Protracted Crises?
Policy paper
Cash-plus programmes aim to strengthen food security and livelihoods by providing cash transfers alongside complementary support and services. In stable settings, these programmes can, to some extent, draw on established public services and administrative capacities. Yet, increasingly they are used in...
Main Outcomes of Cash Assistance: Findings from post-distribution monitoring, Bulgaria
Case Study
In 2023, UNHCR’s cash-based interventions in Bulgaria evolved to address the persistent challenges faced by vulnerable households, particularly those with disabilities, serious medical conditions, single parents with dependents and older people without family support. Transitioning from one-off...